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72 Cards in this Set

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Nuclear family

The typical family

Parents and their dependant children

Extended family

Where other relatives lives with the nuclear family

Bean pole family

Where 3 or more generations live under the same roof

Excludes aunties and uncles

Single parent families

A family headed by a lone parent

Same sex family

A family led by parents of the same gender

Civil partnership act 2004

Allowed same sex couples the same rights as married heterosexual couples


A person who lives alone

Often in early adulthood, after a divorce or people in old age

Reconstituted families

A family made up of an adult couple and at least one child from a pervious relationship

What percentage of nuclear families are there in the UK



Rapoport & Rapoport 1982

Nuclear families are not the normal and family types are diverse in the UK

The increasing diversity of family structures shows greater social freedom and acceptance of cultures


What do sociologists say about the family stages of people's life cycle?

A person's family type isn't fixed and they will experience a number of different family types throughout their lives


The person who makes the money for the family

Usually male

Family diversity

Different types of families living in the same society


Charles 2008

Extended families are all but extinct in modern Britain, except for in Bangladeshi families

Extended families

Modern Britain


Brannen 2003

Due to our ageing population, many families have to support elderly relatives or ask grandparents for help with childcare

Ageing population

What percentage of families in Britain are single parent


What percentage of single parent families are headed by a woman?



Chester 1985

Many single parent families will form reconstituted families

Reconstituted families


Murray 1984

Welfare encourages single parents and without positive male role models, a child's socialisation is stunted

New right view on single parents

Neo conventional family

A family where both parents work

Co-habiting family

A couple that lives together but are not married

What percentage of the adult population are in same sex relationships

5 - 7%

Reasons for a rise in divorce

1. Changes in law

Divorce law reform act 1969 allowed couples to divorce for it breaking down, they did not have to prove adultery

2. Decline in social stigma

3. Secularisation

Divorce law reform act 1969

A couple could file for divorce for the marriage just breaking down, they did not have to prove adultery

Reasons for a decline in marriage

1. Secularisation

2. Decline in social stigma

3. Women more financially dependant - 67% of women had jobs in 2013

What percentage of women had jobs in 2013


Natural increase

Birth rate higher than death rate

Net migration

Immigrants - emigrants

Population in 1900

37 million

Population in 2015

65 million

Birth rate in 1900


Birth rate in 2014


Death rate in 1900


Death rate in 2012


Fertility rate in the 1960s


Fertility rate in 2014


Problems with the ageing population

Shortage of new housing

Strain on NHS and pension system

Increases dependency ratio

Life expectancy for men and women in 1900

Men 50

Women 57

Life expectancy for men and women in 2013

Men 90

Women 94

What is the nanny state

Critics say the government is too controlling and do too much for society

What race is the largest proportion of cohabiting couples


What race is the largest proportion or lone parents


What race is the largest proportion of married couples


Impact of immigration on population

More immigrants than emigrants

Immigrants women tend to have more children than women already in UK

Natural increase

Impacts of immigration on age structure

Often younger so increase the number of people working

As they are younger they are likely to have children

Impacts of immigration on the dependency ratio

They work so lower ratio

Have children which increases dependency ratio


The barriers between societies are disappearing as we are becoming more interconnected

What percentage of people were white in Britain in 2001


What percentage of people were another ethic group other than white in 2001


What percentage of people were white in the UK in 2011


What percentage of people were of another ethnic group other than white in 2011



Policies made by the government which encourage immigrants to become more "like us". Encourages them to learn our language and follow our culture


Accepts that migrants may want to follow their own culture and not follow what assimilationism suggests

New right view on the family


Woman should stay at home, male should work

Nuclear is ideal

The increase in single parents means an increasing dependency on benefits and children have less discipline

The increase in divorce sets a poor example to children

Study for new right approach to family

Murray 1989

People should marry, pay tax, socialise their kids properly

There is an underclass of unemployed, single parents on benefits


Murray 1989

People should pay tax, get married and socialise their kids properly

There is an underclass of unemployed, single parents on benefits

Radical feminist view on the family

Men are the enemy and source of women's oppression and exploitation

All societies are founded on patriarchy

Men benefit from women's domestic labour and sexual services

Difference feminist view on the family

Believe we cannot generalise about women's experiences

Disagree that women are at risk of domestic violence within the family

Liberal feminist view on the family

We are moving towards gender equality

Women's oppression is gradually overcoming by law e.g. sex discrimination act 1975

Marxist feminist view on the family

Cause of women's oppression is capitalism not men

Nuclear family allows capitalism and stops women having power

The nuclear family benefits from capitalism but is bad for the individual


Wagg 1992

Childhood is what members of particular societies, at particular times and particular places say it is

Childhood generally

What was pre industrial society like for children

They were like little adults

They worked and wore adult clothes

Punishes severely for crimes and could be hung

What was industrial society like for children

Schools were introduced

Majority of working class still worked whereas middle class attitudes started to change


Aries 1960

The idea of childhood did not exist

Pre industrial society


Aries 1960

Childhood started to develop around the 17th and 18th century

Industrial society

Right of the child 1989

Says children are entitled to education health care protection from abuse and the right to contribute to decisions that affect them


Pilcher 1995

Feature of modern childhood is separateness. Children are educated and protected by laws

Childhood seperateness

More than 2/3 of the world's children. .

Live on poverty

Do not go to school

Live on streets

Get involved in crime

Child liberationists

Sociologists who believe adults have too much control over children and want them to have more freedom

How many children walked to school alone in 1971


How many children walked to school alone in 2010



Aries and shorter

Today's children are more valued, better cared for, enjoy better health and have more rights than those of pervious generations

March of progress view