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83 Cards in this Set

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What you do when no one is watching will determine the success of your organization, or, lack thereof

Motivational tips to instill

Encourage employees to fall in love with the process

You don’t start in 5th gear. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and all the stalls that come with it.

Motivational tips to instill

You don’t climb a mountain by accident

If you reach the peak too soon without doing the required work, you will not be able to maintain the success

Motivational tips to instill

What are allies?

People who encourage you, inspire you, support you, empower you, hold you accountable, provide good friction, and test you to be the absolute best version of yourself.

What are thieves?

People who don’t encourage you, inspire you, support you, empower you, hold you accountable, and test you to be the absolute best version of yourself.

Good friction

Welcome and invite good friction

What does consulting do?

Tells people what to do

What does coaching do?

Guides people to make great decisions and come to conclusions on their own. A more powerful approach than consulting.

What question should you ask yourself about how you approach your team?

Are you refueling & empowering your team or “reviewing” and disempowering them?

What have studies at Harvard, London school of economics, and others identified as the root of happiness?

Having rich social bonds and meaningful relationships

According to the Gallup 53% of workers are _______?

“Not engaged” in the workplace

Successful organizations build what type of culture?

On-going development that leads to successful outcomes

What does Harvard business review report about 95% of employees?

Do not fully understand the company’s goals or what’s expected of them to achieve the company goals.

What is grit?

A combination of passion and perseverance for an important goal, is the hallmark of high achievers in every domain.

According to MIT, how do resource restraints affect an organization?

They can cause an organization to operate more efficiently. Organizations must become more innovative, creative and resourceful.

Why we advocate

It is crucial that credit union professionals advocate on behalf of their industry. If credit unions don’t commit to this advocacy, then who will?

What makes a good advocate?

Knowledgeable, involved, willing and passionate

What are 6 key points to know about advocacy?

1. Unity / clarity of objectives

2. Must remain focused on the goal

3. Everything takes longer than we would like / discipline & endurance

4. Plans are worthless, but planning is everything

5. How we communicate our message is critical

6. We must keep the “white hat” clean / Credibility and trust

What is our advocacy goal?

To revolutionize the environment for credit unions to serve their members through the removal of regulatory barriers and expansion of credit union powers and opportunities

Our advocacy goal

Reduce regulatory burden

Enhance payments security

Preserve the credit union tax status

Expand credit union powers

How we advocate

The three legged stool of advocacy

•professional advocates (CUNA & Your league)

•grassroots (citizens engagement w/ lawmakers/policy makers)

•political action (elect pro-credit union candidates)

What are the grassroots programs? (Test)

CUNA member activation program

Project zip code

RAP index

Hike the hill

Credit union legislative action council

Army of volunteer advocates (AVA)

The Feds “Dual Mandate”

1. Grow the economy to ensure maximum employment

2. Promote stable prices (manage inflation)

Two primary tools of the Feds Mandate

1. Fiscal policy - Government spending / taxation

2. Monetary policy - changing of supply of money and interest rate

What is the monetary policy?

Economic growth can be influenced by changing the supply of money and changing interest rate. This is referred to as monetary policy. This policy in the US is conducted by the Fed Reserves Federal open market committee.

What are the 4 categories of gross domestic product?

Personal consumption 70%

Business investment 17%

Gov spending and investment 17%

Net export 3%

What is a key step in the leadership transition plan?

Establish a transition committee to drive process

Communicate / advocate / negotiate

This type of advancement includes: written language skills comparison

Presentation skills, verbal communication

Get the job first


This type of advancement includes

Relationship / affinity

Geographic / member understanding


This type of advancement includes:

Board/advisory roles



Industry advocacy


This type of advancement includes:



Industry education


Business acumen (BQ)

This type of advancement includes:

Business strategy

Strategic plan

Budgeting / forecasting

Human Resources

Financial knowledge (FQ)

ALCO participation

Financial understanding - this is not budgeting

Investment & scenario exposure

Emotional intelligence

This type of advancement includes:

Leadership style

Executive decision making

•can you handle difficult decisions

• paying attention to everyone in the room


This type of advancement includes:

Resume attributes


Operational functions

Credit union size


What are the 8 factors for advancement?

1. Experience

2. EQ, Emotional intelligence

3. FQ, financial knowledge

4. BQ, Business acumen

5. Education

6. Involvement

7. Influence

8. Communicate / advocate / negotiate


What percentage of CEOs have held the position of CFO?

Your next steps without the organization

This type of succession planning involves financial, network/influence, resume & opportunity

Organizations next steps without YOU

This type of succession planning develops leadership to your chair

What are the two types of succession emergency / contingency planning?

1. Organizations next steps without you

2. Your next steps without the organization

What is ERM (Enterprise Risk Management)

A process, not a one time project

What is the goal of ERM

Not to eliminate risk, but question and challenge the way credit unions do business and managing risk at an acceptable level

What is the most trusted form of marketing?

Word of mouth

What is Strategic Marketing

Clearly defining your target audience. There is not a company in the world that seeks to target everyone. You can’t be all things to all people.

In marketing, what does targeting do?

Targeting does not exclude but rather attracts like-minded people. Targeting an audience either demographically or psychographically helps companies innovate and differentiate.

Example of target marketing

Apple was late to digital music. To differentiate from all other MP3 players they used the psychographic model. Their focus was on the type of person that would call a radio station, request a song so they could record it. Someone who had to control their music. It wasn’t the iPod that took over, it was iTunes.

Companies that have a really strong brand have what in common?

They use a technique called a “brand filter”.

What is a a brand filter

Not a gimmick or tag line. It is their compass, or litmus test for making business decisions and acts as their differentiator.

What company has the most effective brand filter?

Starbucks, “to provide and protect the third place”

First place is home

Second place is the office

Third the piazza (Howard Shultz discovered)

What is the real definition of brand

Your reputation

What are the 7 key indicators that your reputation may be suffering from?

Low loan-to-share ratio

Low loan approval

Average age of credit union borrower (typically 2-5 years older than average age of member)

Low delinquency

High fee income compared to total loan income

Net membership growth (more leave than join)

Member satisfaction scores

What is the best measure of reputation?

The net promoter score.

Created by Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix, asks the ultimate question:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the credit union to a friend or colleague?

Why did you answer that way?

Net promoter score calculation

% of promoters - % of detractors = Net promoter score

Coveys four zones of change

Status quo




What do coveys four zones of change describe?

The process of innovation.

Status quo

Where you are at prior to change


Change no matter how small creates disruption


Decision are made to implement the change. This is the stage where most change fails.


You start to see the benefits of the change


A corporate employee who develops new enterprises within the corporation.

What does the entrepreneurial mindset emphasizes? (9)



Risk taking





Critical thinking

Problem solving

The entrepreneurial mindset is a set of?

Attitudes, skills and behaviors

9 building blocks of the business model canvas

Customer segments

Value proposition


Customer relationships

Revenue streams

Key resources

Key activities

Key partners

Cost structure

What is the customer profile and 3 components?

A way to evaluate a particular customer segment.

Gains, pains & customer jobs

What is the value map and 3 components?

A way to test your value proposition and is made up of products & services, gain creators & pain relievers.

What is the customer development process?

Developing hypotheses (assumptions) about your business customer segments, products and services and operations. They can be specific.

What is the purpose of the Build-Measure-Learn Feedback?

Learn and iterate

What is the philosophy behind experiential learning?

Learning is more effective when the whole person is actively involved.

Boy Scout motto

Be prepared

Research shows the best leaders do what?

Take risks, are self-aware, and are authentic.

What does empathy involve?

Deeply connecting with another’s feelings to the point that we feel another’s feelings

What does being vulnerable mean?

Are opening ourselves up to experiencing uncertainty and pain. Being truly vulnerable is a courages act.

Cultivate your journey

How are your values connected to conflict?

How are your values connected to your roots?

Why should you have clarity about your values?

Can enable you to navigate difficult decisions and effectively engage in feedback loops

Why is journaling important?

Enhances your overall health and well-being, enables you to be more empathetic, increases your emotional intelligence, and reduces stress.

What is active listening?

Proving your understanding of another’s facts and feelings

3 characteristics of effective listening




Hero’s fight fair 3 ways




Fundamental Attribution Error

Many confrontations are doomed from the start, though, because they fall victim to a powerful hard wired bias which is called Fundamental Attribution Error.

Confrontive I-Message

Productive conflict relies on a concept called Confrontive I-Message that contains 3 elements:

Behavior, Effect, Feelings

why does praise fail?

Fails because it lacks sincerity and specificity

What is a better tactic for praise?

Appreciative I-Message. Which use the same behavior / effect / feeling model

Components of burnout


Emotional exhaustion

Lack of personal achievement