The cardiovascular systems distributes oxygen rich blood from the lungs to all of the body's organs and tissues by its heart pump and many arteries and veins. Cells throughout absorb what oxygen and nutrients are needed and then dispose of any carbon dioxide and waste which then flow back to the heart's right chambers and on to the lungs to be exchanged for more oxygen. As you inhale, air passes through the nasal passages to the pharynx to the lung airways where it reaches tiny alveoli. Here is where gas exchange occurs. New oxygenated blood travels back from the lungs to the heart's left chambers and pumped back out …show more content…
Monocytes and Lymphocytes pass into lymph where they perform protective processes. For example, monocytes change into macrophages, destroy pathogens, and collect debris while the lymphocytes work more with the immune system. Lymph and lymph nodes filters fluid before it is returned back to the heart. The lymphocytes defend against potentially harmful microorganisms by acting to rid the body of any harmful agents before returning.
The immune systems works with all of the body systems to help maintain homeostasis starting with nonspecific defenses such as skin where that acts as a barrier to incoming pathogens. Antigens and pathogens that pass through that barrier are transported to the lymph nodes and the spleen where filtering and eradication occur where harmful antigens and pathogens are then tagged for destruction. The destruction is performed by immune cells such as phagocytes and