Behavior change project
Paper 1
Presented By
Maxwell Wambui
Spring 2016
Everybody in some ways or another experience stress on a regular basses from family, friends, work and other factors in our life. Stress is the inability to cope with a perceived or real threat to one’s mental, physical, emotional or spiritual well-being which result in a series of physiological responses and adaptation. Stress can be a good thing for example eustress which is stress that present opportunity for personal growth and can be fundamental to our survival. There is also distress which can cause a negative effects to our health. In U.S about 80 percent of workers feel stressed on the job which causes the U.S economy more than $ 300 billion. Majority of American do not take enough time for …show more content…
I have experienced these symptoms in the last 5 months. My desired behavior change is to substitute my regular routine of watching television whenever I can’t sleep because am stress. My other behavior which I intend to change is always obsessing with the past, what I should have done trying to control things which are beyond me. For example if I make a mistake during the day I will be thinking about what I should have done differently before going to bed. Am hoping few minutes of mediation before a long day will help me clear my mind which will translate to a good night sleep and a good health.
I don’t have any experience with any form of meditation. I always thought that I can handle anything. With many changes in my life like school, work and family presenting stressful conditions every day, I find it hard to control everything. All these stressor are causing a strain in my health hence the need to find a better way of dealing with this problem before if become major health