HISTORICAL CONTEXT Sexology developed about 140 years ago. However, sexology scientifically studied the identification of sex as a human behavior necessary for survival (Wilson 194). A French philosopher and social theorist, Michel Foucault, believed that sexuality revealed potential meanings of society; in fact, he argued that the 17th century was an era that gave birth to writings and influences incorporating sex as an …show more content…
The Book of Martha by Marleen S. Barr seems to honor Butler for her extraordinary literature as the protagonist of the novel mirrors Butler (McIntyre et al. 440). Other authors such as Jewell Gomez, Tananarive Dave, Nalo Hopkinson, Nnendi Okorafo-Mbachu, among others stand alongside Octavia E. Butler as they unapologetically transforms the normative notions of the black community, specifically the black women (Morris 162). The vampires that are depicted in Fledging challenge the western beliefs. However, such challenges do not patronize the popular culture and the privileges of others. Instead, it brings to light the potential of black women while redefining their sexuality as a form of art. In conclusion, the history of slavery has had a dramatic influence in black women’s identity and views of homosexuality as it constructs superficial