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20 Cards in this Set

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Recommended max daily dose of acetaminophen?
4g for adults

75mg kids
How does hepatic necrosis occur in acetaminophen tox
Hepatic metabolism through glucuronidation and sulfation gets saturated

so the acetaminophen is metabolized by the P450 system

breaks down to N acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI) which depletes intracellular glutathione.

When less than 30% of normal, NAPQI binds to other hepatic macromolecules and hepatic necrosis begins
When hepatic stores of glutathione are < ___% hepatic injury beings
Which stage of acetaminophen tox does the following describe, and at what time frame does this occur:

Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise

lab: hypokalemia
Stage 1

first 24 hours
Which stage of acetaminophen tox does the following describe, and at what time frame does this occur:

Improvement in anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Abdominal pain, hepatic tenderness

Labs: elevated serum transaminases; elevated bili and prolonged PT time if severe
Stage 2

2-3 days
Which stage of acetaminophen tox does the following describe, and at what time frame does this occur:

Recurrence of anorexia, nausea, and vomiting; encephalopathy; anuria; jaundice

Labs: hepatic failure, metabolic acidosis; coagulopathy; renal failure; pancreatitis
Stage 3

3-4 days
Which stage of acetaminophen tox does the following describe, and at what time frame does this occur:

Clinical improvement and recovery or deterioration and death/multi organ failure
Stage 4

after day 5
what populations are at greater risk for developing acetaminophen induced hepatotox following OD?
Alcoholics and pts on anticonvulsants

both of these have reduced glutathione reserves because of increased P450 activity
give the toxic acetaminophen exposure for a single ingestion
>10 grams or 200 mg/kg
give the toxic acetaminophen exposure for a 24 hour period
>10 grams or 200 mg/kg over a 24 hour period
give the toxic acetaminophen exposure for a 2 consecutive days
>6 grams or 150 mg/kg per 24 hour period
In what time frame is the Rumack-Matthew nomogram for acetaminophen applicable?
single exposure

between 4 hours and 24 hours post ingestion

treatment should be given if above the line
patients above the line in the APAP nomogram have what kind of risk?
60% hepatotox
1% renal failure
5% mortality

aggressive forms of decontamination such as gastric lavage or whole bowel irrigation should be used in APAP OD

acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed so these often do not help. Plus NAC works well
GI decontamination that should be used in APAP tox
Activated charcol
Tx for APAP OD?

how does it work

in early poisoning (<8 hrs): prevents NAPQI binding to hepatic macromolecules by possibly reducing it (acts as glutathione precursor or substitute)

>24 hours: acts as an antioxidant decreasing neutrophil infiltration improving microcirculatory blood flow and preventing necrosis
If treatment of APAP OD is initiated within WHAT TIME FRAME you will see a nearly 100% effective prevention of hepatotox
8 hours

NAC should not be given after 24 following APAP ingestion

still effective
loading dose for NAC?
150 mg/kg

remember the tox dose is 150, the tx is 150

Activated charcoal inhibits the clinical effectiveness of acetylcysteine

it does absorb it but there is no evidence that it inhibits its effectiveness