Throughout this assignment I will be discussing the theorists, including sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson. I will also be discussing their theories and stages that they feel that we all should go though. Both of the theories use psychodynamic approaches which means that the mind is constantly active. The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious, and between the different structures of our nature. (Simply psychology - 6/10/2017).
Freud developed his idea over 100 years ago, Freud developed his ideas from thinking about what he thought was that we had three different parts of our personality, …show more content…
Lastly we also sublimation this is used doing something to use the drive more effectively. The things that I believe is that we do have three different personalities, and that we are born with the id and also doing something to taking energy out by doing some kind of activity or sport. Things that I feel that is opposition is that the theory needs to have a scientific methodology and also that the theory that Freud had come up with is that the theory is to reductionism.
Next, I am going to be talking about the child developmemnt psychosecual discontinunity which includes the Oral,Anal,Phallic,Latency and Genital. Throughout this next part of the assignment I am going to be talking about the different stages of children that Freud came up with all of the stages that Freud has come up with started from infancy all the ways though to teengaers which make this a continunity development of the …show more content…
At this stage the child becomes aware of their anatomical sex differences, which sets in motion of the conflict between the attraction,residential,jealousy and lastly fear which Freud called the Oedipus complex in boys and Electra complex in girls. The Oedipus complex is a strong sexual desire for their mum, and they also have this jealousy,resentment and aggression towards dad because of the relationship that the mum and dad have towards each other. This is because the child feels that the dad is going to take is mum away from him. This brings on the fear in the child of his dad because he is very big and Freud said that they think that the child has , castration anxiety, which is that they believe that there dad is going to cut of their penice. When the child becomes aware that mom loves dad the little boy starts to solves his problems and starts to imitate,coping and joining in with masculine activity behaviour that dad does, Identification means internally adopting the values, attitudes, and behaviors of another person. The consequence of this is that the boy takes on the male gender role, and adopts an ego ideal and values that become the superego. Moving on to the electra complex which is similar stages to the oedipus complex with the boys but the girls don't have castration anxiety and they turn to having everything that there dad has and that