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Attributes of affective teachers
--knowing the subject matters whcih is the knowledge of how to transmit information is at least as important as knowledge of the information and skills themselves.
--mastering teaching skills or pedagogical skills --Accomplish all tasks involved in effective instruction with warmth, enthusiasm, and caring. -- they are intentional teachers and they use principles of educational psychology in their decision making and taching -- they combine research and common sense |
What is the roles of research in educational psychology?
Research in educational psychology focuses on the processes by which information skills, values, and attitudes are communicated between teachers and students in teh classroom and on applications of the principles of psychology to instructional practices. Such research shapes educational policies professional development programs and teaching materials.
What Research methods are used in educational psychology?
--experimental research which involves particular eduacational programs or treatments
--random assignment of experimental subjeccts into groups which ensures groups are equivalent and findings are valid --lab experiments which are highly sturctured and short term --randomized field experiments are less structured and take place ver a long period of time under realistic conditions in which not all variables can be controlled --single case experiment involves observation of one student or group of students over a specified period before and after treatment --descriptive research which uses surveys, interviews, and observations to describe behavior in social settings. |
How can I become an intentional teacher?
Once one has obtained a teaching certification you can further your skills by seeking mentors, pursuing professional development, and talking to colleagues and friends about your experiences.
the study of teaching and learning with applications to the instructional process. The link between what a teacher wants students to learn and students actual learning
Educational Psychology
the study of learning and teaching
doing things for a purpose: teachers who use intentionality plan their actions based on the outcomes they want to achieve. intentional teachers will constantly think abou the outcomes they want for their students and how each decision they make moves children towards those outcomes.
teacher efficacy
The degree to which teachers feel that their own efforts determine the success of their students
Critical thinking
Evaluation of conclusions through logical and systematic examination of the problem, the evidence, and the solution.
Explanation of the relationship between factors, such as the effects of alternative grading systems on student motivation
A set of principles that expains and relates certain phenomena.
A special program that is the subject of an experiment
something that cna have more than one value
Procedure used to test the effect of a treatment
Random assignment
Selection by chance into different treatment groups, intended to ensure equivalence of the groups
Laboratory experiment
Experiment in which conditions are highly controlled
Internal validity
The degree to which an experiment's results can be attributed to the treatment in question rather than other factors
Randomized field experiment
Experiment conducted under realistic conditions in which individuals are assigned by chance to receive different practical treatments or programs.
Experimental group
Group that receives treatment during an experiment
Control group
Group that receives no special treatment during an experiment
External validity
Degree to which results of an experiment can be applied to real-life situations
Single-case experiment
Experiment that studies a treatment's effect on one person or one group by contrasting behavior before, during, and after application of the treatment
Correlational study
Research into the relationships between variables as they naturally occur
Positive correlation
Relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to high levels of another
Negative correlation
Relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to low levels of another
Uncorrelated variables
Variables for which there is no relationship between levels of one compared to another.
Descriptive research
Research study aimed at identifying and gathering detailed information about a topic of interest.
Action research
Research carried out by educators in their own classrooms or schools