Priming effect on High-Context and Low-Context
Samantha Vu (41297136)
University of British Columbia
This study aims to investigate that cultural communication of high-context and low-context should not be seen as mutually exclusive, but rather that there a sense of flexibility between the two. A manipulation was created to prime individuals to either a high-context or low-context condition. Participants in the control group will be primed with a simple text that will describe an unrelated topic to cultural context. Participants placed in the experimental group will be randomly assigned to a passage that will involve characteristics of either a high-text or low-context perspective. …show more content…
With the aspect of even the slightest change of communication mediums can have an overall impact towards a culture’s tone of message. The determining factor may be seen through whether the country falls into a high-context or low-context culture. Contextuality is distinguished by the amount of contextual elements that are necessary for the “transaction” of understanding a given message (Pflug, 2011). In other words, high-context cultures have the characteristic of using communication in terms of shared contextual cues (i.e., physical setting or tone of voice) and information is presented implicitly in interpersonal relationships. High context cultures can be categorized as nonverbal, intuitive, and individuals are expected to read between the lines to understand the unsaid. In contrast, low-context cultures interact in ways that do not rely on contextual elements but instead on explicit facts that are detailed and straightforward. Communications among low cultures are expected to be concise and task-centered rather than focusing on relationships. Generally, most Western cultures are categorized as low-context, while, Asian cultures are seen as high-context (Han, 2003). Although high-context communication may help save face since it provides a less direct approach, however, it may the probability of miscommunication. Since majority of the message is implicit and left unstated. On the other hand, low-context …show more content…
Students attending will have to be native speakers of English in order to read and respond to a passage given to them. Participants will be numbered and randomly assigned to either a control or experimental group. In the control group, individuals will be given a passage that is unrelated to either a high or low context view. In the experimental group, the individual will be placed in one of two conditions, a high-context or low-context perspective. The difference between the conditions is the amount of information relating to language structures, relationships, and knowledge background in which the communication is being taken placed. If placed in the high-context condition, individuals will highlight aspects in the passage that convey an implicit message about the general context surroundings (i.e., emphasize individual’s facial expression and tone of voice), social setting, and personal connections. If the participant is placed in the low-context condition, individuals will have to highlight aspects that are more associated with a explicit message that include specific facts and has more direct signals of a given task. The passage will be structured in a way that is absolutely clear and has no room for interpretation or intuition. By highlighting these characteristics, it emphasizes and guilds the person to access a more high or low context perspective. After going