hah hah” the Evil Scientist laughed whilst making the super mutant creations known today as Puckhead Bacon Mouth the superhero and his evil arch nemesis villain Hockey Stick Sausage Eyes. They were made in the greases of cheese, bacon, sausage and boiling battery acid and a few extras. The mad Scientist didn’t know that that concoction would make some mutant creatures like it did and nor did he know villain or superhero. He didn’t know if he should be scared or proud. He kept them in cages for…
The mongols(barbarians) were known for their brutality and they would do some of the most horrible things.The mongols had great techniques that helped them win and that they were known for brutality.And it helped them conquered many places in Asia. Temujin (Genghis khan) was a very well known mongol leader he had conquered so many land with his mongol army,when he was born he had been holding blood in his right hand(meaning he was going to be a great warrior).And at a young age he killed his…
In the article “History vs. Lenin,” Viewpoint Two describes many ways Vladimir Lenin was a cruel tyrant. One example was the many deaths under his rule. It states, Under Lenin's rule, there were 28,000 executions every year. Consider that number for a moment. Lenin had such "utter disregard for human life, except where his own family and closest associates were concerned." Lenin was cruel because he had no care for anyone except for his family, and did horrible things or let horrible things…
Case Study Synthesis Paper The purpose of this paper is to consolidate many of the facts and methodologies learned and utilized throughout this course. The case study method of research will be used to consolidate learning. Crawford’s (2017), Introduction to Research: Less Fright, More Insight aids in learning the new material. The manual is easy to read and the writing method makes concepts easier to grasp. Using research from a biblical viewpoint helps to broaden my view of research in…
change in food to make it a complete dish. • Cooking makes the food easier to digest, makes the food eatable, improves foods flavor, makes eye appealing, creates an appetite, kills harmful bacteria etc. 8.2 Methods of cooking: Moist / Wet Media: 1- Boiling: • In this cooking method, food items are totally submerged in hot water and cooked at 100 degree Celsius. Rice, pasta, pulses, meat etc. are cooking in this methods. • The temperature is then reduced slightly and maintained at the simmering…
replenish. There are also many approaches to assure water purity. Filtering, boiling, education, chlorinating, harvesting, roof catching and grid collecting are a few solutions (Starkey 16-20). It is important to educate the society on detecting unsanitary water and the possible solution to eliminate the harmful effects. Filtering, boiling and chlorinating water is all suitably inexpensive ways to ensure safe drinking water. Boiling and chlorinating removes any bacteria or microorganism in the…
When I read “The Open Book” by Stephen Crane it was very long and I found the wording in the story a little difficult to understand. I had to reread a few sentence and look up some of the words. However the complicated words didn’t stop me from reading the story because I was really into it. I wanted to know what was going to happen to these four men because Crane kept the readers at suspense as to what was going to happen to the four men. At first I thought these men were doomed that they would…
My Element is the Most Important Element (Argon) •Atomic mass 39.948 •Atomic Number -18 •Gas at 298 K •Density-0.0017837 grams per cubic centimeter •Third Noble gas •Chemical Symbol-Ar •It is also obtained from the air as a byproduct of the production of oxygen and nitrogen •It is the third most atmospheric gas •Argon is colorless and odorless •Argon is non reactive and has no effect on living organisms •Makes up 1% of the air around •Argon is found in the earth’s crust…
In August 1945, the most horrific events occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: the dropping of the atomic bombs. The whole creation of this highly destructive item began in 1939 with the splitting of a uranium atom. Scientists believed that the energy harvested could be useful to making such powerful weapons. The Manhattan Project was a code name given in 1941 for the devising of the atomic bomb. At one point, there were over 120,000 Americans that were employed in this project, and almost two…
Effect of Water Availability on Germination of Acacia rubida and Swainsona formosa Seeds Question The aim of this experiment is to investigate whether water availability prior germination affects Acacia rubida and Swainsona formosa seed germination. We will control the water availability by pre-soaking time. Hypotheses Null hypotheses • Seed germination speed will not differ between long and short soaking time. • Change in soaking time will have same effect on A. rubida and S. formosa seeds.…