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32 Cards in this Set

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A) psychoanalytic

The humanistic perspective on personality may be considered a reaction against the ______ perspective.

B) Schema

Piaget used the word ____ to refer to a collection of ideas that functions as a basic unit of understanding.

A) Resistance

If a client becomes unwilling to cooperate, she is demonstrating:

A) stigma

A ____ is a negative attitude about groups of ppl based on certain traits or characteristics

D) biopsycosocial

The ___ perspective is the most integrative approach to psychological disorders

A) a sexual fascination with a nongenital body part


D) descriptions of disorders

The primary purpose of DSM-5

A) breasts

Not a primary sex characteristic

B) Freud

The term "psychoanalysis" refers to the psychological theory and system of treatment devised by

D) a built-in tendency to regulate body conditions

What is homeostasis?

D) female;male

Menarche is to spermarche as ___ is to ___.

A) self-actualization

Humanistic psychologist suggest that people are consciously motivated to reach their maximum potential: that is, people have a fundamental drive toward:

B) william Masters and virgina johnson

The intial studies of the human sexual response cycle were conducted by

B) carl rogers

___ emphasized the importance of ones self-concept

D) zygote

In the moment of conception, the fathers sperm unites with the mothees egg to produce

A) psychiatrist; md

Medication for psychological disorders is generally described by ___ who have __ degrees.

B) uncommon sexual acts

Paraphilia is defined as:

A) legal

Insanity is a ____ term

C) Oral; weaning

Which stage is matched correctly

C) Persuasion

The goal of advertising is a form of

A) behavioral

The ___ perspective on a personality examines how the environment shapes personality through classical and operant conditioning, as well as observational learning

C) stress; a stressor

____ is a response to a perceived threat or challenge


The ____ desinates a personality type based on scores on 4 personality demensions


Chromosomes are molecules of:

D) cataclysmic events

PTSD most often results from:

D) transferrence

When a client reacts to a therapist how they would to a parent its

A) instincts

Complex behaviors that are innate, fixed, and universal

D) milgram

The classic shock study of obedience is associated with

B) mood

In contrast to an emotion, a ____ is longer lasting

D) development

Psychologist use the term____ to defince socioemotional change throughout life

A) comorbidity

Klaude has been diagnosed with 2 disorders. This is

B) longitudinal study

Indicates changes over time