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12 Cards in this Set

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What are some harms of cybercrime?


WHat is Denial of service attacks?

The interruption of a websitesservices to deny users access

How can we explain cybercrime?

1. Offender disposition and motivation (What “pushes” people to commitcybercrime, What controls prevent people fromcommitting cybercrime): Strains, Rewards

2. Situation and environment•(What situational factorsencourage/inhibit cybercrime, Related to daily patterns/routineactivities?)

Why do strains cause cybercrime?

Legitimate paths to success are blocked

What could prevent people from commiting cybercrimes?

1. Social controls: policing, detterence

Why is it dificult to track and trace cybercriminals`?

•Transnational offending•Detection•lack of legislation

What are some moral neutralization techniques?

•Deny responsibility•Deny injury•Deny the victim•Appeal to higher loyalties•Condemn the condemnersd1

What are some situational factors/ theories can be applied to cybercrime?

•Routine activities theory (Motivated offenders•Capable guardians•Suitable targets)

•Crime pattern theory (Daily routines, Time spent online)

Situational crime prevention

How can the routine activity theory be applied to cybercrime?

Capableguardians: Parents, teachers, partners•Formal: police•Businesses•‘Physical’ (•Firewalls •Anti-virus scans•Browser warnings)

Who are the suitable targets of cyber crime according to routine activity theory?

Value •Inertia•Visibility (more time online, more visible) •Accessibility

WHat is situational crime prevention?

1.Increase the effort (changing passwords)●2.Increase the risks (warnings from police, for example about IP address) ●3.Reduce the rewards (watermarks) ●4.Reduce provocation (removing harassing comments on fb) ●5.Remove excuses (user agreements)

What are some challenges to cybercrime?

•Definitions•Transnational scope•Identifying offenders