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12 Cards in this Set

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The process by which EMF is produced from an interaction between a magnetic field and a conductor is known as?


Increasing the number of turns in a secondary coil will cause the secondary voltage to?


List the 3 basic transformer construction types listen from most flux leakage to the the least flux leakage

Core type

Shell type

H type

What is the Typical transformer efficiency range?


H1 is located directly above X1 on a transformer, these terminals are mounted how?


X2 is located directly under H1 on a transformer, how are these terminals mounted ?


What test is performed on a transformer to determine its percent impedance?

Short circuit test

What transformer would you use where output voltage is to be higher than input voltage?

Step up

Why should you not apply more than 110% of the rated voltage to the primary winding of a transformer?

Primary current will increase to an unacceptable level and will BURN OUT the transformer

What is “FCBN” and when is it used?

Full capacity below normal. Used when primary supply voltage is lower than rated transformer primary voltage

What is “FCAN” and when is it used?

Full capacity above normal. Used when the primary supply voltage is higher than the rated transformer primary voltage

What is “RCBN” and when is it used ?

Reduced capacity below normal. Used when the primary supply voltage is lower than the rated transformer primary voltage