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62 Cards in this Set

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Who Surrendered to who in the American Civil War?
Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant
Who was Andrew Johnson?
The President who took over for Abraham Lincoln.
Who was John Wilkes Booth?
Assassin who killed Lincoln
Who was Edwin Stanton?
Secretary of War under Lincoln and Johnson. Johnson tried removing him but was impeached for it.
What is a Carpetbagger?
Northerner who headed south with their possessions in a single Carpet Bag.
Who were the Scalawags?
Southern Democrats who joined the Republicans.
Who was William Jennings Bryan?
Democrat who ran for President several times and lost.
What did Leon Czolgosz do?
He killed Wilson.
What did Charles Guiteau do?
Shot Garfield.
What League whats Andrew Carnegie part of?
Anti-Imperialist League
What was Samuel Gompers part of?
The Craft workers Union.
What political party did Eugene V. Debs belong to? Did he ever become president?
Socialist, No
What did Ida Tarbell write?
History of the Standard Oil Company.
What did Upton Sinclair Write?
The Jungle.
What did Lincoln Steffens write?
Shame of the Cities
What did Frank Norris write?
The Octopus
What did Carrie Nation do?
Led a "crusade" against saloons.
What did Susan B. Anthony do?
Lead the womens suffrage movement?
What did W.E.B. Dubois do?
Demanded immediate equality for black people and founded the NAACP.
What did Booker T. Washington do?
Wanted Gradual Equality for black people.
Name three Indian Leaders.
1. Sitting Bull
2. Crazy Horse
3. Gall
Who was Nelson Miles?
A US Army General. Worked in Puerto Rico
Who was Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino Rebel
Who was George Dewey
Commodore of the Pacific Fleet(USA)
Where did William Hearst write for?
The New York Journal
Where did Joseph Pullitzer write for?
The New York World
Where battle made the rough riders famous? What future President lead them?
San Juan Hill. Theodore Roosevelt.
What did Pancho Villa do?
Attacked a town in New Mexico, pissing off our President.
Who was the President when Phillander C. Knox was Sec. of State
Who was Jose Marti?
Cuban Rebel
The 13th Amendment _______ .
Freed African American slaves.
The 14th Amendment _______.
Made the former slaves citizens.
The 15th Amendment _______.
gave them the right to vote
Who was George Armstrong Custer?
head of 7th cavalry; fought in the Civil War; looked for gold in the Black Hills SD; defeated by 3 Indians in Custer’s Last Stand 
True or False: Henry Cabot Lodge was a leader in the movement of overseas expansion?
What did Alfred T. Mahan write?
book called “The Influence of Sea Power on History”
What did Emiliano Zapata do?
along with Pancho Villa, rebelled against Mexican President Carranza
What did Wovoka do?-
told the Indians to use the ghost dance to get people off their land 
Who was William Seward?
Secretary of State; purchased Alaska; stabbed in the face during the Lincoln assassination 
What was theTenure of Office Act?
The alleged cause/the final battle between Congress and the President ended up with the impeachment of Johnson; passed to protect Stanton; said that the president may not fire a cabinet minister during the term in which he was appointed without the consent of Congress. 
What were the Plans for Reconstruction (Congress vs President Johnson)-
get south back in Union; Johnsons vetoes led to his impeachment 
Why was Johnson impeached?
President Johnson vetoed both bills - touched off a feud between Johnson and congress.
What is populism?
Power to the people!
What was The Grange?
Oliver Hudson Kelley started an organization for farmers
Why were unions formed?
to improve working conditions.
What was the Pullman’s Strike?
company cut wages yet they would not change the rent rate for their company housing; workers called for a strike
What did the haymarket riot protest?
Police brutality.
Name two black codes.
-had to pass a literacy test 
-had to pay a poll tax 
What did the progressives favor?
Economic Reform
What was the Anti-Saloon League and who were their goals?
was founded by a group of women; worked hard to pass laws to force people to change their ways and to punish those who drank alcoholic beverages
What is an initiative?
petition or bill organized by the people.
What is a referendum?
vote on initiative.
What is a recall?
Voters can remove officials from office before their term is up.
16th amendment -
amended the Constitution for an income tax 
17th amendment -
direct election of senators 
19th amendment
Women get the right to vote.
policy in which the stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker territories 
US recognized Cuban independence - stated the US had no intention of taking over any part of Cuba 
Teller Amendment
Taft’s foreign policy to help Nicaragua and eventually control Nicaragua’s and its debt 
Dollar Diplomacy
stated that the US would use force to protect its economic interests in Latin America 
Roosevelt Corollary - to Monroe Doctrine,
Treaty of Paris-
1. Spanish granted Cuba its independence
2. Spain turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the US
3. US purchased the Philippines for $20 million
Platt amendment -
1. Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or allow a foreign power to control any part of Cuba
2. Cuba must not go into debt
3. US reserved the right to buy or lease land in Cuba for naval and refueling stations
4. US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba