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138 Cards in this Set

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What does the difference in temperature between arteries and veins in the goose's legs indicate

Minimizing the temperature difference between the feet and the abdomen means the goose will loose less heat

Tissues are composed of cells, and tissues functioning together make up


Blood is best classified as a connective tissue because

its cells can be separated from each other by an extracellular matrix

An ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would an equally sized endotherm because

the ectotherm invests little energy in temperature regulation

Non-shivering thermogenesis is associated with

"all of these"

brown fat, no ATP production, hibernating species, and newborns/cold adapted small animals

Dr. Wigglesworth did not see molting in decapitated bloodsucking bugs if they were beheaded 1 hour after a blood meal. Why didn't those bugs molt

"none of the above"

Substance X is secreted by one cell, travels a short distance through interstitial fluid, and produces an effect in a cell immediately adjacent to the original secreting cell. What is substance X


A cell that contains proteins enabling a hormone to selectively bind to its cell membranes outer surface is a...

target cell

The hormone mentioned in the previous question must be


the hypothalamus control the anterior pituitary by menas of

releasing hormones

which of the following shows both endocrine and exocrine functions


blood samples taken from someone who has ben fasting (= not eating) for 24 hours would have

"both b and c"

low levels of insulin AND high levels of glucagon

which of the following hormones is secreted by the adrenal cortex in response to stress and promotes the synthesis of glucose from non carbohydrate substrates


which of the following is the most likely explanation for a goiter in a patient whose iodine level is normal

autoimmune stimulation of TSH receptors

Type II diabetes develops due to

down regulation of insulin receptors

most of the neurons in the human brain are


for a neuron with an initial membrane potential at - 70mv, an increase in the movement of potassium ions out of the neuron's cytoplasm would result in

hyper polarization of the neuron

action potentials move along axons

more rapidly in myelinated than in non myelinated

saltatory conduction is a term applied to

"none of the above"

the steps of signal transmission at a chemical synapse


iii. an action potential depolarizes the membrane of an axon terminal

ii. calcium ions rush into the neuron's cytoplasm

v. the synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft

i. neurotransmitter binds with receptors on postsynaptic membrane

iv. the chemically-gated ion channels open

the membranes permeability to Na ions is at its max at label..?

the membranes permeability to Na ions is at its max at label..


the min graded depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated Na channels is indicated by the label...?

the min graded depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated Na channels is indicated by the label...


neurotransmitters categorized as inhibitory are expected to

hyper polarize the membrane

the blood flows directly from a respiratory organ to body tissue in


damage to the sinoatrial node in humans

would disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions

average blood pressure is lowest in


OR (also accepted)


which of the following is correct for a blood pressure reading of 130/80 measured with a sphygmomanometer


which of the following would likely cause vasoconstriction of arterioles leading to the peripheral capillary beds

"both b and d"

acute stress and temperatures below the thermal neutral zone

air rushes in the lungs of humans during inhalation because

the rib muscles and diaphragm contract

which blood vessel has these characteristics: Outer layer of connective tissue, a thick layer of smooth muscle with elastic fibers, no valves


which of these chemicals associated with blood clotting are listed in the proper sequence of occurrence

prothrombin/fibrinogen, clotting factors, thrombin, fibrin

blood flowing into the heart from the pulmonary veins

enters left side, is oxygenated, will pass through the artioventricular valve next

countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize which of the following


why is the respiratory system of a bird more efficient than the human respiratory system

the bird respiratory system does not mix "used" air with fresh air

breathing is usually regulated by

CO2 and O2 concentration and pH level sensors

in an animal species known for endurance running rather than fast sprinting, which of the following would you expect

high storage of oxygen in myoglobin of its muscles

the majority of waste C produced by cellular respiration is transported in the circulatory system

as bicarbonate ions

sensors are an important part of any feedback system used to maintain homeostasis. The control of breathing rate depends primarily on sensors located on the brainstem where they monitor the ____ levels of the ____

CO2, cerebrospinal fluid

insects exchange gases with respired air

in trachea

In humans venous blood has 20mm Hg partial pressure of O2 after exercise. If the duck and goose experience similar oxygen use during exercise, how will the total amount of oxygen released to the tissues by hemoglobin in the duck compare to that in the bar-headed goose

equal amounts

the Q10 value tells us

the change in the rate of enzymatic action as temperature changes

which of the following is not true about both the lungfish and amphibian circulatory and respiratory systems

"none of the above"

for good cardiovascular health, total cholesterol levels in human blood should be ____ mg/dl, but ____ values could be twice as high as ______ values

below 200, LDL, HDL

OR (also accepted)

below 200, HDL, LDL

Localized auto regulation of blood pressure in response to metabolic waste accumulation is an example of

positive feedback

which of the following statements is correct

which of the following statements is correct

domestic duck Hb has less oxygen affinity that the Hb of the other bird species shown

Unlike the graph in your book, these birds never achieve complete saturation of their hemoglobin under theses experimental conditions. Which of the following is a reasonable explanation for this


they were tested in a low O2 atmosphere

if we assume that the Y-axis reflects the number of O2 molecules that are bonded to a single hemoglobin molecule, approximately how many more molecules of oxygen are bonded to the bar headed goose hemoglobin at 30 mmHg compared to the duck

if we assume that the Y-axis reflects the number of O2 molecules that are bonded to a single hemoglobin molecule, approximately how many more molecules of oxygen are bonded to the bar headed goose hemoglobin at 30 mmHg compared to the duck


in lecture you learned that llamas have a hemoglobin affinity for oxygen similar to that of the bar-headed goose because they face similar selective pressure sin their native habitats. What other species did you learn about in lectures whose foraging behavior would help explain why the emperor penguin has the hemoglobin saturation curve shown above, rather than one more similar to the duck

beaked whale

The majority of oxygen on earth is produced by


which of the following is a true statement about "protists"

The group contains monophyletic groups

An example of _____ tissue is ____

dermal; guard cells

****Which cell membrane proteins are used for generating root pressure

Cl- ion symporters

the function of the flower is to ____ and the function of the fruit is to ___

attract pollinators; enhance seed dispersal

Naegleria fowleri, the zombie protist, is a eukaryote that infects brain tissue. It has mitochondria that may have been acquired by secondary endosymbiosis. It must belong to...



Of the forces that drive water up a plant, which of them is the strongest


which of the following is true about the amount of biodiversity on earth

numbers of species are influences by physical changes in earth

a shared derived character is called a ____, and an example of _____ is convergent evolution

synapomorphy; homoplasy

for angiosperms, an advantage to spending the majority of their life cycle as a diploid sporophyte is that

most of their life they have 2 copies of their genes

One of the defining features of Domain Archaea is


the presence of a phospholipid monolayer

the features of eukaryotes that allowed them to diversify include

"A, B, and C only"

Multicellularity, acquisition of membrane bound organelles and evolution of sexual reproduction

to grow in length, plants use

apical meristem

****The megaspore mother cell is part of the multicellular ____ phase of the angiosperm life cycles and it produces ____ by meiosis

diploid; spores

*****If you were building a phylogeny with really old fossils and species that are currently still living, the type of date that you would be able to use for both is

morphological data

if a caterpillar were to bite into the leaf of a plant, the saliva of the caterpillar will do which of the following

simulate a signal tranduction pathway

Cecillia has been looking at a sample of pond water and sees a eukaryote with two flagella, one of which is hairy. which of the following clades does this eukaryote belong to


in a prokaryotic biofilm it is unlikely to find

a single solitary individual bacterium

biodiversity can be described using

"any of these"

genetic variation, species richness, community composition, or variation in ecosystems

Stomata first arose in which of the land plants


when conjugation occurs in protists, it serves what function

to generate genetic variation

in phloem loading, water will move into sieve tube elements via ____, but only after sucrose is ___ transported into the sieve tube element

osmosis; activley

Pollination occurs when ____ and fertilization occurs when ____

pollen touches the stigma; sperms fuses with an egg

***Flowereing plants originated in the ____ Era and diversified in the ____ era

Mesozoic; cenozoic

which of the following shows the correct order of the eras from most recent to oldest

Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian

In order for a flowering plant to undergo double fertilization

one sperm cell fertilizes the egg and another fertilizes the polar nuclei

which of the following lifestyles is not observed in Domain Bacteria

"all of these occur"

Chemoautotrophy, Photoautotrophy, chemoheterotrophy, and photoautotrophy

*** which of the following is an example of a mechanical defense plants use against herbivores


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

1 A T G G A

2 A T G A A

3 A C G A G

4 A C C A G

Which traits are informative

2, 3, 5

in the evolution of eukaryotes, endosymbiosis occurred

once for mitochondria and at least twice for chloroplasts

In order to regulate transpiration, plants open and close their stomata. In what order do the following processes occur to close the stomata


iv. a proton pump pumps inside the guard cell

iii. K+ ions move down the electrochemical gradient through an ion channel

ii. H+ and Cl- ions move out of the guard cell through a symport

vi. water moves out of the guard cell

The reason we cannot add viruses to a phylogeny of all living things is that viruses

lack cells and do not maintain their own internal environment

one of the differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms is that angiosperms have ____, but gymnosperms do not

"C and D"

Flowers and Fruit

which of the following statements is not true of gymnosperms

they are the sister group to non vascular plants

one of the reasons that atmospheric composition of oxygen has increase is

the evolution of photosynthetic living things

which of the following is not an application for which phylogenies can be used

pinpointing when species went extinct

gram-positive bacteria will always have

a thick peptidoglycan cell wall

****Which of the following is NOT an ecological role of protists

fixation of nitrogen

which of the following is NOT a way that land plants cope with the problem of water loss

lignin is xylem cells

an example of a double stranded DNA virus is

chicken pox

when seeds are exposed to water and begin germination, Gibberellins activate enzymes to break down the seed endosperm. In this example, Gibberellins are an example of

a plant hormone

which of the following occurred first, the origin of vascular plants or the Mesozoic Era

Vascular plants

which of the following is the advantage of having vascular tissue

"A and B"

to control transport of water, and to support against gravity

in plants, chloroplasts were likely descendants of ____ and mitochondria are descendants of ____

cyanobacteria; proteobacteria

which of the following data types CANNOT be used to build phylogenies

"all of these can be used"

shared morphological features in fossils, similar RNA sequences in viruses, similar DNA sequences in prokaryotes, and shared behavioral characteristics of animals

if saber-toothed cat fossils were found in sedimentary rock, evidence of an earlier origin of the cats would be found

in deeper sedimentary rock layers

when using phylogeny to define taxonomic groups, a taxonomists would name groups that are


the group within Domain Bacteria that has the most described species is


If an animal has a pseudocoelom, it must also

have three germ layers

The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is

the sun

mollusks with different body plans share which of the following features (even if modified)

"all of the above"

mantle, shell, radula, and foot

in general, "knock out experiments" like that performed to investigate pheromones and behavior in mice tell researchers

behavior is influenced by genes

***The sister group to animals is


The goal of conservation biology is to

maintain biodiversity while still allowing human interaction

species richness measure

total number of species in a community

Fish like bass are at a high risk of predation as eggs, but have less predation risk later in life. They probably have which survivorship curve

Type II

*** The animal clade with the most species is


The function of the echinoderm water vascular system is to

move the tube feet

which of the following is NOT an interaction that has a positive effect on one species, but a negative effect on a second species


Cecilia is doing a research project on eutrophication in the Gulf of Mexico. She observes an increase in density of algae in her study area. eutrophication directly influences which of the following

the nitrogen cycle

insects use ____ to transport oxygen

"A and B"

Trachea and Tracheoles, and Spiracles

Why do we describe energy as "flowing" through an ecosystem, but carbon as cycling through an ecosystem

energy is lost when transferred between organisms, but carbon is not lost from the ecosystem

a difference between the two clades of protostomes (Ecdysozoans and Lophotrochozoans) is that only

Ecdysozoans shed a cuticle

what is the evolutionary advantage of paired appendages

Different appendages can be specialized

fields of applied biology like Conservation and Animal behavior use which of the following to ask questions

"all or some of these"

which of the following statements about sponges is false

they lack specialized cells

the advantage of an amniotic egg is that it

has extraembyonic membranes that prevent the embryo from drying out

which of the following is an adaption that helped animals cope with living on land is correctly matched with its function

Vertebrate scales; preventing water loss

**** ____ is a characteristic of animals, and ____ is a synapomorphy

Heterotrophy and collagen

A common feature of all parasites is

the presence of extensive reproductive organs

which of the following is NOT true about deuterostomes

they have spiral cleavage

the most common type of dispersion of population is


which of the following is NOT an adaption used for feeding in animals

flagellated cells

A keystone species is

a species that has a disproportionately large effect on others in a community

if iron is essential to living things, which of the following is likely to occur when the iron is removed from one of its normal compartments

there will be effects on multiple biogeochemical cycles

population ecology measure features of

members of a species that interact

you have identified an animals that is pentaradially symmetrical, but has larvae that are bilaterally symmetrical. this animal could be any of these except

an acoelomate organism

digestion in fungo occurs by breaking down food

outside the body

Organ systems first evolved

after animals became diploblastic

***In a community, ____ are the group of decomposers that return CO2 to the atmosphere using their ____

fungi; hyphae

which of the following animals lacks an endoskeleton

jelly fish

****Cecilia identified an aquatic animal that was brightly colored and poisonous. The evolution of these features was likely a consequence of which field of ecology

community ecology

in a community, primary productivity decreases when ____ is reduced we expect to see a(n) ____ in community diversity

on primary producer biomass; decrease

HOX genes code for

transcription factors

If you eat a slice of a moldy loaf of bread that spends most of its lifecycle as asexual, you are eating


when a researcher measure physiological changes in behavior that arise from exposure to a hormone they are examining

proximate causes of behavior

Based on the graphs above, Chthalamus ______ the growth of Balanus and this is called ___

Based on the graphs above, Chthalamus ______ the growth of Balanus and this is called ___

is limited by; competitive exclusion

In graph B, Chthalamus reaches a limited density even when Balanus is not present. The limitation of population size likely illustrates

In graph B, Chthalamus reaches a limited density even when Balanus is not present. The limitation of population size likely illustrates

carrying capacity

for the x axis, "n" refers to normal levels of the variable and "e" refers to elevated levels of the variable. Even if the data is not significant, which of the following is suggested by the graph

for the x axis, "n" refers to normal levels of the variable and "e" refers to elevated levels of the variable. Even if the data is not significant, which of the following is suggested by the graph

Elevated CO2 levels increase microbial abundance in wet environments

which of the following best represents the population size changes in Tasmanian Devil populations

which of the following best represents the population size changes in Tasmanian Devil populations