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105 Cards in this Set

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Transactional Model of communication
communication is an ongoing, back and forth pattern in which both people take on role of speaker and listener
Dyadic coalition
two person group formed from a larger group to acheive some goal
Dyadic Consciousness
when there becomes a pair between two people and they are aware of it
Dyadic Primacy
even when more than two people exist in a group, conversation, etc. there will always remain two main people interacting
High power distance and Low power distance
High: cultures where only a handful are in charge
Low: power is more evenly distributed
Masculine v. Feminine cultures
Masculine: emphasize success and stresses their people to more assertive, ambitious, competitive
Feminine: emphasize quality of life and stress modesty, close relationships and compromising
Individual orientation
promote individual values such as power, acheivement and stimulation
Collectivist Orientation
promotes values such as benevolence, tradition, and conformity
High-context cultures
much of the info. in communication is in the context of the person
low-context cultures
info is explicitly stated in a verbal message
process by which you learn the rules and norms of a culture different than yours
process by which you learn the culture you were born in
Displaced time
time is viewed exactly
Diffused time
time is viewed as approximate (chill)
Stages of Culture Shock
1. Honeymoon
2. Crisis
3. Recovery
4. Adjustment
the image you have of yourself
the extent to which you know yourself
the value you place on yourself
talking about yourself
Johari Window
The model of your 4 diff. selves
Open self, Blind self, Unknown self, Hidden self
Trait apprehension
fear of communication in general whether it be a small group, public speaking , etc.
State apprehension
depends on the situation they may have no problem public speaking but may fear simple dyadic convos
process by which you become aware of objects, events, and especially people
5 Stages of Perception
Self-serving bias
mechanism designed to preserve self-esteem
tendency to single out one or two obvious characteristics
similarity w/others
tendency to maintain balance among perceptions
similarity in different situations
how controllable your excuse is how much sympathy you'll give them
perceiving someone described positively, as good people, vise versa
perceptual accentuation
leads you to see what you want to see
self-fulfilling prophesy
make a prediction that comes true because you act on if as if it were
implicit- personality theory
what makes some of these choices seem right and other seem wrong
stages of listening
receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluation, responding
4 different styles of listening
empathetic & objective
nonjudgemental & critical
surface &depth
active & inactive
communication about communication: talking to a friend about how each other likes to argue
messages vary in inclusion how..
buddies on a basketball team talking w/others. will sound more inclusive
Intensional orientation
tendency to view people, objects, events in terms of how they're talked about or labeled rather than how they really are
extensional orientation
the tendency to see people, objects and events as they actually are and then see their labels
using jargon can contribute to _______ noise
according to a dyadic approach to interpersonal communication, when you have triads,
dyads are primary
before a large group meeting convenes, people tend to congregate in groups of two this is thee..
dyadic primacy
in a ____ relationship the two individuals mirror eachother
2 people engage in different behaviors, behavior of one serves as stimulus for others complementary behavior, people occupy differnt positions
charcteristics of complementary relationships
as a dyadic consciousness emerges you begin to see yourself as..
part of relationship
model presenting interpersonal comm. involving communication where both persons send messages simotaneously is designed to present comm. as having a.
circular nature
two examples of encoding are..
speaking and writing
what is not a dimension of feedback
"wait until you hear this" and "im not sure but.." are examples of
what would you do if you were his or her professor? is example of..
opening channels of comm. and previewing messages are functions of
feedback that is spontaneous and totally honest is..
if you are preoccupied about an argument you had w/best friend, cant concentrate on instructor your having .. noise.
medium thru which messages pass
what are 2 dimensions of context in int. comm.
temporal/ socialpsychological
"I'm generally responsible.." is ex. of
Pete and pat go ona date. they mirror each others behavior. ex. of _____ relationship
process of learning rules and norms of new culture is called
process in which you learn your own culture is..
in high powered cultures..
power is concentrated in hands of few citizens
high & low context, collectivism and individualism, power distances are ex. of
important cultural differences in int. comm
t/f : the u.s. is high-context culture
collectivist cultures ...
emphasize the group and subordinate the persons goals to those of the group
in low-context culture...
info is made explicit and little is left unsaid
to high-context cultural members...
a vital part of comm. transaction includes what is omitted or assumed
directness is valid, clear distinctions between leaders and members, your responsible for yourself.. ex. of ...
individualist cultures
communication accommodation theory holds that..
people will adjust to the speaking style of their listeners
according to the text, all communication interactions involve uncertainty and ambiguity. this uncertainty is..
greater when there are large cultural differences
displace time orientation occurs when..
time is viewed exactly
culture shock
refers to psychological reaction to being in a culture different form one's own
intercultural communication refers to..
communication between persons who have different cultural beliefs, values or ways of behaving
laws, values, artifacts are all part of..
C.H. Cooley's concept of the looking glass self says that
your self concept develops thru looking at the image of yourself that others reveal to you
Social comparisons, others image of you, and your own interpretation and evaluations are sources of..
self concept
rubbing your nose when you get angry, having a peculiar body odor, fight strategies, and repressed experiences are ex. of..
blind self
Which of the 4 selves represent all the info, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations and ideas that are known to self and to others is ex. of..
open self
One of 4 selves represents truths about self that neither you nor others know
unknown self
One of four selves represents all that you know of yourself and of others you keep secret
hidden self
self destructive beliefs damage..
your self-esteem
you increase your self-esteem by..
realizing your self-destructive beliefs and substituting positive ones
Women disclose more than men is true in regard to..
people are more likely to self-disclosure if the disclosure is
tanya gets nervous only in public speaking situations. she is experiencing _______ apprehension
regardless of situation, Ray fears communication. his type of apprehension is..
degree of evaluation, prior success and failures, subordinate status are influences of ...
communication apprehension
Prepare and practice, try to relax, focus on successes are methods of ...
managing apprehension
Daydreaming in a class and not hearing what the teacher is saying until your name is called is an ex. of..
selective attention
buying a car and then noticing numerous ads for that car is ex. of
selective exposure
perceptual process in which you are more likely to be influenced by what is exerted first or last..
primacy or recency
you perceive as a group of people, whoare physically close together. this is a principle of..
the system of rules that tells you which characteristics go w/other characteristics is called
implicit personality theory
if you know a person possesses several negative qualities, you are more likely to infer that the person also has other negative qualities. this is called the... effect
reverse halo
students performing better because they are made out to be is ex. of..
pygmalion effect
tendency to perceive and remember only positive qualities more than negative ones is called the.... effect.
Consistency theory:
expect my friends to like my friend
expect my enemy to hate my friend..
"Do other people react or behave same way as this person whom i am focusing on?" your thinking is a practice of..
Responding is a stage or what..
How many steps in listening process
Back-channeling cues include
using responses such as "uh-huh" and "i see"
some problem-causing ways of responding in listening are the..
static listener and the thought-completing listener
you thinkg "is her listening to me or rehearsing his next interruption?" is ex. of..
waiting listener
Techniques such as bandwagon, agenda setting, and name calling are
fallacies to note when listening critically
Crossing your finger or winking to indicate your lying is ex. of what function of interaction of verbal or nonverbal comm.
to contradict
Packaged and rule governed are messages...
message characteristics