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46 Cards in this Set
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Singular Ending:
-a Plural Ending? Ex: bursa |
Plural Ending:
-ae Singular Ending? Ex: bursae |
Singular Ending:
-us Plural Ending? Ex: alveolus |
Plural Ending:
-i Singular Ending? Ex: alveoli |
Singular Ending:
-um Plural Ending? Ex: labium |
Plural Ending:
-a Singular Ending? Ex: labia |
Singular Ending:
-ma Plural Ending? Ex: carcinoma |
Plural Ending:
-mata Singular Ending? Ex: carcinomata |
Singular Ending:
-on Plural Ending? Ex: criterion |
Plural Ending:
-a Singular Ending? Ex: criteria |
Singular Ending:
-is Plural Ending? Ex: anastomosis |
Plural Ending:
-es Singular Ending? Ex: anastomoses |
Singular Ending:
-ix Plural Ending? Ex: appendix |
Plural Ending:
-ices Singular Ending? Ex: appendices |
Singular Ending:
-ex Plural Ending? Ex: apex |
Plural Ending:
-ices Singular Ending? Ex: apices |
Singular Ending:
-ax Plural Ending? Ex: thorax |
Plural Ending:
-aces Singular Ending? Ex: thoraces |
Singular Ending:
-en Plural Ending? Ex: foramen |
Plural Ending:
-ina Singular Ending? Ex: foramina |
Singular Ending:
-nx Plural Ending? Ex: phalanx |
Plural Ending:
-nges Singular Ending? Ex: phalanges |
Singular Ending:
-yx Plural Ending? Ex: calyx |
Plural Ending:
-yces Singular Ending? Ex: calyces |
Give the correct English plural forms for the following: plexus, fetus, & sinus |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: plexuses, fetuses, sinuses |
Give the correct plural forms for the following: corpus, viscus, genus, opus |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: corpora, viscera, genera, opera |
Give all correct plural forms for the following: meatus |
Give the correct singular form for the following: meatus, meatuses |
Give all correct plural forms for the following: syllabus |
Give the correct singular form for the following: syllabuses, syllabi |
Give the correct plural forms for the following: arcus, decubitus, ductus, hiatus, introitus |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: arcus, decubitus, ductus, hiatus, introitus |
Give the correct plural forms for the following: apparatus, consensus, status |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: apparatus, consensus, status |
Give the correct plural forms for the following: iris, arthritis, epididymis |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: irides, arthritides, epididymides |
Give the correct plural forms for the following: femoris |
Give the correct singular forms for the following: femora |
carcinoma - singular carcinomata - plural Give another acceptable plural form. |
carcinoma - singular carcinomas - plural Give another acceptable plural form. |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: caput |
Give the singular form of the following: capita |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: cornu |
Give the singular form of the following: cornua |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: femur |
Give the singular form of the following: femora |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: os (mouth) os (bone) |
Give the singular form of the following: ora (mouths) ossa (bones) |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: paries |
Give the singular form of the following: parietes |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: pons |
Give the singular form of the following: pontes |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: vas |
Give the singular form of the following: vasa |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: glans |
Give the singular form of the following: glandes |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: dens |
Give the singular form of the following: dentes |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: comedo |
Give the singular form of the following: comedones |
Give the irregular plural form of the following: lentigo |
Give the singular form of the following: lentigines |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -s, -x, -ch*, -sh, or -z Plural ending? Ex: stress, crutch, fax, patch, mash, waltz |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: -es Ex: stresses, crutches, faxes, patches, mashes, waltzes |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -y preceded by a vowel Plural ending? Ex: attorney, boy, delay |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add s Ex: attorneys, boys, delays |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -o preceded by a vowel Plural ending? Ex: tattoo, ratio |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add s Ex: tattoos, ratios |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -o preceded by a vowel Plural ending? Ex: tattoo, ratio |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add "s" Ex: tattoos, ratios |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Singular ending: -ch that makes a "k" sound Plural ending? Ex: stomach |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add "s" Ex: stomachs |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -y preceded by a consonant Plural ending? Ex: mammoplasty, ovary, therapy |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: change "y" to "i" and add es Ex: mammoplasties, ovaries, therapies |
English pluralization:
Singular ending: -o preceded by a consonant* Plural ending? Ex: tomato, mulatto |
English pluralization:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add "es" Ex: tomatoes, mulattoes |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give the correct plural form of the following: embryo, placebo |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give the correct singular form of the following: embryos, placebos |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give two correct plural forms of the following: zero |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give the correct singular form of the following: zeros, zeroes |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give two correct plural forms of the following: innuendo |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give the correct singular form of the following: innuendos, innuendoes |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give two correct plural forms of the following: vertigo |
Exceptions for English Plurals:
Give the correct singular form of the following: vertigos, vertigoes |
English Plurals:
Singular ending: -f or -fe Plural ending? Ex: scarf, life, calf, knife |
English Plurals:
Singular ending? Plural ending: change "f" or "fe" to "ves" Ex: scarves, lives, calves, knives |
French Plurals:
Singular ending: -eau, -eu Plural ending? Ex: milieu, rouleau |
French Plurals:
Singular ending? Plural ending: add an "x" Ex: milieux, rouleaux |
Italian Plurals:
Singular ending: -o Plural ending? Ex: virtuoso |
Italian Plurals:
Singular ending? Plural ending: change "o" to "i" Ex: virtuosi |