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10 Cards in this Set

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How does the lymphatic system both help and hinder the spread of cancer through the body?
Lymph nodes help rid the body of cancer cells by immune mechanisms. Lymph vessels may also be used to spread cancer cells throughout the body if immunity is not effective against the cancer cells because a cancer cell that escapes lymphatic filtration will reach the bloodstream and be carried anywhere in the body
A physician orders Tylenol for a temperature greater than 101 degrees F. The patient's temperature is 100.4 F. Explain the rationale for not medicating a fever of 100.4 F.
A mild or moderate fever is an adaptive response that seems to benefit the body. Bacteria need large amounts of zinc and iron to multiply. During fever, the liver and spleen sequester these nutrients, making them less available, which helps to reduce the bacterial population.
Name the tonsils and state their body locations.
Palatine tonsils are located on either side at the posterior end of the oral cavity. The lingual tonsils lie at the base of the tongue. The pharyngeal tonsils are in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx
How do the lymphatic capillaries differ from blood capillaries?
Although similar to blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries differ structurally in the following ways: (1) The endothelial cells forming the walls of lymphatic capillaries are not tightly joined. Their edges loosely overlap one another, forming flaplike minivalves. (2) Bundles of fine filaments anchor the endothelial cells to surrounding structures so that any increase in interstitial fluid volume separates the cell flaps, exposing gaps in the wall rather than causing the lymphatic capillary to collapse
How does the structure of a lymph node allow lymphocytes and macrophages to perform their protective function?
Macrophages and lymphocytes are located in lymph nodes. Macrophages ingest microorganisms and cellular debris. Lymphocytes monitor the lymphatic stream for the presence of antigens and mount an immune response. Because there are fewer efferent vessels draining the node than afferent vessels that feed it, the flow of lymph through the node stagnates somewhat, allowing time for the lymphocytes and macrophages to work.
List the functions of the spleen.
The spleen's main functions are to remove aged or defective blood cells and platelets from the blood and to store or release some of the breakdown products of RBCs to the blood for processing by the liver. Other functions include acting as a blood filter and reservoir, serving as a site for erythrocyte production in developing embryos, storing blood platelets, and providing a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune
How does the lymphatic system both help and hinder the spread of cancer through the body?
Lymph nodes help rid the body of cancer cells by immune mechanisms. Lymph vessels may also be used to spread cancer cells throughout the body if immunity is not effective against the cancer cells because a cancer cell that escapes lymphatic filtration will reach the bloodstream and be carried anywhere in the body
A young girl requires a liver transplant due to failure of her liver to function. What is required for her to have a good prognosis and why?
The ABO and other blood group antigens of the donor and recipient must be determined. Next, donor and recipient tissues (MHC groups) are matched as closely as possible. Following surgery she must receive immunosuppressive therapy to keep her body from rejecting the new liver as foreign tissue.
A woman comes into the hospital emergency room complaining that she is having problems swallowing and her neck is swelling. She has a history of radiation treatment to her neck as a child for acne. What could be the problem?
The woman is suffering from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The radiation injured the thyroid gland and released thyroidglobulin into the bloodstream. The immune system has recently become sensitized and mounted an attack on the thyroid gland.
Describe the structural and functional relationship of the vessels of the vascular system and the lymphatic system.
Vessels of the vascular system are relatively high-pressure conduits compared to vessels of the lymphatic system. The same mechanisms that promote venous return in blood vessels act within lymphatic vessels. Because lymphatics are usually packaged together in connective tissue sheaths with blood vessels, the pulsating expansions of the nearby arteries also promote lymph flow.