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23 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology

the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.

Social psychology is the scientific study of...

1. Social thinking - How we perceive ourselves and others, what we believe, judgements we make and our attitudes.

2. Social Influence - Culture and biology, pressures to conform, persuasion, and groups of people.

3. Social relations - helping, aggression, attraction and intimacy, and prejudice.

Major themes in social psychology

Social thinking - 1. we construct our social reality.

2. our social intuitions are powerful, sometimes perilous.

Social Influences -3. social influences shape behaviour.

4. Dispositions shape behaviour.

Social Relations - 5. social behaviour is also biological behaviour.

6. Relating to others is a basic need

Applying social psychology - 7. social psychology's principles are applicable to everyday life.

Social Neuroscience

an integration of biological and social perspectives that explores the neural and psychological bases of social and emotional behaviours.


the enduring behaviours, ideas, attitudes, traditions, products, and institutions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.

Social Representations

socially shared beliefs; widely held ideas and values, including our assumptions and cultural ideologies. Our social representations help us make sense of the world.

Naturalistic Fallacy

The error of defining what is good in terms of what is observable: for example, what's typical is normal; what's normal is good.

Hindsight Bias

The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, one's ability to have foreseen how something turned out. Also known as the I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon.


an integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events.


a testable proposition that describes a relationship that may exist between events.

A good theory accomplishes:

1. Effectively summaries many observations, and

2. Makes clear predictions that we can use to:

- confirm or modify the theory

- generate new exploration

- suggest practical applications

Field Research

research done in natural, real-life settings outside the laboratory.

Correlation Research

the study of the naturally occurring relationships among variables.

Experimental Research

studies that seek clues to cause-effect relationships by manipulating one or more factors (independent variables) while controlling others (holding them constant).

Random Sample

survey procedure in which every person in the population being studied has an equal chance of inclusion.

Independent Variable

the experimental factor that a researcher manipulates.

Dependent Variable

the variable being measured, so called because it may depend on manipulations of the independent variable.

Random Assignment

the process of assigning participants to the conditions of an experiment such that all persons have the same chance of being in a given condition.

Mundane Realism

degree to which an experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations.

Experimental Realism

degree to which an experiment absorbs and involves its participants.

Demand Characteristics

cues in an experiment that tell the participant what behaviour is expected.

Informed Consent

An ethical principle requiring that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate.

Research Methods

1. Correlational: Advantage - often uses real-world settings.

Disadvantage - Causation often ambiguous

2. Experimental: Advantage - can explore cause and effect by controlling variables and by random assignment.

Disadvantage - Some important variables cannot be studied with experiments.