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55 Cards in this Set

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Darwin proposed _______ as the mechanism for evolution.
natural selection
Darwin said that some traits help organisms ______ and ______.
survive and reproduce
Misconception about evolution: Organisms DO NOT develop traits that they ____ or _____.
want or need. We don't pass on traits that we want or need.
Misconception about evolution: Evolution IS passive, meaning that it is only able to increase or decrease traits/alleles that are __________.
already in the population
Misconception about evolution: Evolution DOES NOT happen to ______, only _______.
individuals, populations
An example of scientists who observed natural selection in action?
Rosemary and Peter Grant
What did Rosemary and Peter Grant study?
Darwin's finches in the Galapagos for over 20 years
During wet years, _____ seeds are more abundant, meaning that ____ beaks are favored.
small, small
During dry years, ____ beaks are favored because ______ seeds are plentiful.
large, strong; large
Will natural selection act on variation in hairstyle?
No a hairstyle is not a heritable trait
Will natural selection act on eye number in a human population?
No, because we only have alleles for two eyes.
Initial use of pesticides favors a few insects with genes for ______. With continued use, ________ increase over time.
pesticide resistance, resistant insects
When insects become resistant to pesticides, they may have to _______ or resistant insects that pesticides can't kill may be created.
change pesticides
The study of ______ provides strong evidence for evolution.
Fossils show that organisms evolved in _________.
historical sequence
Oldest fossils are _______.
prokaryote cells
The oldest eukaryotic fossils are a _______ years younger than prokaryotic cells.
Evolution is a ______, because a mass of evidence supports it.
the geographic distribution of species
comparison of body structures of different species
comparative anatomy
similarity in characteristics suggests common ancestry
comparisons of DNA and amino acid sequences between different organisms
molecular biology
individuals of the same species living in the same place at the same time
the change in heritable traits in a population over time
all genes in a population at one time
gene pool
a change in allele frequencies in a gene pool over time
_______ studies how populations change genetically over time.
Population genetics
________ makes evolution possible.
Genetic variation
What are the ultimate source of new alleles?
Most of the time mutations are not _______. They can cause an organism to sicken or die or can reduce its reproductive efficiency. Sometimes the mutation makes no difference. Other times the mutation may be good and increase the organism's chance of _______.
helpful, reproduction
Example of a good mutation
DDT resistance in insects (good for insects)
What shuffles alleles to produce new combinations?
sexual reproduction
In _______ reproduction, the offspring is identical to the parent, no new shuffling.
Homologous chromosomes sort independently during _______ of meiosis.
Anaphase I
Crossing over occurs during ______ of meiosis?
Prophase I
Homologous chromosomes sort ______ during Anaphase I of _______.
independently, meiosis
Sexual reproduction allows for random ________?
The ________ equation can be used to test whether a population is evolving.
Hardy Weinberg states that _____ and ______ frequencies within a sexually reproducing, diploid population will remain in ________ unless outside forces act to change those frequencies.
allele, genotype, equilibrium
500 blue-footed boobies- First generation
- _____ or ____% are homozygous dominant (WW)
- _____ or ____% are heterozygous (Ww)
- _____ or ____% are homozygous recessive (ww)
320, 64%
160, 32%
20, 4%
Second generation of blue-footed boobies
- Probability that a booby sperm or egg carries W is ____ or ____%
- Probability that a sperm or egg carries w is ____ or ____%
0.8, 80%
0.2, 20%
For a population to remain in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for a specific trait it must satisfy what five conditions?
1. No ______
2. Random ______
3. Very _____ population
4. No _______ between populations
5. No __________
mutations, mating, large, gene flow, natural selection
If the five conditions for Hardy-Weinberg are not met, the ______ may change?
gene pool
Mutations may introduce ________, but that is ____ and _____. They usually have little effect on the gene pool.
new genes, rare, random
3 main causes of evolutionary change?
natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow
If mating is random, _____ frequencies won't change much (genotypes might change)
If individuals differ in their survival and reproductive success, ______ will alter allele frequencies
natural selection
What is the opposite of natural selection?
genetic drift
a change in the gene pool of a population due to chance
genetic drift
In a small population, chance events may lead to the loss of _______.
genetic diversity
The _____ effect leads to a loss of genetic diversity when a population is greatly reduced. Examples?
bottleneck, elephant seal, cheetah, prairie chicken
when a few individuals colonize a new habitat
founder effect
With the founder affect, the smaller the group, the more ______ the gene pool of the new population will be from the gene pool of the original population.
the movement of individuals or gametes/spores between populations can alter allele frequencies in a population
gene flow
Industrial Melanism -> Moth in Europe
- Sooty environment -> favored _____ phenotypes
- Following soot clean up -> the ______ individuals of this particular population of moths was being reduced and the _____ colored individuals were favored and the ____ allele frequency declined
darker, darker, light, dark