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88 Cards in this Set

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The earliest surviving musical instruments were made from


The origins of Western music can be traced to civilizations from

Iraq and Syria

In ancient Greek mythology, the lyre was associated with


What is a double recorder called?


All of the following wrote about Greek music except


Who discovered the relationship between consonant intervals and mathematical ratios?


Plate asserted that music was an essential component of education because

Studying music helps to balance mental and physical activity

According to Aristotle, different kinds of melodies could cause the listener to experience


According to Aristoxenus, rhythm in music closely aligns with


The Epitaph of Seikilos is a musical composition from

Ancient Greece

The fragment ode from Euripides' Orestes exhibits all of the following musical qualities except

the use of virtuosic improvisation

The main practice shared by early Judaism and early Christianity was

The chanting of psalms

The focal point of the Christian Mass is a symbolic reenactment of

The Last Supper

The schedule of days commemorating special events in the lives of Christ and the saints or times of year is called the

Church Calendar

Popes and secular rulers from the eighth century on sought to standardize the Catholic liturgy in order to

centralize political and spiritual authority

The Holy Roman Empire was established when

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, King of the Franks, emperor

Why did church musicians develop a system for notating chant?

It helped advance the goal of disseminating a unified liturgy

When did chant notation evolve from unheightened neumes to staff notation?

ca. 850-1025

F and C clefs were the most often used in chant notation because they are

positioned just above the semitones in the diatonic scale

This writer was one of the first to articulate the concept of the seven liberal arts, which include music

Martianus Capella

A melody that occupies a range from a fourth of a fifth below the final to a sixth above the final is called


Which best describes a reciting tone?

The most frequent or prominent note of a chant

In the Medieval Christian church, the primary purpose of liturgical music was to

aid in the delivery of the text

All of the following Mass movements are parts of the Ordinary except the


The cycle of prayers said throughout the day in monasteries and convents is called the


The liturgy of the Office focused primarily on chanting the


The manner of performance in which a soloist alternates singing with a choir is called


Because the Credo is a very long text, the musical style of Credo chants will usually be


All of the following statements about characteristics of chant melodies are true except

melodies usually ascend to the cadence

A genre that consists of several stanzas, each sung to the same melody, is called a


Evidence of solo singing of certain chants during the Middle Ages comes from

The more ornate style of some chants as compared to others

Which chant of the Ordinary is usually composed in a neumatic style?


All of the following are examples of tropes except

adding new parts for instruments such as the organ

Why was Hildegard of Bingen's music known only locally during her lifetime?

Most composers in the Middle Ages had only a local reputation

Hildegard of Bingen did all of the following except

officiate at Mass

From ca. 800 to ca. 1200, Europe experienced

economic, educational, and artistic growth

An epic narrative poem describing the deeds of a heroic character is called a

chanson de geste

Why do scholars believe that the surviving secular song and dance repertory represents mostly that of the upper classes of society?

The lower social classes were nonliterate and so they could not write down their music

The theme of fin/ amors in trouvere songs concerns the topic of

Respectful love toward and unattainable noble woman

All of the following statements are true of troubadour and trouvere melodies except

the declamation is usually melismatic

Adam de la halle composed which piece?

Jeu de Robin et de Marion

Adam de la Halle's Robins m'aime is in

rondeau form

Walter von der Vogelweide was a famous


Waltehr von der Vogelweide's Palastinailed is a song about

the Crusades

What kind of song is this text from?


Which best describes a shawm?

A double-reed instrument similar to an oboe

Which best describes a carole?

A French instrumental dance

The earliest written polyphony exhibited all of the following musical elements that continued to occupy composers throughout the history of Western music except


In Organum, the voice presenting the chant is called the

principle voice

Note-against-note organum offers composers freedom because

the organal part can move in contrary, oblique, parallel, or similar motion

Which format best describes the presentation of the music in the original sources of Aquitanian and Notre Dame polyphony?

The parts are aligned vertically in score format

In the notation of the rhythmic modes, the rhythmic duration of pitches was indicated by

ligature patterns

How many rhythmic modes are there?


Although Anonymous IV names Leoninus and Perotinus as creators of polyphony, scholars are unsure of exactly what they wrote. Why is this?

No surviving sources of polyphony name Leoninus or Perotinus as the composers

In Notre Dame-style polyphony, composers set melismas in the original chant as discant because

setting melismas as organum would make the music too long

Most substitute clausulae were written in

discant style

Voice exchange is when

voices trades phrases

A polyphonic conductus is a setting of

a single Latin poem sung in all voices

All of the following describe ways in which early thirteenth=century composers reworked motets except

deleting the original chant and writing one or more new voices

The term cantus firmus, introduced around 1270, is synonymous with which of the following terms?


All of the following are names of rhythmic durations in Franconian notation except


A composer of late 13th century exhibits a preference for

simple, syllabic, repeating melodies

What effect did the Great Schism have on 14th century society?

It weakened papal authority

The Romans de Fauvel is an allegory about

corruption at the French court

The Roman de Fauvel includes isorhythmic motets by

Philippe de Vitry

14th Century music saw an increased use of thirds and sixths as

imperfect sonsonances

the following as an example of

a hocket

Why is it difficult to evaluate Machaut's place in the history of 14th century music?

Very little music by his contemporaries survives

Which of the following providers evidence that Machaut conceived of his polyphonic songs with the cantus, not the tenor, as the principle voice?

At least one monophonic song appears in a lter manuscript with a tenor

The Italian ballata is similar in form to the


All of the following guide scholars and performers about the use of voices and instruments in 14th century polyphony except

the composers' indications in the manuscripts

The concept in Greek philosophy that the universe is an orderly, unified system integrating everything from mathematical proportions, astronomy, philosophy, and social structures to a person's soul is called


Who issued the Edict of Milan, making it legal to practice Christianity in the Roman Empire

Emporer Cenilatine

Why did the church fathers disapprove of using musical instruments in church?

They believed that only music delivered Christian teaching

What is a neume?

Early notation sign for melodic group

Why did theorists in the Middle Ages consider it a liberal Art, along with such disciplines as dialectic and arithmetic?

They thought more about the mathematical and philosophical aspects of music

Who divided music into three categories?


Explain the difference between the Proper and the Ordinary texts of the Mass

Proper texts differ in each day of the church calendar

Ordinary texts are the same from week to week

Explain the difference between antiphonal and responsorial.

Antiphonal is when two groups alternate. Responsorial is when a soloist alternates with a group.

Describe the social structure of medieval France

Society was divided into 3 classes- nobility, clergy and peasants

What is meant by a text that is in a "vernacular"

Text in the local language

What is a chansonnier?

An anthology of songs

What was a guild?

An organization of professional artisans

How did the music of the troubadours, centered in southern France, spread to other regions of Europe?

Through the thrones of Eleanor of Aquitane, Albigensian Crusade (later)

Who was the first vernacular poet-composer whose complete works were collected in a manuscript?

Adam de la Halle

Can this excerpt be from conductus?

No because in conductus all voices are essentially set in the same rhthym

What is the difference between a substitute clausula and an early motet?

Basically the same. The difference is in the text

How many voice parts are in a double motet?