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    Nazi Germany Narrative

    • 344 Words
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    I was walking through Nazi Germany when I smelled smoke. I turned the corner and the Jewish temple was being burned. Guards stopped me and told me to walk away back down the street. I turned around and I saw people being rounded into trucks. That night my father, a respected Nazi officer, told me not to be or play near Jews for my safety. I knew my best friend was Jewish. I went to a Jewish school because that was the closest school. The next morning my father said the next day I was…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Atomic Theory History

    • 1040 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Within a little over two millenniums, the history of the atomic theory changed multiple times. In the very beginning, Democritus was the very first to propose the existence of the particle (H). The name he would give this particle was atomos. Aristotle believed that each element of the earth; water, air, fire, and earth, would gradually become small every time they were halved. This view held up for about 2,000 years. The next major change within the scientific field that concerned atoms was…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    nurse who wants this group of people, who believe in witchcraft, to boil their water before they use it. The nurse then explains to the people that it kills off the bacteria, but when she comes back they are not boiling the water before use. She then explains to the people that the boiling kills off the spirits that make their babies sick, and then the people start to boil their water before using it. The nurse had to learn about the culture of the people in order to explain a phenomenon to…

    • 1069 Words
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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Spicy Pickle Analysis

    • 912 Words
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    cover them with cold water, up to an inch and let them stand in a cool temperature for up 24 hours while you catch up on a good night's sleep. Next, fill your pickle jars and your canning pot with hot water, covering the jars about an inch and boiling at a medium-high heat for at least 30 minutes and then simmer until you are ready to use your jars. You’re on the home stretch - combine and boil half a cup of pickling salt, half a cup of granulated sugar, six cups of water, 9 tablespoons of…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Restaurant Review Essay

    • 1093 Words
    • 5 Pages

    The Michelin review guide is a compilation of restaurant reviews. The guide is often seen as the benchmark of restaurant success in France. Contrary to its current worldwide exposure, it began as added feature to early Michelin atlases. Since a tire company creates the guide, the scoring is based off of making stops on a road trip. One star means that a restaurant is worthy of a stop. Two stars means that a restaurant is worth a detour, and three stars indicate a place is worthy of a special…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to synthesize aspirin from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. The general theory behind this experiment was to study the synthesis of a drug from organic materials. During the experiment, esterification had occurred between reactants salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. Then, phosphoric acid would catalyze the reaction and water would be added to decompose the remaining acetic anhydride. Through the process of filtration, aspirin crystals were…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    This particular pipe was also connected to tank E610 which contained 30 metric tonnes of M.I.C. Since M.I.C has a fairly low boiling point (39.1˚C) when it reacts with H2O it reaches past it’s boiling point and turn the liquid stored isocyanate into a toxic gas. With the build-up of gas the pressure in tank E610 rose to such a level that it ruptured the disc and let the gas escape from the chimney. (Varma, Roli…

    • 1051 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Neil Bohr Research Paper

    • 1007 Words
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    This shows the amount of electrons that one atom of an element has. Elements have very different qualities from one another like melting points, freezing points and boiling points. The element with the highest boiling point is Tungsten at 3143 Celsius, and the element with the lowest freezing point is Helium at -268.93 Celsius. They can look different from each other, and one could see this by looking all around them. Most of the elements…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Castles were constantly being changed. They had to change defences so it could be could be as defensive as possible. It had to be defensive enough to survive a siege which could go on for months. They did not only change defence such as walls and weapons but they also changed what was inside because the first castle only trained knights but they upgraded it so now it has a chapel, living rooms and the king and queen can own a castle. Why did castle designs Change? They had to change the designs…

    • 1029 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Tituba Monologue

    • 357 Words
    • 2 Pages

    become giddy with excitement and whisper to each other. While we all surround the fire in a circle completely quiet each of the girls, one by one, showed what they had brought for Tituba. They announced who it was for and quickly toss it into the boiling water. I was the last one to announce what I brought. Everyone turned to me as I uncovered a dead bird. I slowly got up and handed it to Tituba, immediately she began to swing it in the air and chant. The girls and couldn't contain their…

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    Improved Essays
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