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88 Cards in this Set

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England’s economic purpose(s) for establishing colonies in North America were
to provide England with raw materials and buy England’s manufactured goods.
Why did groups such as the Quakers, Puritans and Pilgrims migrate to North America
to be able to practice their own religion
What was the French and Indian War’s significance
Colonists faced increased taxation by England
Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence’s emphasis
natural rights
Why the colonists protested British rule
Wanted Self-government, believed in Enlightenment, Salutary Neglect ended, No taxation without representation
What were the Loyalists’ beliefs, including “virtual representation”
Citizens need to support the King, Revolution may destroy my wealth and power, if we declare independence we will be traitors
Patriots’ greatest advantage during the war
assistance from the French
Laws imposed on the Colonies by the British Parliament
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts
What were some methods of protests used by the colonists
Boycotting, Petitioning, Boston Tea Party
What is a main reason why the Articles of Confederation failed
the national government was too weak
Bill of Rights’ main purpose was
list and guarantee basic individual rights.
Define Federalism
balance the power between the national and state governments
What did the Elastic Clause/Necessary and Proper Clause do
Justified establishing National bank, Louisiana Purchase
What precedents did the Washington administration set
enforcing federal laws (Whiskey Rebellion, establishing an executive cabinet, voluntarily stepping down after two terms
How did Washington feel about political parties
How did Washington feel about permanent alliances
Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists’ supported what policies
National bank, loose interpretation, Support from the elite, Allies/friends with Great Britain
How did the differing beliefs of Hamilton and Jefferson impact American government
Led to the creation of political parties
John Adams and his Federalists’ Alien and Sedition Acts – why controversial
placed national security above individual rights
John Marshall’s Supreme Court’s Marbury v. Madison
It gave the Supreme Court the power to declare laws unconstitutional.
What did Thomas Jefferson experience with the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions before he was president
example of the attempts by states to challenge federal power
Why was the Louisiana Purchase significant
It doubled the size of the U.S., expanding its power over North America.
James Madison’s War of 1812 had what significance
It created a greater sense of nationalism and unity.
James Monroe’s Monroe Doctrine stated what
to prevent European interference in the Western Hemisphere.
Jacksonian Democracy – common white man/universal manhood suffrage represented what
It represented the expansion of the vote
Missouri Compromise of 1820 did what
a temporary solution to the question of the expansion of slavery
Under Andrew Jackson, how did the US approach Native American/Indian Removal
forced removal to the West
What was the Trail of Tears
U.S. policy of Indian Removal
Give an example of Assimilation
Native American becoming a Christian
Why was the Nullification crisis important
attempts by states to challenge federal power
Define Manifest Destiny
The belief that America should expand to the Pacific coast.
What were some effects of the Mexican-American War
It increased American territory and sectional tensions
How did the Mexican-American War lead to the Civil War
Gained more territory that led to slave debate
What was the cotton gin’s significance
made slave labor more profitable
Define Abolitionists
supported ending slavery immediately throughout the nation
How did Slaves resist
Underground Railroad, Slave revolts, Slowing down work
Define Popular Sovereignty
States freedom to choose to allow slavery or ban slavery
What were three Causes of the Civil War
Slavery expanding, Failure to compromise, States’ rights
Why did Southern states feel they could secede
States believing they have the right to leave the union
At the start of the Civil War, President Lincoln’s main goal for fighting the Civil War
preserve the union
Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War was controversial, why
put national security before individual freedoms
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation important
It was a step towards the complete abolition of slavery.
What was the Emancipation Proclamations effect on slavery
Freed slaves only in revolting areas
What was the Gettysburg Address
Lincoln speech that referenced the Constitution and spoke about the rebirth of the US
Why did the Union/North win the Civil War
Larger military, more money, industries that could manufacture war materials
Radical Republicans’ from the South felt Reconstruction should
protect the rights of former slaves
How did Southern Democrats’ react after reconstruction was over
Southern whites enforced racial inequality
Which side won at the beginning of Reconstruction
Radical Republicans
13th Amendment
used to protect the rights of former slaves
14th Amendment
used to protect the rights of former slaves
15th Amendment
used to protect the rights of former slaves
Freedmen’s Bureau
used to protect the rights of former slaves
Which side won by the end of Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s
Define Sharecropping
economically tied black labor to the land owned by white Southerners
Define Jim Crow laws
Laws that limit civil rights of freed slaves
How did Literacy tests affect the black vote
limited voters
How did Poll taxes affect the black vote
limited voters
Define Captains of industry
Used their power and influence to help society
Define Robber barons
often took advantage of others in order to make themselves wealthy and powerful
How did the Railroad affect business
led to cheaper shipping
How did Steel lead to urbanization
allowed for the construction of skyscrapers
How did the Telegraph affect communication
improved long distance communication
How did the Sewing machine affect buyers
helped to provide inexpensive clothing
Define Capitalism
Economic system favored by rich people, private ownership
Define Social Darwinism
helped business leaders justify their treatment of workers
Define Socialism
offered to distribute the wealth of the country more equally
Define Communism
All aspects of society are controlled democratically by the people
Where did New Immigrants come from
Southern and Eastern Europe as well as Asia, came to work in factories
Define Nativism
Preferring Americans born in the U.S. and not a foreign country
What did workers form to try to protect their interests in the late 1800s?
Labor Uniors
Why were labor unions were largely unsuccessful in their attempts to improve the conditions for workers during the late 19th Century
They were viewed by most Americans as violent, People believed they were tied to Communism/Socialism, The government often sided with big business
Define Progressivism
environmental conservation, women’s suffrage, trust busting
Government affected
Increased its influence by regulating business and passing legislation designed to improve society
During the Progressive Era, how was Big business affected
More regulation by government
Define Trust-busting
restricting the power of monopolies
During the Progressive Era, how were the Working whites and women affected
Better working conditions
During the Progressive Era, how were Cities affected
Came about because of factories
Define Urbanization
build up of cities
During the Progressive Era, how was Child labor affected
Protected by progressives
What was the 19th Amendment/suffrage
Women's right to vote
Define Suffragists
to gain the right to vote
Define Muckrakers
expose corruption and social injustice
How did President Theodore Roosevelt conserve the US
National Park System
How did President Theodore Roosevelt Control/regulate trusts
restricted the power of monopolies
What happened to the power of the U.S. federal government from its beginnings to the early twentieth century
The power of the federal government grew
What happened to the size/land area of the U.S. from its beginnings to the early twentieth century
increased its size
What happened to the number of groups, like women and poor white males, who began to participate in democracy in the U.S. from its beginnings to the early twentieth century
More groups began to participate
Did all Americans in the U.S. achieve the same level of equality from its beginnings to the early twentieth century