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24 Cards in this Set

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line extensions
development of a product that is closely related to existing products in the line but is designed specifically to meet different customer needs

more common than new products because they are less expensive, lower risk alternative for increasing sales

may focus on different market segment or be an attempt to increase sales within the same market segment

used to take market share from its competitors

one side effect is that it may result in a more negative evaluation of the core product
product modifications
changes in one or more characteristics of a product

differs from a line extension in that the original
product does not remain in the line

product modifications entail less risk than developing new products

conditions to modify:
-must be modifiable
-customer must perceive that a modification has been made
-should make the product more consistent with customers desires so it provides greater satisfaction

three major ways to modify products:
-quality modifications
-functional modifications
-aesthetic modifications
quality modifications
changes relating to a products dependability
executed by altering the materials or the production process
functional modifications
changes affecting a products versatility, effectiveness, convenience, or safety

redesign of the product
aesthetic modifications
changes relating to the sensory appeal of a product

fashion industry relies heavily on aesthetic modifications

also an attempt to minimize the amount of illegal product counterfeiting that occurs through constant change in design and quality

drawback: consumers determine their value subjectively
product line extensions
line extensions
product modification
new product development process
idea generation
concept testing
business analysis
product development
test marketing
idea generation
seeking product ideas to achieve organizational objectives

heart of innovation is a purposeful focused effort to identify new ways to serve a market

can come from several sources
-internal sources

brainstorming and incentives or rewards for good ideas are typical intra-firm devices for stimulating development of ideas

-external sources
when outsourcing new product development activities to outside organizations, the best results are achieved from spelling out the specific tasks with detailed contractual specifications

ask the customer what they want
selecting the ideas with the greatest potential for further review

keeping the product idea in focus and on track by understanding consumer needs and wants is the key to success.

be aware of possible environmental changes

checklist reduce the chances of overlooking some pertinent fact

most new ideas are rejected in this phase
concept testing
seeking a sample of potential buyers' responses to a product idea

helps product development personnel better understand which product attributes and benefits are most important to potential customers
business analysis
evaluating the potential impact of a product idea on the firms sales, costs, and profits

firms seek market information to estimate potential
sales, costs, and profits

forecasting sales for product ideas is difficult, so break even analysis and payback analysis are used
-not particularly precise during this stage
product development
determining if producing a product is technically feasible

convert idea into a prototype

how much quality to build into the product?

lengthy and expensive phase, therefor few ideas are put into development
test marketing
a limited introduction of a product in geographic areas chosen to represent the intended market

sample launching of the entire marketing mix

selection of appropriate test areas is very important because they provide accurate representation of the intended markets
disadvantages of test marketing
-undercutting already profitable products and should the new product fail, loss of credibility
advantages of test marketing
-measure its sales performance
-identify weakness
-experiment with variations in advertising, pricing, and packaging in different test areas and to measure the extent of brand awareness, brand switching, and repeated purchases resulting from altered marketing mix
refining and finalizing plans and budgets for full-scale manufacturing and marketing of a product

make decisions about warranties, repairs, and replacement parts

introduced through a process called roll-out

disadvantage: gradual introduction allows competitors to observe what you are doing and they may quickly enter the same target market with similar products
product differentiation
creating and designing products so that customers perceive them as different from competing products
used to differentiate one product from another brand

3 aspects of product differentiation
product quality
product design and features
product support services
the overall characteristics of a product that allow it to perform as expected in satisfying customer needs

level of quality
-the amount of quality a product possess

consistency of quality
-the degree to which a product has the same level of quality over time
design and features
how a product is conceived, planned, and produced

-the physical appearance of the product

product features
-specific design characteristics allow a product to perform certain tasks
Product support services (customer service)
human or mechanical efforts or activities that add value to a product
product deletion
eliminating a product from the product mix when it no longer satisfies a sufficient number of customers
phase out
decline without a change in the marketing strategy; no attempt is made to give the product new life
run out
exploits any strengths left in the product
immediate drop
best strategy when losses are too great to prolong the product's life