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74 Cards in this Set

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Q: What type of family is consideredan extended family?
A: Relativeof either spouse who live with the nuclear family. (Grandma grandpa auntsuncles cousins)
- Q: Participating in groups or clubs to serve family needs is considered?
A:An external coping strategy
Q: What is considered an informal role of the family?
A: The family scapegoat
Q: Which is anexample of dysfunctional family communication?
- Q: A physiologic response to stress is
A:Increased heart rate
Q: What is the first principle of Maslow’s Hierarchy ofneeds?
A: Physiological: oxygen, fluids, nutrition, temperature, elimination, shelter, rest, and sex.
Q: What’s the last one in priority to Maslow’s needs?
A: Self Esteem

- Q: Which is an example of a physiological stressor?

A: Excessive noise
Q: Wound healing and inflammation is an example of?
A: Local adaptation syndrome
- Q: What is Anorexia?
A: Having a lack of appetite ->
Q: What is Bulimia?
A: Periods of binge eating followed by purging
Complications of TPN
● Pulmonary Complications

● Injury to the Veins and Arteries surrounding the TPN catheter site

● Air Embolism

● Infection

● Electrolyte Imbalance

● Mineral Deficiencies

● Hyperglycemia

● Rebound Hypoglycemia (if treatment is ended suddenly)

Review Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
* IgE is important in allergic reactions and in parasiticinfections.
- Q: The priority nursing responsibility when taking care of a patient with immunodeficiency is to?
A: Prevent infection
- Q: Antigen injections are other wise known as …
A: Vaccinations.
- Q: Antigens are…?
A: A substance, usually a protein that is capable of stimulating a response from the immune system.
- Q: The nurses professional duty to help others is an example of
A: Beneficence
- Q: Which patient cannot give an informed consent to?
A: A patient that just received a preoperative sedative
- Q: Who is responsible for getting informed consent?
A: Thephysician
- Q: Condition when injury was caused by the nurse’s failure to carry out duty is…
A: Malpractice

Increase water absorption in the renal tubules (Results in...)

● Can result in:

○ Hypertension

○ Weight Gain

○ Pitting Edema.

- Q: One way the body tries to compensate for deficient blood volume is?
A: Increased heart rate
- Q: Edema, coolness and pain at the IV site are indications of?
A: Infiltration
High-Fowler’s position and Oxygenation, Which termapplies?

- Q: What is used to monitor the oxygenation of the blood?

A: Oximeter
IV Fluids and Urine Output-

Q: The major electrolytes in the extracellular fluid are?

A: Sodiumand chloride / Sodium at 135-145pan>
- Q: What is the normal hourly urine output?
A: 30 ml per hour
- Q: What is the normal intake of daily fluids?
A: 2500 ml
- Q: How much water should adults drink a day at least?
A: 2500 ml’s
- Q: What is the policy limit amount of urine that can be drained from a bladder at a time?
A: 800 ml
Metabolic Acidosis, hyperventilation results in - Q: When the body retains too many hydrogen ions or loses to many bicarbonate ions what occurs?
A: Metabolic acidosis
: When the respiratory system fails to eliminate the appropriate amount of carbon dioxide to maintain the normal acid-base balance?
A: Respiratory acidosis
- Q: The most common cause of respiratory alkalosis?
A: Hyperventilation
. Malignant Hyperthermia -

Q: What is malignant hyperthermia?

A: It’s an adverse reaction to general anesthetics that’s inherited by genetics.
- Q: What are characteristics of malignant hyperthermia?
A: Increased metabolic rate, cyanosis, muscle rigidity, increased body temperature, hypotension, tachycardia
Spinal Anesthesia (Nurse Monitoring) -

Q: Post spinal headache can be relieved by…

A: Lying flat
Purpose of Around-the-Clock pain medication administration
- When pain is predictable, such as with postoperative pain, and cancer pain, analgesics are more effective when given around the clock (ATC) rather than PRN.- An around the clock schedule maintains therapeutic blood levels of the analgesic.- The around the clock schedule is usually based on how long the drug lasts; thus when the order read every 3-4 hours, the analgesics should be administered every 3-4 hours to maintain pain relief.
Review Heat & Cold treatments (Appropriate patient)
COLD is contraindicated for patients with peripheral vascular disease or heart disease because it may cause further vasoconstriction of blood vessels and thus decrease circulation- Cold application should be limited to 15 minutes per session to prevent tissue injury or frostbite.
Review Heat & Cold treatments (Appropriate patient)
Heat treatment should be limited to 30 minutes to prevent tissue injury- HEAT is contraindicated on a site of malignancy, to areas decreased sensation, or circulation or to patient who cannot communicate discomfort.
Gate Control method of pain relief-

Q: What is the gate control theory?

A: It states that pain experience affects both physiological and psychological factors.
- Q: Whatfactors close the gate? According to the gate control theory…?
A: Massage, position change, guided imagery, heat application
Complications of Opioids -

Q: When observing sedation in a pt, which stage would the nurse consider to be an emergency?

A: Minimal response to physical stimulation
- Q: What is a commonly used drug for conscious sedation?
A: Midazolam (Versed
Review CPR (in Fundies Book) -

Q: The first assessment priorities for first aid treatment of emergency patients must be…?

A: Airway, Breathing, Circulation
- Q: What is the breath/compression ratio for CPR?
A: 30 compressions/2 breaths
- Q: When observing sedation in a pt, which stage would the nurse consider to be an emergency?
A: Minimal response to physical stimulation
Treatment of Epistaxis-

Q: What is the treatment for epistaxis? Otherwise called nosebleeds?

A: The pt should sit down and lean forward. Direct pressure should be applied for 3-5 minutes.
Immediate treatment of Heat Exhaustion-

Q: Heat exhaustion is treated by?

A: Cooling and hydrating the victim.
. What is Compensatory Shock? -

Q: What is shock defined as?

A: It’s a syndrome characterized by inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in impaired cellular metabolism.
- Q: The stage of shock in which death is imminent is known as?
A: Refractory
- Q: Why is providing oxygen for organs important when receiving shock treatment?
A: Because brain cells begin to die after 4 minutes without oxygen.
Counteracting Compensatory Shock (bed position)
• the position that would enhance cerebral flow to counteract the symptoms of compensatory shock is trendelenburg • In the Trendelenburg position, the body is laid flat on the back (supine position) with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees,
Dovetailing (pacing activities) - for Low Cardiac Output
- Dictionary definition: fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently.- From the Australian Medical Center: These involve pacing your exercise and daily activity so as not to flare-up your pain levels and gradually expand your physical activity.
List Saturated Fats (Oils)- Q: What substances are considered saturated fats?
A: Butter, Coconut Oil and Palm Oil
- Q: When the nurse feels powerless because moral beliefs cannot be followed due to institutional barriers she is experiencing
A: Moral Distress
- Q: Threat of some contact without the patients consent is
A: Assault
- Q: The stomach is normally emptied after
A: 1-4 hours
- Q: What is one type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested and is excreted unchanged from feces?
A: Fiber
- Q: For immediate use by the body’s cells, carbohydrates are converted primarily to.
A: Glucose
- Q: For which body tissues are lipids NOT a source of energy?
A: The brain
- Q: A hormone produced by the adrenal cortex that is an anti-inflammatory is…?
A: Cortisol
- Q: The elimination of microorganisms from any object that comes in contact with the patient is called.
A: Surgical asepsis
- Q: In anaphylaxis, what is an effect of histamine?
A: Bronchospasm
- Q: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) provides a measure of?
A: Renal function
- Q: What is the main sugar in the blood and the primarysource for energy in the body?
A: Glucose
- Q: A nurse is aware that after a meal, the blood sugar level may rise. How long should it take for the blood sugar level to return to the normal range?
A: 2-3 hours
- Q: In an adult, what amount of blood loss may result in hypovolemic shock?
A: 1 liter or more
- Q: The abnormal chest wall action in flail chest causes?
A: Impaired gas exchange
- Q: Flulike symptoms following a tick bite may be symptoms of…?
A: Lyme Disease

- Q: What is the danger of too rapid rewarming as the treatment for a pt with severe hypothermia?

A: Cardiac Dysrhythmias
- Q: The use of local anesthetics agent into and under the skin around the area of treatment is called?
A: Regional anesthesia
- Q: When a wound starts pulling apart this is an indication of?
A: Dehiscence
- Q: How much air does it take to cause an air embolism in an adult?
A: 10 cc
- Q: A person has a sever allergic reaction that results in bronchoconstriction. What type of shock is this?
A: Anaphylactic
- Q: Vasopressin is given to pts with septic shock because it is a?
A: Vasoconstrictor