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26 Cards in this Set

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Subculture theorists combined the works of

Mertons anomie and the Chicago school

The idea that groups of delinquents under the supervision of an adult counselor can assist each other to become more law abiding is known as

Guided group interaction

Cloward and online are known for_________ theory

Differential opportunity

Gangs which cause trouble equally for criminals and non criminals are known as the

Conflict subculture

All of the following are traits that Miller saw in the lives of lower class youth except

Status frustration particularly from negative experiences in school

Programs developed from the policy implications of subculture theory include all of the following except

The Tennessee Valley authority

The subculture of violence theory is a product of which theorists

Marvin Wolfgang and Franco ferracuti

Sykes and matzo argued with Cohen's idea of separate lower class values. Instead they argued that you only need

Focal concerns

Mill claimed that the lower ckass

Had its own unique culture with distinct lifestyles and values

According to cloward and online, the form a delinquent subculture takes depends on

The degree of integration in the community

According to yablonsky's definition of near groups, members are not as attached to the gang as the leader is


Cohen felt strongly that not all children sought social status


Cohen's concept of the middle-class measuring rod refers to a group of discipline used in the school system years ago


The great society policies if the Kennedy and Johnson administrations were, at least in part, a product of the cloward of online theory of differential opportunity


The southerness hypothesis attempts to explain the distribution of homicide rates


According to cloward and online, where communities are fully integrated and gangs participate in apprentice like relationships with adult organized crime, it is called a_______ subculture


The_______ hypothesis is an extension of the subculture of violence thesis that attempts to explain the distribution of homicide rates


Sykes and matza argued that fun seeking less conventional or_______ values exist in larger society


Claude Fischer explained that as the size of the city dictates, there will be an increase in the variety of_________ to generate violence


Some of the major criticisms of subculture theories have arisen based on information later generated by________ studies

Self-report studies

Incorporated the concept of the middle class measuring rod

Albert k cohen

Studied anthropology/social relations, worked on Boston delinquency project and youth gang survey

Walter miller

The degree of integration in an area determined legitimate and illegitimate opportunities

Cloward and ohlin

The last of major subculture theories developed in 1967 based on homicide data

Wolfgang and ferracutti

Psychotic types instigate formation of near groups

Lewis Yablonsky

Lower class only need rationalizations or neutralizations in order to be delinquent

Sykes and matza