Conformity assessment is generally any activity undertaken to determine, whether a product, process, system, person or body meets relevant standards and fulfills specified requirements [1]. The main application of conformity assessment is in facilitating trade. In a particular kind of conformity assessment, sometimes called inspection, the determination that a product fulfils a specified requirement relies on measurement as a principal source of information [2]. In each quantified measurement, the obtained result is always uncertain. According to JCGM 200, measurement uncertainty is defined as follows: " non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used, according to the probability distribution function" [3].
No measurement result is quite accurate and reliable, unless it is reported with uncertainty [4, 5]. Because of uncertainty in measurement, there is always the risk of mistaken decisions about that whether it is consistent with the specified requirements for certain characteristics or not. Such mistaken decisions are of two types [6]:
I. A quantity accepted as conforming might actually be …show more content…
The few studies regarding the determination of breakeven are conducted among the cost of making mistaken decisions and the costs of reducing uncertainty [9, 12-14]. However, based on the literature, how to reduce the measurement uncertainty to the acceptable limits, with the lowest possible cost in the measurement system to reduce the risk in the conformity assessment process has not been studied yet. Accordingly, in this paper, along with a case study using mathematical modeling, a framework is provided to optimize the measurement uncertainty with the lowest possible