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123 Cards in this Set

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Functions of III oculomotor

Somatic motor of 4 eye muscles: superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, medial rectus - III motor nucleus

Visceral motor: Constricting pupil in pupillary reflex - EW

Nucleus is found in Rostral midbrain

IV Trochlear

Somatic motor control of superior oblique

exits dorsally

Caudal medulla

V Trigeminal (2)

SomatoSensory component:

Branches: Ophthalmic (forehead, eyelid, nasal cavity), maxillary (upper teeth, hard and soft palate), mandibular( cheek, anterior 2/3 tongue)

mesencephalis nucleus in the medulla: proprioception of mastication muscles

Pontine nucleus: in the pons. Termination site for tactile

Spinal: Pain and touch, nucleus in pons/medulla/SpC

Motor component: Branchial motor control of muscles of mastication. Nucleus is in the pons at level of main sensory V

VI Abducens (1)

Lateral rectus - looking right or left


Found in somatic motor pons (near midline)

Remember the rules of 4, motor nuclei in midline 3 4 6 12 (divisible by 12)

VII Facial (4)

Sensory: pain and tactile of ear, tympanic membrane. Terminates in Spinal V pons level

Visceral sensory: Taste of 2/3 tongue caudal Pons, rostral medulla. Joins solitary tract and projects to solitary nucleus


Facial and midear muscles - pons

super salivatory nucleus (all glands except parotid) pons


Special sensory

Remember the tract: Ventral cochlear nucleus - superior olivary complex - inferior colliculi - MGB - auditory cortex

Vestibular: nuclei at floor of 4th ventricle, goes to III, IV, VI for balance


IX (4)


Somatic sensory: Posterior 1/3 tongue, tonsil, soft palate, upper layrnx, uvula - terminates in spinal V pons/med/spc

Visceral sensory: Chemoreceptors in carotid - inferior solitary nucleus

posterior 1/3 taste - superior(upper) solitary nucleus


Branchial motor: stylopharngeal - nucleus ambiguus Medulla

Visceral motor: parotid gland + vasodilation - inferior salivary nucleus Medulla

X (4)

Somatosensory: meninges, ear, pharynx - terminate in spinal V

visceral sensory: larynx, lower pharynx, airway, abs - nucleus of solitary tract


Branchial motor: nucleus abiguus - VF, constrictor muscles , pharynx

Visceral motor -airwaym digestive tract, liver, kidney - dorsal motor nucleus in medulla

XI (accessory) (1) motor

Branchial motor:

trapezius - raise shoulders

sternomascloid - no

nucleus in C1-C5 and travels up to brainstem to exit at medulla

XII (hypoglossal) M

somatic motor - all muscles of hte tongue besides palatoglossus (X)

CN in nucleus ambiguus


CN in nucleus of solitary tract


CN in superior salivatory nucleus


visceral motor of glands - e.g. lacrimal for tears

CN of inferior salivatory nucleus and purpose


visceral motor of parotid

Describe auditory pathway


Describe corticobulbar pathway


describe spinothalamic pathway


describe ML pathway


4 medulla CN

IX, X, Xi, XII

4 Pons cranial nerves


4 Midbrain CN


Lesions to cranial nerves are all


Contralateral lesions seen in

corticopsinal, ML, spinothalamic

Ipsilateral lesions in tracts


sympathetic fibres (descendng)


Short sightedness

Lens too strong

Biconcave glasseses


Long sightedness

lens too weak

convex glasses


Lens has unequal curvatures


Old eye - decreasing elasticity of lens

When objects come closer, 3 things happen

Convergence: activation of medial rectus

accomodation: changing shape of lendes + contraction of cilary muscles to relax lens(make more round)

pupil constriction: prevents divergent light entering

Vitreous humour

Fills posterior segment

supplies nutrients to ganglion cells

Iris role

gives eye colour, changes shape of the pupil


focuses light into fovea by changing shape. right in front of lens


focuses light


most exterior

allows light to pass through

provides most refractive power +43D

suspensory ligaments

holds lens into place + changes it shape. Taunt = distant, slack = close

Blood supply of retina

choroid: ext 1/3 photoreceps

central arter + vein: ganglion + bioloar cells


pit of retina, highest density

intraocular muscles


iris sphincter

extraocular muscles

superior rectus - up

superior oblique - down lat

medial rectus - towards nose

inferior rectus - down

inferior oblique - up lat

lateral rectus - abducts

Describe pathway

Light hits the fovea --> photoreceptors --> bipolar cell --> ganglion cells --> optic disc --> optic nerve --> chiasm --> superior colliculi --> lateral geniculate nucelus --> V1

Lesion to optic tract

Homonymous hemianopia (either left or right)

lesion to chiasm

Bitemporal hemianopia

Lesion to optic radiation

(same side) L or R homonymous hemianopia with macula sparing

lesion to optic nerve

.Left or right anopia (opposite side)

Phototransduction pathway

happens in outer segments of photoreceptors

photorecepts - pigment molecule changes shape - membrane channel blocked - activates bipolar cells - activates ganglion - LGN

Visual pigments of rods and cones



night, B&W

absorbs most of the visible spectrum

sensitive to light and responds well to dim light

high afferent convergence - low VA


rods - dim light


colour and day

red, green, blue (in terms of wavelength absorption)

cones insensiive - photopic

each cone synapses with one biploar cells - littel convergence

optic disc and blind pot

optic dic - nasal ret

blind spot - temporal VF

cones have highest density in


rods highest desnisty in 10-20 range

not in fovea, dense elsewhere

formula for power of lens

units for divergences and converges

1/focal length

converge +D

diverge -D

when lens bulges

focal point shorter

image is formed

upside down


produces teas and mucous


protects shape of eyes and attaches it to extraocular muscles

Week 3 Neurodevelopment

Neuralation - nervous system starts to form

3 germlayers of NS

ectoderm - becomes NS and bottom becomes skin

mesoderm: somites (muscles)

Endoderm: intestines

End of week 3 D17

neural plate induced by mesoderm. becomes thicker and thicker due to chemicals

Neural plate continues to grow - swelling of brain and elongation of SpC Day 18-20


xray for 3d visualisations at different planes

bone and blood - white. Abnormal would have many whites because of blood clots

advantagesL inexpensive, quick, high resolution

disadvantages: lots of radiation, reactions, risk of artifacts e.g. metal plates


magnetic fields and then radiofrequency applied to disturb - makes molecules flipa nd produces energy

advantages: shows soft tissues and all planes. no radiation

disadvantages: expensive, 40 mins

purposes: diagnoses stroke, MS, infections

visualises injuries and torn ligaments

evaluates bone tumours and cysts


same but measures oxygen in brain

looks at func

low res

DTI - diffusion tensor imaging

detects water diffusion - looks at white matter


half life tracer

detects cancer, demntia, seizures and maps brain func

adv: shows diff activity in areas

dis: time consuming, low res, radioactive, time constraints

summarise formation of the brain. What day does it start

Starts at day 24

what does prosencephalon make

telenceph (cortex) and dienceph (thalamus)

Malformations to neural tube

failure to close

open: communicates with atmosphere

closed: covered with skin

causes: folate deficiency

Posterior defects (3)

Spina bifida occulta - missing vertebrae, L5 not closed but no protrusion

Meningocele: Sac of cyst of meninges. Some paralysis

Myelomeningocele: Protrusion of meninges + spinal nerves. paralysis of limbs and ab muscles

Complication of meylomeingocele (3)

Chiari II - paralysis of cranial nerves and brain damage

Hydrocecphalus (water head) obstruction of CSF

Synngomyelia fluid cyst in Spc

ANterior defects

Encephalocele - anterior pore didn't close and skull defect


No presenceph

4 stages of CNS development

cellular prolif


axon growth

synapse formation

refinemetn of system

Cellular prolif

when does it peak

2-4 months at ventricular layer (most inside)

(the layers are ventricular, mantle and then marginal)

1st wave: neuroblasts produced (neurons)

2nd wave: glioblasts made --> glial --> astrocytes and oligodendrocytes

completeion: ependymal cells that line lumen + ventricles


Neurons in ventricular layer have to migrate to final location to ,ature

time and location specific

6 layers in cortex, radial cells all it to propel up

Other forms of migration

along existing axon pathway

along conc gradient of transcriptional molecules

Axon growth

newly placed neuron has structure at tip of growing axon - the growth cone

growth cone has lamellipodium: sheetlike expansions of the axon, and filopodia: receptors

responds to cues in teh environment

synapse formation

achieved through molecules released in target cell that attracts growth cone

brain growth

highest peak at 2-4 months, migration in 3-5 months and hten cortex and fissures seen

development of ventricles

13 weeks

same ratio as brain but in 2nd and 3rd trimester, ratio smaller

abnormalisty of neuronal prolif

microencep: too mall

megaenceph: too large of brain, no separation between grey and white matter

- both associated with speech delays

disorders with migration

gray matter heterotopia - wrong regions. Lisseneceph: failure week 12-24 - lack of brain grooves

penventricular heterotopia: didnt migrate to cortex, No proper circuits. Agnesis of corpus collosum - no hihger order function

refinement: 4 steps

topograph, cell death, synaptogenesis, myelination

forming topographic maps

2 receps have matching arrangements in cortex

due to different preferences for guidance molecules

cell death

peaks at week 24. Down to half cells by 4 weeks after birth

starts at w4 - 4m


formation of synapses starts week20 and peaks after birth bc stimulus dependent

elimination starts at 4 months after birth and peaks at 10


reules: peripheral before central

sensory before motor

LMN before higher

projection fibres before association fibres

dentritic and axonal arborization

w16 to adult

branching out

Motor control in embryo and fetus

Week 7.5




1.7 - head turn reflex

8.5 1st spontaneous movement

10 change position

12 kicking rolling

after birth high functioning areas due to myelination and synaptogenesis


pheripheral nervse



after birth cortex

differentiation of cortical regions _ white matter myelination

still not many synaptogensis and myelination but high rate

at 3 years, 3-16x size of cortex compared to new born

otic pit

makes inner ear at Week 4 as thickening of ectoderm

3-4 days later - makes otic vessivle (membraneous labyrinth of ear and ganglion VIII)

external ear

1st and 2nd arches

ossicles form from

condensed mesynchyme by D28 1st arch

late week 5 ear

CNVIII and ducts

9month ear

structurall func

endogenous development of hearing

W20, regular in W22

spontaneous nerve activity and cochlear nuclei without outside stimulation promotes axon growth

exogenous hearing

W28 - sounds heard tune frequency of each hair ceclls. Starts low

fetus can hear

up to 85dB (mother's peristalsis)

simple music help develop circuits

uterus is filter. 120-140 dB kill hair cells

emotional vocalisation

W18: resp contractions

brain plasticity in infancy

1st 3 months - makes many synapses (1000 million) but temp

synapses made in first 3-4 years permanent


1st 3 years: more myelination than cell death - increases brain size

3 year olds: 2x synapses than adults but down by 10. Experiences shape these circuits. if not used - pruned

cortical developmnet 1st year

rapid. auditory - myelination and synapto

visual: M and S started before birth but still low VA

corticospinal tract myelinates top to bottom

corticoregion maturation (post concep)

W36 - posterior internal capsule first to mature, then temp and frontal last at W 120

Language acqu

Grwoth of synapses in Wernicke's area + understanding of lang

18m - increase in words

peak at 3


mirror neurons - neurons activated when seening action smae as neurons when making action

final maturation

gray matter loss

primary cortical first, then parietla regions(speech and language) at 11-13

association areas at 18+

Alcohol causes damage to

All stages

methylmercury (fish)

prolif, differentiation (early stages) + synap

lead causes

diff, myelination, synap, aptosis


death of cells

critical periods

heating 3-4 years

language - until puberty

what is reticular nuclei

collection of structures at core of brainstem + runs through length . Collates info from all tracs and projects to all parts of CNS

allows coordiation of systems

Cortical activity levels RN

RAS: aware of internal and external sitmuli and acts as gage

projects to thalamus: (reticulothalamus pathway) modulates level of sensory down by thalamus

Cortex: modulates electrical activity to influence

-level of arousal

- sleep/wake cycle

-focus attention on specific stimuli + filter

bilateral damage: coma


sympathetic fight/flight - influences cog functions, mental state, memory

nucleus: locus coeruleus in the pons

low: silent in sleep

high: highest in REM< decreases attention and memory

precerebellar nuclei

nuclei found in pons tegmentum

sends info to cerebellum form brainstem about visual, auditory and vestibular

recieves infro from cortex and sPc

controls many subconsciour motr activity

reticulospinal tract

pons and med modulate motor movements directly and indirectly. COntrols innate muscle tone, adjeustive mentvemnt, coordinates NS movement, posture

controls sensitivity of reflexes - does to ventral horn


comes from raphe nucleus (along midline)

rostral raphe: to higher CNS structures

caudal ralph: BS, SpC

projections to hypothalamus + cortex for circadian rhythms + sleep patterns

modulates pain pahways (caudal --> dorsal horn of spinothalamic)


VTA and substantia nigra. supplies to basal ganglia and cortex

working memory, pleasure and reward

motor functions of RN

for complex sequences e.g. swallowing breathing

CPG - orders neurons to do jobs at specific timing

CPG for swallowing

NTS DSG (near nucleus of solitary tract - recieves info)

VLM VSG (near N A) and sends to V VII X XII C1-C3

autonomic and visceral reflexes RN

range of nuclei in medulla nad pons

recieves info from SPc and CN and sends to visceral motor neurons, cardian and resp muscles

rostral medulla: acts as CPG for cardio and resp

pons: CPG for lungs and breathing patterns

Branchial arches 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th/6th

1st: V muscles of mastication

2nd: facial

3rd: IX (pharynx)

4th and 6th - XI X