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20 Cards in this Set

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Little Billy is allowed almost total freedom, and his parents seldom punish inappropriate behavior in hopes of encouraging self-reliance and initiative. This parenting style is






Gene therapy involves:

-inserting healthy genes into fetal cells.

-blood transfusions.

-fetal brain tissue transplants.

-none of the above are considered safe.

-inserting healthy genes into fetal cells.

Jill is an insecurely attached eighteen-month-old. What kind of prediction would you be inclined not to make about her social competence at five?

-She is more likely to be unsure of herself, less cooperative, and shy.

-She is less likely to enthusiastic and will tend to be shy and uncooperative

-She is less likely to be unsure of herself, likely to be cooperative and independent.

-She is likely to be socially withdrawn and unable to concentrate on a task.

She is less likely to be unsure of herself, likely to be cooperative and independent.

Mary is extremely frustrated, her eight-month-old daughter has begun to scream and cry whenever she leaves her. What advice can you offer her?

-Her daughter is reacting to being abandoned. Mary should quit work and stay home with her baby, and the behavior will stop.

-The baby has not developed basic trust, and will probably have emotional problems when she grows up.

-The baby has entered the second stage of her attachment development and she will outgrow this around twelve to eighteen months of age.

-To make it easier for Mary and the baby, when ----Mary leaves she should sneak off so that the baby doesn't see her leave.

The baby has entered the second stage of her attachment development and she will outgrow this around twelve to eighteen months of age

Brain growth and envelopment has been shown to be dependent on:

1. a genetic "blueprint."

2.environmental stimulation.

3.neural stimulation.

4.all of the above.

neural stimulation

Sam has low self-esteem and is impulsive, immature, and dependent on others. Most likely Sam's parents are:






The approximately nine months of prenatal development takes place in three stages in the following sequence:

1.germinal, embryonic, fetal.

2.germinal, fetal, embryonic.

3.embryonic, fetal, germinal.

4.fetal, germinal, embryonic.

germinal, embryonic, fetal

Piaget's theory has been criticized for:

1.placing too much emphasis on the maturation of biologically based cognitive structures.

2.overstating the importance of environment.

3.emphasizing individual differences.

4. overstating the role of learning.

placing too much emphasis on the maturation of biologically based cognitive structures.

The fact that babies' motor development begins with reflexive behaviors and progresses to more cortically controlled behavior illustrates what basic principle of development?

1.Cephalocaudal progression.

2.Progression from simple to complex.

3.Proximodistal progression.

4.None of the above.

Progression from simple to complex.

The process whereby the bodies and brains of males and females begin to differ because of hormone exposure is called:

1.sexual development.

2.sexual differentiation.

3.sexual orientation..

4.none of the above

sexual differentiation

The concrete operational stage of Piaget's theory lasts from approximately:

-age seven to twelve years.

-birth to two years.

-age two to seven years.

-age twelve to sixteen years

age seven to twelve years

Michael demonstrates apprehension when his mother leaves the room by crying loudly. Later when she returns he behaves with hostility and indifference towards her. What type of attachment would Ainsworth claim he has developed?






John and Sue are twins. What type are they?




Not enough information is provided to determine the type


In J. Money's unique study of identical twin boys in which one was raised a girl due to a circumcision accident that destroyed his penis, the child's gender identity:

-was clearly female.

-was clearly male

-was confused until he reached puberty, and then became male.

-was clearly female until she became school age and she then demonstrated confusion as to her gender identity.

was clearly female until she became school age and she then demonstrated confusion as to her gender identity.

Tracy is six months old; she weighed eight and one half pounds at birth. If she is like most infants you would predict that she now weighs approximately:

-twelve pounds.

-twenty-four pounds.

-sixteen pounds.

-seventeen pounds.


Recent studies into biological factors that influence gender identity have indicated six categories. These do not include:

-chromosomal sex.

-sex of internal reproductive structures.

-a male child raised in a lesbian household.

-hormonal sex

a male child raised in a lesbian household

When the concordance is higher for a particular trait among identical twins than it is among fraternal twins, we can assume that:

-the trait has no particular genetic basis.

-the trait is learned.

-the trait has a strong genetic basis.

-they learned the trait from each other.

the trait has a strong genetic basis.

Susan's new baby, Lorne, smiles and gurgles at anyone. Which stage of attachment is he in?

-Specific attachment.

-Indiscriminate attachment.

-Separate attachment.

-None of the above.

Indiscriminate attachment.

The presence of two fertilized ova in the uterus predicts what type of offspring?






According to Piaget, children first show object permanence during the:

-sensorimotor stage.

-preoperational stage.

-concrete stage.

-formal operational stage.

sensorimotor stage.