Christopher Columbus was born before October 31, 1451. His name in Italian is had Cristoforo Colombo. He was a great Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. He was first person who discovers America. On August 3, 1492 Christopher Columbus was provided, from the queen of Spain, three ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Christopher Columbus sailed his three ships out of the Spanish harbor of Palos. His intention was to travel west in hope of reaching the Indies. He believes that Asia has a lot of spices and valuable riches such as gold and pearls. His initial destination was the Canary Islands. Unfortunately, there was not enough wind speed to help the ships continue to travel. Therefore, his expedition was halted until the 6th day of September. Christopher Columbus was very patient and clever explorer. During his westward travel, it took longer than everyone thought. His workers began angry and impatient. Christopher Columbus noticed his worker got angry, So he wrote two different of journals, first journal is showing the actual distance of the trips goes every day and the other one is showing the little distance. The primary journal is stored in secrets and the other one was prove to his workers and clam down their angry. However, this plan doesn’t work for long time, On October 10, his workers got more anxious and angry. They just want to quit and go home. Christopher Columbus gave his workers promise if they cannot find the land in next two days, they would go back to home. Fortunately, the next day they found the new land. On Christopher Columbus’s journal, It talk about Christopher Columbus got lost when he first time travel to America. …show more content…
But on Thursday October 11, the worker who was in the ship of Nina saw the signal of land. Everyone feels happy and breath fresh, the workers work hard want to move faster. The ship of Pinta was preferred to sail because it is stronger and faster than others, so the Christopher Columbus wants the Pinta goes first to looking for the land. The first person who seen the land was a sailor called Rodrigo de Triana, but Christopher Columbus wants to saw it by his eyes. He saw a signal but he cannot confirm that is the land so he asked Pero Gutierrez and Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia who work for the king and queen to look at it, but Ridrigo Sanchez of Segovia cannot see any signal because the place he stand. Christopher Columbus said he seen the signal twice, he asked the workers to stop the ships to waiting for sunrise. Friday, October 12. They found the small island call Lucayos and saw people who do not wear any clothes; also they saw the trees and different kind of fruits. Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia announced the statement said this island is belonging to king and queen now. In this website, they use text to telling to the readers about Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to American and some information on his journal. It does not have any sound recording, video or links, but there have three photos on the website, one piece of Christopher Columbus’s oil painting photo to show readers how Christopher Columbus looks like, and one photo of the map