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12 Cards in this Set

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The operation of hardware, design of software, accuracy of data, or the correspondence of data with the real world. Data may be unreliable if it is entered incorrectly or if it becomes outdated. The reliability of machines, software and data determines our confidence in their value

Example: a medical record that becomes dissociated from the patient it refers to becomes unreliable
The correspondence of data with itself, at its creation. Data lacks integrity when it has been changed accidentally or tampered with

Example: a hacker might change driver licence data resulting in arrests of innocent people
The protection of hardware, software, machines and networks from unauthorized access, alteration or destruction. The degree of security of information systems determines society’s confidence in the information contained in the systems

Example: security measures include restricted access to machines and networks and encryption of information
Privacy and anonymity
The ability of individuals and groups to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about themselves is shared with others

At its extreme, privacy becomes anonymity, which might be called for in some contexts but is dangerous in others

Example: discussion of a delicate subject might require anonymity, or at least privacy. On the other hand, anonymity could also conceal the perpetrators of criminal, terrorist or computer hacking acts
Establishing the user’s identity beyond reasonable doubt. Authenticating the user is crucial in many situations, particularly in business and legal matters

Example: user login onto a network, or the use of encrypted digital signatures in a business transaction
Intellectual property
Ideas, discoveries, writings, works of art, software, collections and presentations of data. Copyrights, trademarks and patents legally protect intellectual property, but easy and accurate duplication methods made available by IT can undermine such protections. On the other hand, the same methods create opportunity for inexpensive dissemination of information
Equality of access
IT has the potential to offer universal access to information, regardless of distance, age, race, gender or other personal characteristics. However, the above characteristics, and cost, can also bar individuals or groups from access

Example: while telelearning brings previously unavailable opportunities to everyone’s doorstep, the cost of hardware, software or course fees might place the learning beyond the reach of an average person
As an instrument of control, IT improves reliability, accuracy and speed of systems. However, it can also be used to control people

Example: an automatic aircraft landing system shows increased reliability resulting from IT control. Employer surveillance of employees represents a new kind of control imposed on people
Globalization and cultural diversity
Globalization means the diminishing importance of geographic, political, economic and cultural boundaries. IT has played a major role in reducing these boundaries. However, there is a fear that easier communication can become a source of cultural homogeneity. The new global village provides a worldwide cultural awareness, but may lead to less diversity

Example: any dramatic event anywhere in the world can be broadcast almost instantly by television or on the Internet
Policies are enforceable measures intended to promote appropriate use which can be developed by governments, businesses, private groups, or individuals

They normally consist of rules governing access to, or use of, information, hardware and software, and also affect the information exchange. They can promote or restrict access, modify behaviour or require the fulfillment of certain conditions prior to or during use

Example: a national policy on IT security would need to define what constitutes unlawful access to networks and how to treat transgression
Standards are social or technical rules and conventions that enable compatibility and therefore facilitate communication or interoperability between different IT systems and their components. They might govern the design and use of hardware, software and information

Example: communication protocols used on the Internet, the ASCII representation for characters, or the design of the printer port on a personal computer are all governed by standards
People and machines
The interaction of humans with IT hardware raises social and ethical issues, including the following:

Who controls the design of technology and the pace of its introduction? How safe and effective is the design?
Is technology going to extend human faculties and make work easier and more pleasant, or are machines going to displace humans and lead to mass unemployment? Is technology used appropriately, or should a better, possibly non-technological alternative be found? Which areas of human endeavour are best served by IT systems?Which social and ethical issues arise from a comparison of people and machines in the following areas: stamina, memory, accuracy, speed, analysis, synthesis, judgment, innovation, creativity