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67 Cards in this Set

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Define "counter action".

In a set of counter actions, the first instruction could move the body too far in one direction.

A second instruction is needed to bring it back to center.

Push thighs back as you move buttocks toward back of knees

Name 3 general actions that are common to all platforms and must be performed at all times.

1) Align

2) Stabilize

3) Elongate

Name a hinge joint and the plane of movement available at this joint.

Ankle or elbow. Movements are in the sagittal plane.

List 4 contraindications for inversion.

1) High blood pressure

2) Neck, shoulder, wrist problems

3) History of stroke

4) Osteoporosis

6) Glaucoma

6) Ladie's Holiday - First few days of menstruation

7) Intense Fear

In Tadasana, if you root down from all 4 corners of your feet, what rebounds from there?

Lift the Knees

Firm ankles in

Define "tendinitis".

The inflammation of the tendons.

How Patnjali Defines Sthira and Sukha

Sthira : Steadiness

Sukha : Comfort & Ease

Pose using Hamstrings?



For Chaturanga Dandasana, name an area of the body that can be at risk if the pose is done incorrectly.

Wrists, Shoulders, Low Back, Neck

For Sirsasana, name 3 prep poses.

Adho Mukha Svanasana


Prasarita Padottanasana A

Utthita Hastasana

In Sanskrit, according to Patanjali, what is the root cause of suffering?

Avidya = Ignorance

Define “Complimentary Action.”

A pair of actions that body move in one direction:

Soften Front Ribs Down

Lift the Back Ribs

In Tadasana, name the asana points for the 2nd platform, and state what area of the body they serve to protect.

1) Spin the inner thighs in

2) Lengthen sitting bones to heels

This protects the lower back.

True or false? A restorative sequence consists of only forward bends.


Where should the yoga teacher stand in order to help someone in a handstand?

The teacher should stand in between the student and the wall taking care to move head to side to avoid being hit as student comes up.

Vashistasana - Side Plank

If I root down through my bottom hand, what rebounds up?

The top hand

Which pose is not appropriate for a beginner: Plank, Virabhadrasana 2, Eka Pada Apanasana, Sirsasana, or Samasthiti?

Sirsasana - Headstand

What is the best and most accessible pose to start a beginner's level class?


Are the Gunas part of Purusha or Prakriti?


In English, name the 5 Vrittis.

1) Right Knowledge

2) Misconception

3) Verbal Delusion

4) Sleep

5) Memory

Name 2 poses you can use to assess if a student is ready for Sirsasana. What are you looking for in these poses?

Adho Mukha Svanasana



We are looking for openness/flexibility in the thoracic spine and shoulders. These need to be open enough for the upper arms to be alongside the ears.

For Sirsasana, list 2 asana points for the foundation positions.

1) Fingers are interlaced

2) Elbows are shoulder-width apart

3) Crown of the head is on the floor

4) Back of the head touches the padding of the thumbs

5) Chin is parallel to the floor

For Urdhva Dhanurasana, name 1 transition pose.

Windshield Wiper

Supine twist

Give 3 prep poses for Urdhva Dhanurasana.

1) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge

2) Bhujangasana - Cobra

3) Salabhasana - Locus

In English and Sanskrit, state the 2nd Sutra of the 1st Pada.

"Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodhah"

The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga.

In Ardha Chandrasana, what is the position of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?

The pelvis is neutral in the sagittal plane.

3 Platforms & Risk Factors for Each

Feet & Ankles - Knees

Pelvis - Lower Back

Shoulder Girdle - Neck

Define “Simple Action.”

Action that does not need counter:

Lift the Knees

Spread Fingers & Toes

What is the universal therapeutic advice you can give to someone suffering from an injury?





Name a Counter pose for Sirsasana.

Shoulder Stand


Define “transitional pose.”

A pose that neutralizes the body before reversing in counter pose.

In Sanskrit and in English, name and define the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.

1. Yama: Disciplines

2. Niyama: Observances

3. Asana: Physical Posture

4. Pranayama: Breath Control

5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of Sensory Organs

6. Dharana: Concentration

7. Dhyana: Meditation

8. Samadhi: Enlightenment

List 4 benefits of Salamba Sarvangasana - Shoulder Stand

1) Cooling/calming to the nervous system

2) Changes Perspective

3) Reduces fluid retention in the legs and feet

4) Improves circulation

What are “abhyasa” and “vairagya”?

Abhyasa means constant spiritual practice over a long period of time.

Vairagya means non-attachment.

Define "Avidya".

Avidya is ignorance of who we truly are

In a lower level YogaWorks class, why do we teach external poses before asymmetrical neutral poses?

Externals open up the hip flexors.

Thus, the sequence is from simple to complex.

Name a risk area in the body if Parivrtta Trikonasana is done incorrectly.

The lower back

True or false? “Om”has 4 syllables: A, U, M and silence.


What are the 3 planes of anatomical movement?

1) Sagittal

2) Coronal

3) Transverse

What are the counter poses for Urdhva Dhanurasana?


Happy Baby

Any forward bend

For Sirsasana, what are the asana points for the 3rd platform?

1) Lift the sternum away from the navel
2) Spread across the collarbones
3) Release the shoulders down from the ears
4) Press the shoulder blades into the chest (while keeping the front ribs soft)

In Sanskrit and in English, state the 5 kleshas.

1) Avidya = Ignorance

2) Asmita = Ego

3) Raga = Attachment

4) Dvesa = Aversion

5) Abhinivesa = Clinging to bodily life/fear of death

For Virabhadrasana 1, what is the action and the position of the back leg?

Position: slight external rotation

Action: effort towards neutral via internal rotation

Define “sprain”.

A tear in a ligament.

Is it appropriate to link 5 poses on one side? If not why?

No....to much work

Muscle Fatigue

What is the technical term for collapsed or fallen arches? Is it Structural or Functional? What actions can you give to correct this?
Pronated Feet
It is both a Structural and Functional issue
Action: Lift your inner arches, Root down through the outside edge of your foot

Name 2 Kleshas in English and Sanskrit

1) Avidya = Ignorance (root of all obstacles)

2) Asmita = Ego

3) Raga = Attachment to pleasure

4) Dvesha = Aversion to pain

5) Abhinivesa = Clinging to bodily life/fear of death

In Utthita Trikonasana if someones front leg is hyperextended how would you prevent this?
Place a block under the calf on an angle
Cue them to lift the knee caps, and press down through their big toe mound

What is Pinchu Mayurasana?

Forearm Stand

What is Vashistasana?

Side Plank

What is a Klesha?

An obstacle

What is a Vritt

Modification of the mind that clouds you from seeing your true nature

Patanjali's Definition of Yoga

Quieting of the mind

Movement in Parsvottanasana

Intense side stretch pose (like triangle, but standing forward bend)

Calf to shin as you move thigh up and back

Name forward & backward pelvic tilt

(pelvic bowl)

Posterior - forward tilt

Anterior - backward tilt

Where is weight in front leg for Trikonasana

Front big toe mound

Straight leg (Trikonasana )= front

Bent leg (VB2) - Heel

Sama =

Stira =

Sama = Balance

Stira = Steady

Pronate & Supinate

Pronate - Flat feet ankles - downward & inward

Supinate - Arches upward & outward

Parsvottanasana - Intense side stretch

Correct hyperextended knee

Block under Calf, microbend knee

Parivrtta Trikonasana - Twisting Triangle

What is at risk?

Lower back



Define and Name the 3 Gunas

Gunas = Elements of Nature

Sattva - lightness, harmony, knowledge, truth

Rajas - effort, determination, movement

Tamas - inertia, density, unmoving, lethargy

AMS Alignment Points

Hips up & back

Feet parallel and hip distance apart

Knees point forward

Prep for upward bow

forearm stand



Foundation for Sirsasana - headstand

Fingers interlaced in front

Elbows shoulder width

Thumbs touch

Pinky under - don't crush bird

Why Externally Rotated before Neutral Poses

less demanding on hip flexors and hamstrings

What is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is Yoga in Practice

1. Tapas - Heat, accept discomfort for purificaiton

2. Svadiyaya - Self study, self reflection

3. Ishvava Pranidahara - surrender to a higher power or purpose

Transition from V1 to V2

Heel-toe the front heel to move from:

Heel to heel allignment in V1 to Heel to arch allignment in V2

Stabilize front knee before you move the back leg