The general health subscale of the SF-12 will be used in this study as the outcome and to assess the general health perception. General health subscale includes one item rated on a 5 point scale, poor to excellent. The response of this item will be transformed to a norm-based score (i.e. 0 to 100). Higher scores indicate a better health status and lower scores indicate a poorer health status [261]. The outcome will be assessed by one item, however, the literature supports validity and…
was a large amount of corruption. There were three powerful men that had control over the economy. These were, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan. Rockefeller is considered to be America’s first billionaire. He owned the Standard Oil Company and became the largest business. He employed different tactics to eliminate the competition by buying other companies, this was called horizontal integration. Carnegie focused on the production of steel. His…
. Which inferential statistics would you choose for the following sets of variables? Explain your answers (refer to Figure 17.5 on page 384 in Polit & Beck). A. Variable 1 represents the weights of 100 patients; variable 2 is the patients’ resting heart rate. a. The inferential statistics utilized in this analysis is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the nonparametric two-group study involves two measurable (paired scores) one being the patients weight and the other resting heart…
The style of the popular novel has changed with every new decade, but one theme has consistently lingered in the history of literature: facing the unknown. Life is entirely an unknown, which was something all too familiar to Bret Harte and Stephen Crane. These two authors are known for works in which the main character or characters must push through a point of true adversity, be it mental or physical. The resolution to a theme such as facing the unknown has always been simple in word alone;…
Introduction Conformity assessment is generally any activity undertaken to determine, whether a product, process, system, person or body meets relevant standards and fulfills specified requirements [1]. The main application of conformity assessment is in facilitating trade. In a particular kind of conformity assessment, sometimes called inspection, the determination that a product fulfils a specified requirement relies on measurement as a principal source of information [2]. In each quantified…
b. When measuring the resistance value with the Avo 8, possible reasons for varience include a parallax error (not looking at the reading from directly above the meter), a reading error due to less divisions when measuring resistance, or the device not being properly zeroed. When measuring current, there are also fewer division, parallax is still a potential issue, and finally, incorrect zeroing of the meter. Voltage has an additional error, the loading of the meter itself. Alongside this issue,…
Motility and flagellar length were compared in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii before and after deflagellation. The Chlamydomonas were deflagellated by a low pH shock and were observed for flagellar regeneration in 10 minute intervals for 50 minutes. We found the average number of cells that were motile after 50 minutes of flagellar regeneration was 43.80 cells. The difference in motility before deflagellation and after flagellar regeneration was due to flagellar length. Less motility was observed in…
Option 11: List the three principles of fingerprints A fingerprint is an individual characteristic. no two people have been found. with the exact same fingerprint pattern. A fingerprint pattern will remain unchanged for the life of an individual; Fingerprint evidence, is undoubtedly the most reliable and acceptable evidence for individual identification, till date, in the court of law (Tandon, Sircar, Chowdhry, & Popli, 2016). Individual characteristic, out of the millions of sets of prints that…
The value of the correlation coefficient is found to be insignificant at 5 per cent level. Secondly, the correlation between ROI and QR is 0.90 which is also found to be insignificant at 5 per cent level. It reveals that there is no correlation between the two variables. It is evident from these two ratios that the lower the company's margin of safety to the short term creditors, the greater is the profitability of the concern. Thirdly, the correlation coefficient between ROI and WCR is…
Results Pearson-R Correlation The data underwent correlational analysis using the Pearson-R coefficient and obtained the following results: Table 1. N E O A C SPS Pearson Correlation .562** -.273** .022 -.294** -.218** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .676 .000 .000 N 372 372 372 372 372 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01level (2-tailed) Based on the table above, the independent variables N (.562), E (-.273), A (-.294), and C (-.218) are significantly correlated to the dependent variable,…