1. Cleanliness ( Sauca )
2. Contentment ( Santosa )
3. Austerity ( Tapas )
4. Self-study or Introspection ( Svadhyaya )
5. Devotion to the Supreme Lord ( Isvarapranidhana ) ASANAS: (YOGIC POSTURES) In the Yoga sutras of Pathanjali, asana means "to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed". Patanjali mentions the ability to sit for extended periods as one of the eight limbs of his system, known as ashtanga yoga. The asanas are designed to relax, develop flexibility and increase the flow of vital energy through various yogic postures. The purpose of the …show more content…
There are eight types in Pranayama. They are
1. Sahita Kumbhaka – Kumbhaka forms the deepest breathing exercises and Sahita Kumbhaka means performing inhalation or exhalation deeply. It gives strength, agility and flexibility to the body. It also quieten the mind and sense organs and enabling the person to control hunger and thirst.
2. Surya Bhedi – This method consists of inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left nostril. This promotes better digestion and removes all the impurities from the body.
3. Ujjayi – This involves the travel of breath between the heart and nose. It works as an expectorant and improves digestion together with removing all impurities of nerves as well as thoughts.
4. Sitali – Cooling breathe technique. In this pranayama, the practioner curl his tongue by curving the sides upward. His tongue sticks out just past your lips. Then he inhales through the tongue and exhale through nostrils. This is a perfect remedy to beat the summer heat and chilling a hot