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80 Cards in this Set

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Obicularis Oculi:
Palpebral Part
O: medial palpebral ligament
I: lateral palpebral ralphe
N: facial n. (VII)
A: closes the eyelid gently
Obicularis Oculi:
Orbital Part
O: frontal and maxilla bone and medial palpebral ligament
I: fibers from ellipse around orbit
N: facial n. (VII)
A: closes the eyelid forcefully
Corrugator Supercilii
O: superciliary arch
I: medial eyebrow
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws eyebrows medially and downward
Transverse Part
O: maxilla lateral to nose
I: dorsum of nose
N: facial n. (VII)
A: compresses nasal aperture
Alar Part
O: maxilla over lateral incisor
I: alar cartilage of nose
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws cartilage laterally and downward to open nostril
O: nasal bone
I: between eyebrows
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws down medial angle of eyebrows (wrinkles over nose)
Depressor Septi
O: maxilla above medial incisor
I: nasal septum
N: facial n. (VII)
A: pulls nose inferiorly
Depressor Anguli Oris
O: mandible below canine, premolar, and molar teeth
I: skin at corner of mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws corner of mouth down and laterally
Depressor Labii Inferioris
O: anterior mandible
I: lower lip at midline
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws lower lip downward and laterally
O: mandible inferior to incisor teeth
I: skin of chin
N: facial n. (VII)
A: raises and protrudes lower lip and wrinkles skin on chin
O: fascia over masseter muscle
I: skin at corner of mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: retracts corner of mouth
Zygomaticus Major
O: posterior zygomatic bone
I: skin at corner of mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws corner of mouth upward and laterally
Zygomaticus Minor
O: anterior lateral zygomatic bone
I: upper lip medial to corner of mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws upper lip upward
Levator Labii Superiorus
O: infra-orbital maxilla
I: skin of upper lateral lip
N: facial n. (VII)
A: raises upper lip; nasolabial furrow
Levator Labii superioris alaeque nasi
O: frontal process of maxilla
I: alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
N: facial n. (VII)
A: raises upper lip and opens nostril
Levator anguli oris
O: maxilla below infra-orbital foramen
I: skin at corner of mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: raises corner of mouth; nasolabial furrow
Orbicularis Oris
O: maxilla and mandible in midline
I: forms ellipse around mouth
N: facial n. (VII)
A: closes, protrudes mouth
O: post maxilla and mandible
I: blends with orbicularis oris
N: facial n. (VII)
A: cheek against teeth
Anterior auricular
O: anterior temporal fascia
I: helix of ear
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws ear upward and forward
superior auricular
O: epicranial aponeurosis
I: upper auricle
N: facial n. (VII)
A: elevates ear
posterior auricular
O: mastoid process
I: concha of ear
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws ear upward and backward
Frontal Belly
O: skin of eyebrows
I: galea aponeurotica
N: facial n. (VII)
A: wrinkles forehead; raises eyebrows
Occipitofrontalis: Occipital Belly
O: superior nuchal line/mastoid process
I: galea aponeurotica
N: facial n. (VII)
A: draws scalp backward
levator palpebrae superiorus
O: lesser wing of sphenoid bone
I: anterior tarsal plate
N: oculomotor n. (III)-sup branch
A: elevation of upper eyelid
superior rectus
O: superior common tendinous ring
I: anterior superior eyeball
N: oculomotor n. (III)-sup branch
A: elevation, adduction, medial rotation of eyeball
inferior rectus
O: inferior common tendinous ring
I: anterior inferior eyeball
N: oculomotor n. (III)-inferior branch
A: depression, adduction, lateral rotation of eyeball
medial rectus
O: medial common tendinous ring
I: anterior medial eyeball
N: oculomotor n. (III)-inferior branch
A: adduction of eyeball
lateral rectus
O: lateral common tendinous ring
I: anterior lateral eyeball
N: abducent n. (VI)
A: abduction of eyeball
superior oblique
O: body of sphenoid
I: outer posterior quadrant eyeball
N: trochlear n. (IV)
A: depression, abduction, medial rotation of eyeball
inferior oblique
O: medial floor of orbit and maxilla
I: outer posterior quadrant of eyeball
N: oculomotor n. (III) - inferior branch
A: elevation, abduction, lateral rotation of eyeball
tensor tympani
O: pharyngotympanic tube, greater wing of sphenoid
I: upper part of handle of malleus
N: mandibular n. (V3)
A: pulls handle of malleus medially to reduce vibrations from loud noise
O: inside of pyramidal eminence
I: neck of stapes
N: facial n. (VII)
A: pulls stapes posteriorly to reduce oscillation
O: zygomatic arch and maxillary process
I: lateral ramus of mandible
N: mandibular n. (V3)
A: elevation of mandible
O: temporal fossa and fascia
I: coronoid process of mandible
N: mandibular n. (V3)
A: elevation and retraction of mandible
medial pterygoid
O: deep-medial pterygoid, superficial-pyramidal process of maxilla
I: medial mandible near angle
N: nerve to medial pterygoid from V3
A: elevation and side to side movement of mandible
lateral pterygoid
O: upper head-infratemporal fossa, lower head-lateral pterygoid process
I: capsule of TMJ
N: nerve to lateral pterygoid from V3
A: protrusion and side to side movement of mandible
O: styloid process
I: hyoid bone
N: facial n. (VII)
A: pulls hyoid upward and posterosuperior
Anterior belly
O: digastric fossa of mandible
I: intermediate tendon
N: mylohyoid n. from V3
A: opens mouth by lowering mandible, raises hyoid bone
Posterior Belly
O: mastoid process
I: intermediate tendon
N: facial n. (VII)
A: pulls hyoid bone up and back
O: mylohyoid bone on mandible
I: hyoid bone
N: mylohyoid n. from V3
A: support and elevation of floor of mouth; elevation of hyoid
O: mandible
I: anterior hyoid
N: anterior ramus of C1
A: fixed mandible elevates and pulls hyoid bone forward; fixed hyoid pulls mandible downward and inward
O: manubrium of sternum
I: hyoid bone
N: anterior rami of C1 to C3
A: depresses hyoid bone and swallowing
O: superior border of scapula
I: lower hyoid bone
N: anterior rami of C1 to C3
A: depresses and fixes hyoid bone
O: thyroid cartilage
I: greater horn of hyoid bone
N: anterior ramus of C1
A: depresses hyoid bone and raises larynx
O: posterior surface of manubrium
I: thyroid cartilage
N: anterior rami of C1 to C3
A: draws larynx downward
Sternal head
O: manubrium
I: superior nuchal line
N: accessory n. and C2-4
A: draw head forwards or tilt head to same side
Clavicular Head
O: superior clavicle
I: lateral mastoid process
N: accessory n. and C2-4
A: draw head forwards or tilt head to same side
O: e.o.p., ligamentum nuchae and C7-T12
I: spine, acromion and clavicle
N: accessory n.
A: elevate, retract, and depress scapula
Splenius Capitis
O: spinous process of CVII to TIV
I: mastoid process
N: posterior rami of middle cervical n.
A: draw head back or tilt to same side
Levator Scapulae
O: transverse process of C1 to C4
I: upper medial scapula
N: C3,4 and dorsal scapular n.
A: elevates scapula
Posterior Scalene
O: transverse processes of CIV to CVI
I: upper surface of rib II
N: anterior rami of C5 to C7
A: elevation of rib II
Middle Scalene
O: transverse processes of CII to CVII
I: upper surface of rib I
N: anterior rami of C3-7
A: elevation of rib I
Anterior Scalene
O: transverse processes of CIII-VI
I: upper surface of rib I
N: ant rami of C4 to C7
A: elevation of rib I
Rectus Capitis Anterior
O: atlas
I: basilar part of occipital bone
N: ant rami C1-2
A: flexes head at atlanto-occitipal joint
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
O: atlas
I: jugular process of occipital bone
N: ant rami C1-2
A: flexes head laterally to same side
Longus Colli:
Superior Oblique Part
O: transverse processes CIII to CV
I: anterior arch of atlas
N: ant rami C2-6
A: flexes neck anteriorly and laterally and slight rotation to opposite side
Longus Colli:
Inferior Oblique Part
O: TI and TII
I: transverse processes of CV and CVI
N: C2-6
A: flexes neck anteriorly and laterally and slight rotation to opposite side
Longus Colli:
Vertical Part
O: TI to TIII and CV to CVII
N: C2-6
A: flexes neck anteriorly and laterally and slight rotation to opposite side
Longus Capitis
O: transverse processes of CIII to CVI
I: basilar part of occipital bone
N: C1 to C3
A: flexes the head
O: stylod process
I: pharyngeal wall
N: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
A: elevation of pharynx
O: pharygotympanic tube
I: pharyngeal wall
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevates pharynx
O: palatine aponeurosis
I: pharyngeal wall
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevation of pharynx; closure of oropharyngeal isthmus
Superior longitudinal
O: median septum of tongue
I: mucosa on margins of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: shortens tongue and curls apex and sides of tongue
Inferior Longitudinal
O: root of tongue
I: apex of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: shortens tongue; uncurls apex and turns it downward
O: median septum of tongue
I: lateral margins of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: narrows and elongates tongue
O: dorsum of tongue
I: ventral regions of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: flattens and widens tongue
O: superior mental tubercles
I: body of hyoid and length of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: protrudes and depresses center of tongue
O: hyoid bone
I: lateral surface of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: depresses tongue
O: styloid process
I: lateral surface of tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
A: elevates and retracts tongue
O: palatine aponeurosis
I: lateral margin of tongue
N: vagus n. (X)
A: depresses palate, elevates back of tongue
Tensor veli palatini
O: sphenoid bone
I: palatine aponeurosis
N: mandibular n. (V3)
A: tenses soft palate, opens pharyngotympanic tube
Levator veli palatini
O: anterior to opening for carotid canal (temporal)
I: palatine aponeurosis
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevate soft plate above neutral position
O: sup palatine aponeurosis
I: pharyngeal wall
N: vagus n. (X)
A: depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx
O: inferior palatine aponeurosis
I: lateral margin of tongue
N: vagus n. (X)
A: depresses palate; elevates back of tongue
Musculus Uvulae
O: posterior nasal spine of hard palate
I: connective tissue of uvula
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevates and retracts uvula; thickens central region of soft palate
Tensor veli palatini
O: sphenoid bone
I: palatine aponeurosis
N: mandibular n. (V3)
A: tenses soft palate, opens pharyngotympanic tube
Levator veli palatini
O: anterior to opening for carotid canal (temporal)
I: palatine aponeurosis
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevate soft plate above neutral position
O: sup palatine aponeurosis
I: pharyngeal wall
N: vagus n. (X)
A: depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx
O: inferior palatine aponeurosis
I: lateral margin of tongue
N: vagus n. (X)
A: depresses palate; elevates back of tongue
Musculus Uvulae
O: posterior nasal spine of hard palate
I: connective tissue of uvula
N: vagus n. (X)
A: elevates and retracts uvula; thickens central region of soft palate