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14 Cards in this Set

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what is the surface Anatomy of lower limbs?
What is the Hip bones united and covered to ?
Hip bones are united in the midline anteriorly by the pubic symphysis and covered with fat.
Pubic tubercle lies at what?
Pubic tubercle- Lies at a thumb’s width on each side of the pubic symphysis. It is an important landmark in the diagnosis and repair of the inguinal and femoral hernias.
In the males it is easily palpated by the finger.
Pubic tubercle is important for what?
It is an important landmark in the diagnosis and repair of the inguinal and femoral hernias. In the males,
it is easily palpated by the finger.
What is the Midpoint of the inguinal ligament?
midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
Femoral nerve enters thigh at this point & Thumb’s breadth below this point is the centre of the head of the femur.

What is Ilium has?
It has Iliac crest superiorly
What does Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) give?
gives attachment to- Sartorius muscle, Inguinal ligament
What does Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) give?
gives attachment to- Rectus femoris, Iliofemoral ligament
What does Ischial tuberosity give?
gives attachment to hamstring muscles and It is covered by a bursa.
Ischium is the inferior dorsal portion of the hip bone
what is the Inflammation of this bursa called ?
it is called “Weaver’s bottom”.
What does Ischial spine give?
gives attachment to the sacrospinous ligament.
Also divides the greater sciatic notch from the lesser sciatic notch.
What is Pubis has?
It has a body and 2 rami- superior and inferior ramus
Obturator foramen lies between the rami.
The 2 pubis meet at the symphysis pubis.
What is Pubic tubercle crossed by?
it is crossed by the spermatic cord in the male
This picture shows Avulsion fractures may occur during sports (tearing away of the ischial tuberosity, anterior superior or inferior iliac spine