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68 Cards in this Set

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Name mammals

Cats, dogs, pigs, sheep

Definition of anatomy

Structure of an organism/scientific study of bodily structure of living organisms

Definition of physiology

Process and functions of organisms

Common features of fish

Scales, lay eggs, lives in water

Common features of amphibians

Webbed feet, swims, cold blooded

Common features of reptiles

Scales, carnivores, cold blooded

Common features of birds

Feathers, wings, beak

Common features of mammals

Warm blooded, vertebrates, hair

What is a ruminant animal

Has multiple stomach compartments specialised for herbivore diet

What is non ruminant

Only has 1 digestive system/stomach where food is broken down into required nutrients

What is an animals body composed of

Millions of cells that has a specialised function


Examples of specialised cells

Red blood cells carry oxygen, sperm sex cells for reproduction

A group of similar cells is a


A group of different tissues is an


A group of organs working together is a


Examples of cells

Red/white blood cells, sperm cells

Examples of tissues

Muscle, heart, brain

Examples of organs

Heart, lungs, eyes

Examples of body systems

Digestive, respiratory

What is the muscular system

Enables animal to.move and Control

What is the skeletal or support system

Provides internal and external support (skeleton)

What is the digestive system

Enables animal to breakdown food eaten and obtains energy for other body processes (contains teeth, stomach)

What is the circulatory system

Transports blood throughout animals body, consists of heart, blood and arteries

what is the respiratory system

includes nose, lungs, gills and windpipe, brings in oxygen and releases c02

what is the urinary system

contains kidney, bladder, ureters and urethra, enables animal to expel waste

what is the reproductive system

enables animals to produce offspring, includes ovaries, testes, penis uterus and vagina

what is the nervous system

enables animal to send/receive and process info, includes CNS, sensory organs and nerves

what is the endocrine system

made of glands(ovary, pancreas etc), produces hormones and influence body functions (eg growth)

what does the skeleton do

maintains body shape

what do bones do

protects organs by surrounding them with a hard covering

what does the skeletal do

bones act as levers, when muscles pull bones, body moves

what does the medullery do

bones provide a store of minerals, calcium and phosphorus

what is bone marrow for

red and white blood cell production

what are 2 types of bone tissue

compact bone and spongy

what is the compact bone

hard, white, canals surrounded by bone tissue rich in calcium, canal in centre carries blood vessels and nerves

what is spongy bone

has tiny cavities, spaces filled with red bone marrow, made up of fat and blood cells

what are joints protected by

cartilage, firm rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints

what is skeleton of embryo made of


what is yellow bone marrow made of


what is ossification

bone made of cells break down cartilage to from tissue to protect baby during birth

know skeleton


what are joints

2 bones meet, holds skeleton together and allows movement

fixed joints

allow no movement, help form protective barrier.

slightly movable joints

only move a small amount, has pads of cartilage that allow small movements

synovial joint

allow movement in various direction, covered in a layer of slippery cartilage, joints filled with fluid to protect

what does slippy cartilage do

reduces friction and protects bone

ball and socket joint

allow movement in all direction (shoulder)

hinge joint

only move some direction, elbow

pivot joint

necks, side to side

fixed joint

bones fused together, (protect joint)

what are muscles made of

fibre and protein

what happens when muscle contracts

thicker and fatter

muscle relax

long and thin

skeletal muscle

attached to bones, allows movement

heart muscle

never stops working

smooth muscle

around organs,arteries and veins

what are ligaments and tendons

tissue rich in collagen, helps movement in bone and keeps structure together

what is a ligament

connects bone to bone

what is a tendon

connects muscle to bone

what is antagonistic

skeletal muscles that work in pairs, one relax and other contracts

what is cellular respiration

sugars and oxygen are used up in mitochondria to produce energy

why do cells need energy

to grow, divide and perform functions

end products of respiration

co2, water and ADP

where does respiration take place


why do warm blooded animals breathe more

we need more energy to regulate body temp

order of breathing system

nasal chamber, larynx, trachea and bronchi

what are bronchi and trachea lined with

hairs (cillia), covered with sticky mucus to trap dust etc to be pushed to oesophagus and swallowed

branches of bronchus in lungs
