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62 Cards in this Set

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What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


What number am I?

What number am I?


Where would you place a microchip on a dog or a cat?

Subcutaneous on the dorsal midline, just cranial to the scapulae

Where would you place a microchip on a horse?

In the nuchal ligament, halfway between the ears and the withers.

Where would you place a microchip on an agricultural animal?

Subcutaneous at the base of the left ear.

In regards to solutions...

1% = ____ g/100 mL


In regards to solutions...

1% = ____ mg / mL


What is the formula for dosage calculations?

Weight (kg) x dose


What is anesthesia?

A state of unconsciousness induced in an animal.

What are the 3 goals of anesthesia?

Analgesia, immobilization, amnesia

What is Stage I of anesthesia?

amnesia and analgesia

What is Stage II of anesthesia?

Delirium and lack of inhibition

What is Stage III of anesthesia? How many planes are there?

Surgical anesthesia, characterized by progressive depression of respiration, reflexes, and muscle tone. 4 planes.

What is Plane 1 of surgical anesthesia?

Light surgical anesthesia

What is Plane 2 of surgical anesthesia?

Moderate surgical anesthesia, for elective short surgeries

What is Plane 3 of surgical anesthesia?

Deep surgical anesthesia

What is Plane 4 of surgical anesthesia?

Very deep

What is Stage IV of anesthesia?



Smaller sized animals have (faster/slower) metabolisms.


What are the factors that can't be assessed at a distance?



Parasite load





What are some considerations in anesthesia?

Accurate body weight

Minimizing stress

Withhold feed


Assist respiraton

Maintain body temperature

IV catheters

Supplemental fluids

Monitoring CV function

Monitor reflexes

What are some ways to monitor reflexes when an animal is anesthesia?

Palpebral reflex

Corneal reflex

Toe pinch

Muscle tone

What reflex should an animal never lose?

Corneal reflex

What is the major concern that must be considered when figuring out doses and concentrations to use?

Size of the animal

What type of injection should be avoided on a mouse if possible, and why?

IM, because the sciatic nerve can be lacerated

What type of injection isn't recommended for a rabbit, and why?

IP, because the organs are too large and can get in the way

Recommended volume for mouse SC injection?

2-3 mL

Recommended volume for mouse IM injection?

0.05 mL but avoid if possible

Recommended volume for mouse IP injection?

1-2 mL

Recommended volume for mouse IV injection?

0.2 mL

Recommended volume for rat SC injection?

5-10 mL

Recommended volume for rat IM injection?

0.3 mL

Recommended volume for rat IP injection?

5-10 mL

Recommended volume for rat IV injection?

0.5 mL

Recommended volume for gerbil SC injection?

2-3 mL

Recommended volume for gerbil IM injection?

0.1 mL

Recommended volume for gerbil IP injection?

2-3 mL

Recommended volume for gerbil IV injection?

0.2-0.3 mL

Recommended volume for hamster SC injection?

3-4 mL

Recommended volume for hamster IM injection?

0.1 mL

Recommended volume for hamster IP injection?

3-4 mL

Recommended volume for hamster IV injection?

0.3 mL

Recommended volume for guinea pig SC injection?

5-10 mL

Recommended volume for guinea pig IM injection?

0.3 mL

Recommended volume for guinea pig IP injection?

10-15 mL

Recommended volume for guinea pig IV injection?

0.5 mL

Recommended volume for rabbit SC injection?

30-50 mL

Recommended volume for rabbit IM injection?

0.5 mL

Recommended volume for rabbit IV injection?

1-5 mL

What are some considerations for anesthetizing rabbits?

- easily frightened

- hard to intubate

- abdominal organs might interfere with diaphragm movement in dorsal recumbency

What are some considerations for anesthetizing guinea pigs?

- difficult to intubate because of palatal ostium

- large cecum

What are some considerations for anesthetizing hamsters?

- cheek pouches might hide food and make it difficult to intubate

- biters

What is the procedure for microchipping a mouse?

- scan microchip to verify number

- restrain animal in least dominant hand, scan to verify no microchip is already there

- insert needle bevel-up into dorsal neck area and implant microchip

- scan mouse to verify microchip placement

What is the procedure for gastric gavage of a mouse?

- restrain animal in least dominant hand in an upright position

- measure the needle to insure proper length

- insert gavage needle into the animal's mouth, directing it along the dorsal midline

- push the needle gently, then wiggle it slightly until the animal swallows the needle, and advance it the rest of the way into the animal's stomach

- inject the contents of the syringe into the stomach, then withdraw the needle

- if resistance is felt, don't force the needle or you could damage the esophagus, or advance the needle into the trachea

What is the procedure for IP injections on a mouse?

- restrain animal in your least dominant hand, held with its head down at a 225 degree angle

- insert the needle at a 45 degree angle into the animal, along the ventral midline, just cranial and slightly medial to the last nipple

- aspirate to insure the needle is not in a vessel or the stomach, then inject