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30 Cards in this Set

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Why Take This Course?

-To advocate for sexual intelligence through scientific understanding

-To recognize that ‘the personal is political’

-To critically explore notions of diversity in sexual practice and attitudes

-To develop a psychosocial understanding of sexuality

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What is the Psychosocial Orientation to studying sexuality?

-Psychological factors

(emotions, attitudes, motivations) &

-Social conditioning

(the process by which we learn our social groups’ expectations and norms)

which effect sexual attitudes, values and behaviors

Social Conditioning

The process by which we learn our social groups’ expectations and norms

Biological vs. Psychology vs. Social

Biological= genes (gonads)

Psychology=attitude & behavior


What is Biopsychosocial?

Covers the psychosocial AND

-Roles of hormones & nervous system

-The biological components of sexual orientation

-Theories about role of genetic selection through human evolution

-Impact of specific genetic variables on an individual.

What does Sexual Intelligence involve?


-Interpersonal sexual skills,

-Scientific knowledge

-Cultural context of sexuality.

-Broader cultural and political contexts of sexual issues.

-“Personal is political” b/c woman’s access to BC & abortion depends on state laws






-Related to sexuality throughout the world

-ALL societies have rules regulating the conduct of sexual behavior.

-No universals in sexual attitudes andexperiences

Psychosocial Orientation

Understanding the profound effects that our sexual behavior has on the social and cultural groups we belong to


-The state of being unmarried and abstaining from sex

-[Paul of Tarsus, Christian, believed celibacy was superior to marriage]

Gender Role Legacy

-Attitudes & behaviors that a specific culture considers normal & appropriate for people of a particular gender

-EX: man must initiate sex

-Strict gender roles can limit each person’s potential and canharm their sexuality

Sexual Diversity

-Recognition that people are a diverse community with respect to:

-Sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender, transsexualism & intersexuality.

Greeks Beliefs on Sex:

What was prohibited?


-After stoicism, procreation


-Assume by sexuality

-Female purity [men more free to have sex]



-bigamy (marrying 2x)

-adultery (cheating)

Jewish Belief on Sex

-Procreation & Union

-Essential to preserve their people

-“Song of Solomon”

Early Christian Thought:

Sex is good & flawed

-Sex is good (procreation)

-Sex is flawed because of “the fall”

-Christianity developed after Greece came to provide sex entertainment

-Christians associated sex with sin

-Paul of Tarsus, celibacy superior to marriage

Augustine's Beliefs on Sex:

(Orthodox Christian)

4th century

- Some evil in sex

-If you can’t be celibate, get married & sex only for procreation

Thomas Aquines belief on Sex:

(Catholic priest)

Middle Ages

-Procreation ONLY

-Any other acts “crime against nature”

-Withdrawal most serious sin

-Desire OK, IF for procreation

-Evil moral choices were the problem


Calvin Luther:

Protestant Beliefs on Sex

-Procreation & Union

-Returned to the Jewish ideas of sex for procreation & union

- viewed sex within marriage

-As a gift of God and as an essential, enjoyable part of marriage


Roman Catholic beliefs on sex:

-Only procreation

-Forbid all sex unless procreation

-Sex and pleasure without procreation is sinful

Victorian Era Beliefs on sex:

-Highly defined sex roles

-Women seen as dainty

-Madonna and Eve

-Women’s duties provide for family

-Female physician found that women do have sexual desire

-Jezabel, black female with sexual appetite

China's Views on Sex

-Ancient erotic literature

-Promotes sexual activity for spiritual growth & procreation

-Sex joins energy of female (yin) & male (yang)

-After renaissance, strict views

-Sex more than 1 time week=counterproductive

20th Century:

Freud Views on Sex:

-Sexuality as innate in woman

20th Century:

Havelock Ellis views on sex:

-Any sexual practice is healthy if nobody is harmed

20th Century:

Great Depression Views on Sex:

-New access to contraception

20th century

1948 & 1953 Changes

-New studies in sexuality

-Kinsey research

20th Century:

1960's Changes


-Masters and Johnson

-Self-help books

20th Century:

1970's Changes

APA diagnostic change regarding homosexuality; onset of Gay Rightsmovement

20th Century:

1990's Changes

-Incorporation of GLBTQ personalities and characters into media

Effects ofMedia on Sexuality

-Exposure to sexual words & image

-TV significant effect on sexual A&B due to the amt of TV watched -# of sex scenes doubled since 1998

-70% shows watched by teens include sexual content

-75% music videos have sexual content

-Men: sexually aggressive,

-Women: submissive

NEGATIVE Effects of Media on Sexuality

-Encourage youth become sexually active too early

-Creates unrealistic expectations of sexual experiences

-More belief towards double standards of genderroles

POSITIVE Effects of Media on Sexuality

-Provide knowledge

-Reduce stigma associated to human sexuality

-Info about harmful consequences increased

-Increase convo w/ sex partners

-Distance and cultural barriers becoming smaller