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44 Cards in this Set

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In Stage 4 sleep, the:

pulse rate is slow

Which activity for rest break should not be incorporated into care planning for clients to aid in healing and recovery?

drinking an 8 oz cup of a caffeinated beverage

Which factor necessitates the need for more sleep in the adolescent population?

rapid growth

A nurse is discussing sleep with a group of orienting unlicensed personnel. The nurse explains that the older adults can have issues with physical safety in relation to the sleep patterns because:

they may be disoriented on awakening.

A new client in the medical–surgical unit complains of difficulty sleeping and is scheduled for an exploratory laparotomy in the morning. The nursing diagnosis is Sleep Pattern Disturbance: Insomnia related to fear of impending surgery. Which step is most appropriate in planning care for this diagnosis?

Provide an opportunity for the client to talk about concerns.Correct

A maternity nurse is instructing new parents on the proper sleeping position for their newborn child. In what position does the nurse instruct the parents to place the infant?

supine position

The pediatric nurse teaches parents about normal sleep patterns in their children. Which education point should the nurse include?

Inform parents that daytime napping decreases during the preschool period, and, by the age of 5 years, most children no longer nap.

A nurse is caring for a client who has been diagnosed with a disturbed sleep pattern. What measures should the nurse implement to promote sleep? Select all that apply.

• Assisting with progressive relaxation

• Promoting daytime exercises

• Providing a back massage

A nurse is caring for a client with insomnia. The nurse is explaining the importance of sleep to the client. Which role is sleep supposed to play?

reduce fatigue

The nurse knows that a client understands the purpose of a sleep diary when the client states:

"I will record the time I go to bed and how long it takes me to fall asleep."

A client tells the nurse that she often has a difficult time falling asleep at night. What suggestion offered by the nurse may assist the client in achieving sleep?

A snack containing carbohydrates and protein

Which problem is associated with obesity, heavy snoring, and shallow breathing?

Sleep apnea

What are characteristics of rapid eye movement sleep? Select all that apply.

• Blood pressure and pulse rate show wide variations and may fluctuate rapidly.

• Muscles are relaxed but muscle tone is maintained.

• A person is unable to move during this stage.

A nurse explains cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to a client who is experiencing chronic insomnia. Which statements by the nurse best describe this therapy? Select all that apply.

• “Clients undergoing CBT are asked to stay in bed during normal sleep hours even if they are unable to sleep.”

• “Used with other complementary therapies, CBT is very successful.”

• “CBT may include progressive muscle relaxation measures, stimulus control, and sleep restriction therapy.”Incorrect

A client describes difficulty falling asleep and difficulty maintaining sleep, and reports daytime fatigue and inability to concentrate. The nurse suggests which noninvasive techniques that may help promote restful sleep? Select all that apply.

• practicing relaxation techniques

• removing bedtime distractions such as watching television in bed

• waking at the same time every morning

The nurse is performing an intake assessment of a 60-year-old client who admits to having a "nightcap" of 4 to 6 ounces of scotch whisky each night. What effect might this alcohol be having on the client's sleep?

decreased REM sleep

During an orientation class for new RN graduates, the nurse educator identifies which conditions as potential risks for clients to experience sleep pattern disturbance? Select all that apply.

• Depression

• Substance abuse

• Constipation

• Stroke

A factory worker has a work schedule involving rotating work hours between days, evenings, and nights. The client tells the nurse he is a “morning” person, and is not sleeping well when he has to work nights. The nurse recommends:

modifying the sleep environment to simulate quiet and darkness

The nurse learns during the assessment of a client that the client has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up early, and does not feel refreshed in the morning. Which of the following is this client most likely experiencing?

Disturbed sleep pattern

A client who previously was a smoker has recently stopped smoking but reports having much trouble sleeping at night. How would the nurse respond?

“Sleep problems from stopping smoking are temporary.”

What factor has been hypothesized by researchers regarding current thoughts on sleep?

Chronic sleep deprivation is present.

A nurse is visiting the home of a first-time mother and her newborn. The nurse is teaching the mother about the newborn's sleep needs. The nurse would inform the mother that newborns sleep approximately how many hours per day?

14 to 20 hours

A nurse on the night shift notices that a client is grinding his teeth while sleeping. How should the nurse document the diagnosis for the client?


A nurse is instructing her students on the role of hormones in sleep patterns. Which statement would indicate to the nursing instructor that the student needs additional education?

“A hyperactive thyroid can make the client sleepy all the time.”

A nurse at the health care facility is caring for an older adult client who complains of sleeplessness. Which condition is a manifestation of depression in an older client?


Which statement about the sleep patterns of toddlers should the nurse incorporate into an education plan for parents?

Getting the child to sleep can be difficult.

The nurse is promoting bedtime rituals with a family. Which statement indicates the nurse may need to provide further instructions to the mother?

"My boys love to rough-house in their room right before bedtime."

The nurse is caring for new parents. During her education session, the nurse instructs the parents on a newborn's sleep patterns. Which statement is accurate about a newborn's sleep patters?

Newborns sleep 16 to 17 hours per day.

The client is scheduled for a polysomnography to determine if the client has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The nurse instructs the client to

anticipate sleeping overnight at a health care center.

A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with sleep apnea. What should the nurse do in order to promote sleep in the client?

Avoid sedatives for sleeping

When a nurse notes that the client appears to be sleeping, is demonstrating irregular respirations, and is showing eye movement, the nurse identifies the stage of sleep the client is experiencing as:

Rapid eye movement (REM)

The nurse makes the following assessment. A middle-age client reports falling asleep frequently at his job during the day, feels like he is not getting enough sleep at night (even though the number of hours of sleep are unchanged), continues to feel tired, and is not able to think clearly. Also, the client reports his wife believes he is irritable upon awakening. Nursing interventions include teaching the client to:

use caution when driving an automobile.

he nurse should obtain a sleep history on which clients as a protocol?

all clients admitted to a health care agency

Which characteristic is associated with REM sleep?

The individual's facial muscles are twitching.

The nurse is instructing a parent on how to promote restful sleep for a child. The food that would serve as the best bedtime snack for the child is?

Apple slices

Which client could be diagnosed with insomnia?

A 50-year-old woman who is reporting increased irritability for the past 2 months. She states that she goes to bed at 10 p.m. every night and tries to sleep in but, no matter what she does, she always wakes up around 4 a.m.Correct

Which is not a lifespan consideration for sleep cycles?

By middle age, the frequency of nocturnal awakenings decreases, and satisfaction with sleep quality increases.

The nurse is completing a sleep history on a client who reports sleeping problems. Which of the client's regular behaviors will cause the client to have difficulty with sleep?

taking a diuretic at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily

A client begins snoring and is sleeping lightly. The stage of sleep is:

Stage 2

Which of these is a physiological change during NREM sleep?

decreased brain activity from wakefulness

A nurse understands the client's stage of sleep that requires the greatest stimulus to awaken a client is:

REM Sleep

A nurse working in a health clinic assesses sleep patterns during each health assessment. Based upon the nurse's knowledge regarding sleep needs, the nurse recognizes which age group as generally needing the least amount of sleep?

Older Adults

A nurse is providing community education about the importance of getting enough sleep. Which information about REM sleep is most accurate?

It plays a role in memory

The mother reports her 4-year-old child wakes up frequently at night screaming. She also reports this occurs shortly after her son has fallen asleep. The nurse determines that the child takes a tub bath and the mother reads a story to her son prior to bedtime at 8 p.m. The nurse intervenes by stating what to the mother? Select all that apply.

• "It is common for this to occur in this age group."

• "You may find a nightlight in his room is helpful."

• "Comforting your child when this occurs may help."