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39 Cards in this Set

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Satir referred to her system as the?

Human Validation Process Model

What is the cornerstone of Satir's approach?

Self-esteem or self-worth

What is self-esteem?

the degree to which the individual values himself regardless of the opinions of others

Loving the self is a precondition for?

loving others

human essence has 8 aspects that all work together:

body, thoughts, feelings, sense, relationships, context, nutrition, and soul

The process and outcome of _______________ are critical to family life


We must be able to ___________ with others to survive


functional communication is _______, ________, and _________

clear, complete, and assertive

Congruent communication refers to communication in which...

verbal and nonverbal messages match

when individuals are stressed, they usually resort to...

one of four problematic patterns of communication - survival stances

what are the survival stances?

Placating, blaming, computing, and being irrelevant

What is a placator?

the yes person.. always searching for others' approval

What is a blamer?

the bossy dictator...

what is a computer?

analyzes everything and shows little feeling

what is being irrelevant?

the person seems to pay no attention to others or context

What is a triangle?

a triangle is any grouping of three family members

What is the primary triad?

the mother-father-child triangle

what relationship is the most important influence on an individual's life functioning?

the primary triad

Family rules should be...

doable, or "humanly possible"; flexible; age appropriate

Satir saw life as a journey, describing five basic life stages:

conception to birth; birth to puberty; puberty to adulthood; adulthood to senior status; senior status to death

What are the seven dimensions/processes that are essential to becoming fully human?

differentiation, relationships, autonomy, self-esteem, power, productivity, and loving

All human beings carry with them..

all the resources they need to flourish

Behavior is motivated by; and represents

good intentions; the best that the individual knows

Satir particularly emphasized the human need for


the healthy person is

open, honest with self and others, takes risks, and is creative

in the healthy family, communication is

open and congruent

in the healthy family, self-worth is...


in the healthy family, rules are...

flexible, humane, and can change if appropriate

however, no family is...


in dysfunctional families, communication is


in dysfunctional families, self-esteem is


a counselor practicing the Satir approach relies greatly on

her powers of observation to perform critical assessments of the family

interactions among family members can yield information about

covert and overt family rules

the use of the self of the therapist is considered _________ to this approach


one important goal of therapy is to

enhance the self-esteem of family members

satir emphasized the ____________ of therapy over its content


Satir was adept at devising ________ for the family


Satir often used _________ to intensify her connection with family members


family sculpting

having family members physically take positions that exemplify the family's interactions