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107 Cards in this Set

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According to your textbook, the goal of psychology are to

describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

You belive hat most behaviors are a product of your environment; your best friend argues that behaviors are a result of heredity. This is an example of ____

the nature-nurture controversy

Dr. DiMassio is studying PET (brain) scans in patients with schizophrenia and comparing them to PET scans in people who have no psychological disorders. It is likely that Dr. DiMassio is a ___


The term "introspection" means ____

looking inward

Thy psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspective is associated with ____


The belief that the unconscious mind has an influence on one's behavior is part of the theory of personality?


Dr. Watson, from the ___ school of psychology, focused on objective, observable behavior rather than on the unconscious.


According to the humanistic perspective, human behavior is determined by ___ causes.


Natural selection, adaptation, and the evolution of behavior patterns are major emphases in the __ perspective of psychology.


In ___ research, a researcher observes or measures (without manipulating) two or more variables to find relationships b/w them, w/o inferring a casual relationship.


Gideon has been injected with radioactive glucose, and his Dr. is observing the activity levels in various parts of his brain, Gideon is having a(n) _____

PET scan

How, when, and where facial expressions are expressed are called ____.

display rules

The interdisciplinary field that studies how biological processes relate to behavioral and mental processes is called


A neuron is ____

a cell of the nervous system responsible for receiving and transmitting electrochemical info

The cells that provide structural, nutritional, and other support for neurons are called ____ cells


The long tube-like structure that conveys impulses away from the cell body toward other neurons, muschles, or glands is called a(n)


What is the basic function of a neuron?

To transmit info to and from the brain and spinal cord

A synapse is a _____

gap b/w neurons

Then Central Nervous System (CNS) is divided into two main divisions. What are they?

The brain and spinal cord

A collection of glands found througout the body that manufacture and secrete hormones into the bloodstream in order to effect behavioral change or maintain normal bodily function is called the

endocrine system

Growth, reproduction, moods and our responses to stress are all controlled by our ____


The CNS _____

consists of the brain and spinal cord

Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain to change its ____ in response to environmental conditions

structure and function

The generation of new neurons is called _____


____ are the immature, precursors that give birth to new, specialized cells.

Stem cells

THis structure at the base of the brain, behind the brainstem, is responsible for maintaining smooth movements, balance, and some aspects of perception and cognition


What is the major sensory relay area for the brain?


The hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and hypothalamus are all parts of the _____ system


This almond-shaped structure is part of the limbic system and helps regulate emotion


Motor control, speech production, thinking, personality, emotion, and memory are all goverened by your ______ lobe


The ____ lobes are involved with hearing, language comprehension, memory, and some emotional control


This is the name of the buncle of nerve fibers that carries info b/w the brain's right and left hemisperes.

Corpus callosum

The study of genetic and environmental influences o/ behavior is called

behavioral genetics

____ are threadlike strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic info


This is a measure of the degree to which a characteristic is related to genetic, inherited factors


The term _____ refers to the evolutionary concept that those with adaptive genetic traits will live and reproduce

natural selection

More than half of the mortality from the top 5 leading causes of death in the world come from:

Factors within our control

A stressor is defined as

An environmental trigger that prompts a stressful reaction

Acoording to Selye, pleasant, positive, desirable stress is called


Then end result of a total absence of stress is


____ is one of the largest sources of chronic stress for adults


THe stressor that includes role conflict and burnout is ___

job stress

When one is forced to choose b/w two or more different and imcompatible personal or professional functions, one is experiencing

role conflict

A state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion attributable to long-term involvement in emotionally demanding situation is called


Small problems of daily living that accumulate and sometimes become a major source of stress are called


According to your text, the degree frustration you fell is related to

your level of motivation to achieve a blocked goal

____ is an unpleasant state of tension, anxiety, and heightened sympathetic activity that results from a blocked goal


A negative emotional state caused by having to choose b/w two or more incompatible goals or impulses is called


Moya really wants to stay home and talk to her best friend on the telephone tonight, but she also wants to go out w/ her new boyfriend tonight. This is an example of _____ conflict

an approach-approach

In a _____ conflict, a person must choose b/w two or more alternatives that each have both desirable and undesirable results


The body's immediate fight-or-flight response is facilitated by the _____ system(s)


____ plays a critical role in the long-term effects of stress, and it is the most common measure of stress


The body's steate of equillibrium is called


The fight or flight response is triggered by the ___ nervous system


A physicological alarm reaction, folled by resistance, and ending w/ exhaustion is known as the ______ syndrome

general adaptation

Intense ambition, competition, exaggerated time urgency, and a cynical, hostile outlook on life are associated w/

Type A Personalities

A calm, patient, relaxed attitude toward life is associated w/

Type B personality

People who interpret stress as challenging and interesting rather than threatening or frustrating are exhibiting


____ is an attempt to manage stress in some effective way


In simple terms, coping is defined in your text as

managing stress in an effective way

Sensory receptors are
cells specialized to detect and respond to stimulus energy.

Transduction is the process of converting

environmental stimuli into neural impulses

A subliminal stimulus refers to any stimulus that is

presented below the threshold of a person's conscious awareness

Vision and hearing are a result of our perception of

light and sound waves

This is the curved, tough, protective transparent shield on the front of the eye through which light enters


THe iris is the colored part of the eye that controls the opening of the


The cones on the retina are sensitive to

color and fine detail

The point on the retina that contains only cones and is responsible for our sharpest vision is called the


Farsightedness occurs whent eh cornea and lens

Focus an image behind the retina

The theory of color vision proposed by Thomas Young that says color perception results from mixing three distinct color systems is called the

trichromatic theory

The structure that funnels sound from the outer ear is the

auditory canal

The fluid-filled structure that contains receptors fro hearing is the


The theory that explains how we hear higher-pitched sounds is the

place theory

Natural body scents that may affect the behavior of others, including sexual behavior are called


Your balance, or the ability to know your body orientation and posistion w/ respect to gravity and three-dimensional space, is provided by the ____ sense


Posture, orientation and body movements are part of the

kinesthetic sense

A false impression of the environment is called

an illusion

Car alarms that change from a siren to a honking horn and back again are attempting to prevent


The tendency for the environment to be perceived as remaining the same even w/ changes in sensory input is called

perceptual constancy

_____ is your ability to judge distance and perceive three dimensional space

Depth Perception

A binocular cue is one which requires _____ to perceive depth or distance

Two eyes

_____ refers to a binocular cue that comes from the separation of the eyes, which causes different images to fall on each retina

Retinal disparity

______ is the readiness to perceive in a particular manner, based on expectations

Perceptual set

Consciousness is defined in your text as

an awareness of one's self and one's surrondings

_______ require minimal attention such as walking, talking on a cell phone

Automatic Processes

Mental activities that require focused attention are called

controlled processes

Circadian rhythms are _____

biological changes that occur on a 24-hr cycle

The sleep stage marked by irregular breathing, eye movements, high-frequency brain waves and dreaming is called ____ sleep


THe evolutionary/ circadian theory of sleep says that sleep

conserves energy and protects us from predators

The repair/restoration theory of sleep says that sleep serves

a recuperative function, following depletion of key brain and body resources.

Freud believed that dreams were the "royal road to the _____"


THe _____ content of a dream contains the surface symbols that disguise the underlying meaning of the dream


The ____ content of a dream is the true, unconscious meaning of the dream


The idea that dreams are the by-product of random stimulation of brain cells, and that the brain attempts to combine this spontaneous activity into coherent patterns, is known as the ____ hypothesis of dreaming


The persistent inability to fall or stay asleep, or awakening too early is a symptom of


A nightmare occurs during


Psychoactive drugs

change conscious experience, mood, or perceptions

The condition that compels someone to use a specific drug or engage in a certain activity is called


A desire or craving to achieve the effects produced by a drug is called

psychological dependence

When repeated drug use causes changes in the body that require continued drug use to prevent withdrawal symptoms, a state of ____ has been reached

physical dependence

Discomfort and distress, including physical pain and intense cravings after stopping the use of an addictive drug is called


Singh finds that he has to drink several more beers to get the same buzz he used to get w/ one or two. It is likely that SIngh has developed

a tolerance to alcohol

A drug that has a molecular structure similar to the body's own neurotransmitter is called

an agonist

____ act on the CNS to suppress or slow bodily processes and reduce overall responsiveness


____ act on the nervous system to increase its overall activitiy and general responsiveness


____ is a group of techniques designed to focus attention, block out distractions and produce an altered state of consciousness


_____ is an alternate state of heightened suggestibility characterized by deep relaxation and intense focus
