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21 Cards in this Set

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IT is the great enabler! What does enable mean with respect to information technology?

IT is a tool to help you create value.

Cisco subscribes to various digital news sources that track economic, political, and other potential sources of disruption. This is an example of which IT role? :

Scanning and risk management

By linking primary customer data (i.e., the data you collect from your customers) to secondary data sources such as census numbers, Nielsen demographics, or weather statistics, we can better understand _______________ and thus _________________ to meet customer needs. :

customer behavior; tailor products

Procter & Gamble established “Connect + Develop” which enabled over 42% of P&G’s new product ideas to come from outside the company. This is an example of:


In the formula, Observe + Ask + Analyze + Act = Organizational Learning, where can IT most effectively help you rewrite the competitive rules?


When it comes to IT, you start getting in trouble with you lose focus on why you are adopting IT. If you lose focus, you begin to see IT as the _______ rather than as an _______. :

Solution, enabler

When your goal shifts from enabling a value-added capability to acquiring cutting-edge technology, you risk which two negative

effects? :

Put the technology before the process design, end up with a capability rivals can copy

What is the main goal and purpose of utilizing information technology (IT)? :

Quickly and inexpensively share accurate and relevant information

What is the first route marker managers should follow on the proven path to IT enablement in order to help their company maximize their return on IT investments? :

View technology as an enabler

One of the route markers on the path to IT enablement is being guided by the 3Ps of technology adoption. What are the 3Ps? :

Process, performance measurement, people

What is the main purpose of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems? :

Using the same data across the organization to make decisions

ERP systems can be described as the company’s ________?

Central nervous system

What is the main purpose of warehouse management systems (WMS)? :

Track movement and storage of materials in DC system

Most WMS rely on bar codes and RF (radio frequency systems) to help you optimize materials storage based on _______ information about space utilization. :


What is the main purpose of a transportation management system (TMS)? :

Plan and manage all transportation needs

What do Customer Relationship management systems enable your company to do? :

All of the above:

a) know customers

b) know customer wants

c) know customer buying habits

d) accurately profile customers

How do companies use IT for decision making? :

All of the above:

a) Retailers worldwide use barcodes to track inventory so they can make sure product is on the shelf.

b) Shipping companies use IT to let customers track their shipments.

c) Companies partner across the globe to design and build products.

Amazon uses data on your purchase history to make suggestions about what you might want to buy next. This is an example of which IT role? :

Customer insights

Michael Hammer, the brain trust behind re-engineering, laments that fewer than 10% of large corporations actually use IT to re-imagine processes. What are companies doing instead? :

Implementing IT without using it to improve the way work is done

There is a proven path to IT enablement, which helps companies maximize their return on IT investments. Which of the following is NOT part of the proven path?

View technology as a solution

Which of the following is NOT one of the examples given for what transportation management systems (TMS) can do for your company?

Obtain better deals with materials suppliers and customers