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23 Cards in this Set

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________________ is the process by which magma from the earth's interior rises, emerges from the surface as lava and cools as volcanic rock.


_______________ is magma that has reached the surface. It generally flows well.


Volcanism produces threes materials: ________________, __________ and ___________.

Lava, pyroclastic material and gases.

Pyroclastic material is composed mostly of ____ and cinders.


Eruption styles are related to magma __________, which is mostly a function of lava composition.


__________ magma is basaltic, flows easily and does not produce explosive eruptions.


___________ magma is composed of rhyolites, dacites and andesites. It is very viscous, contains volatiles and produces violent eruptions.


Do explosive eruptions produce more or less pyroclastic material?


The two controls on the explosivity of an eruption are _____________ and ____________.

Silica content and gas content.

Rhyolite has a _________ Si content and can contain large gas volumes. It leads to more felsic magma and violent eruptions.


Basalt has a _________ Si content and cannot contain much gas. It leads to mafic magma and quiet eruptions.


There are 6 main volcano types. These are: ____________, _____________, _____________, ______________, _____________ and _____________.

Shield, cinder cone, composite cone (stratovolcano), fissure eruptions, lava domes and calderas.

____________ volcanoes are the largest type and have a fluid mafic magma reservoir.


________________ volanoes form due to gas buildup and are constructed fully of pyroclasts with no lava flow.

Cinder Cone

_______________________ volcanoes have large, symmetric structures and produce gas-rich magma that is generally more viscous.

Composite Cone (stratovolcano)

___________ ____________ volcanoes are due to long, narrow cracks that extrude mafic material with low viscosity. They can lead to lava plateaus

Fissure Eruption

__________ __________ volcanoes produce high-viscosity magma that often accumulates, forming a Si-rich dome.

Lava Dome

________________ volcanoes are large collapse depressions following eruptions or drainage.


Volcanoes are most commonly found at _______________, such as mid-ocean ridges and rift zones, at ____________________, such as Japan, or as_________________ volcanoes, such as Hawaii.

Spreading Zones, Convergence Zones, Intraplate

To be considered active, a volcano must have had an eruption in the last ________________ years.

10, 000

A _____________ volcano must have an active magma chamber.


An extinct volcano does not have an active magma chamber and has not had an eruption in the last ______________ years.

10, 000

Signs of an impending eruption include: ___________, ____________, _____________ and _____________.

pH change, seismic monitoring, change in gas composition, change in heat flow.