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28 Cards in this Set

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administer doses at 2,4,6, 15 to 18 months, and at 4-6 years
administer one dose at 11-12 years
Td booster
administer one dose every 10 years following DTaP
haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib)
2,4,6, and 12-15 months
rotavirus vaccine
RV-5 vaccine- (Rotateq) should be administered at a three-dose series at ages 2,4, 6 to 18 months and 4 to 6 years
Rv-1- (Rotarix) should be administered as two-dose series at 2 and 4 months
all doses should be completed by age 8 months
inactivated poliovirus vaccine
2,4, and 6-18 months and 4-6 years
12-15 months, 4-6 years
12-15 months and 4-6 or 2 doses adminstered 4 weeks apart if adminsterd after age 13
PCV (pneumonal conjugate vaccine)
2.4.6, and 12-15 months
hepatitis A
administer 2 doses after age 12 months. Administer second dose 6-18 months after the first
hepatitis B
administer 12 hours after birth- administer second dose 6-18 months
administer one dose at age 11-12 years
HPV2 or HPV4
3 doses over a 6 month period for males and females 9-12 years
immunizations MOA
produce antibiotics that provide active immunity
immunization use
eradication of infectious diseases
prevention of childhood and adult infectious diseases and their complications (measles, diptheria, mumps, rubella, tetanus, H. influezae)
immunization contraindications
anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine or any components is a contraindication for further doses of that vaccine
moderate to severe illness with or without fever are contraindications
immunocompromised individuals
DTaP adverse
local reaction
fever and irritability
crying that cannot be consoled, lasting up to 3 hours
rare: acute encephalopathy
contrainidcations: occurence of encephalopathy 7 days after admin of DTaP
seizures within 3 days
history of uncontrollable crying or temp of 105 degrees
heamophilus influenze type b
mild local reactions
low grade fever
temp greater than 38.5 degrees celcius
contraindications: less than 6 weeks of age
rotavirus adverse
mild, temporary nausea
contraindications: infants who have severe combined immunodeficiency
caution in infants who are immunocompromised from HIV infection or med admin or who have chronic GI disorders
IPV adverse
local reaction at injection site
rare: vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis
contraindications: pregnancy
confirmed allergy to streptomycin, neomycin, or polymyxin B
MMR adverse
local reaction at injection site
rash, fever, swollen glands
possibility of joint pain lasting for days to weeks
risk for anaphylaxis and thrombocytopenia

contraindications: pregnancy
recent transfusion
tuberculosis skin test and MMR are both needed but not administered on same day, delay TST for 4-6 weeks after MMR
Varicella adverse
varicella- like rash, local or generalized such as vesicles on the body

contraindications: pregnancy, cancers of blood and lymphatic system
allergy to gelatin and neomycin
immunocompromised individuals
recent transfusion with blood products
PCV adn PPV adverse
mild local reactions, fever, no serious adverse effects
hep a and b vaccine adverse
local reaction, mild fever, anaphylaxis

contraidications: hep a- pregnan
hep b- allergy to baker's yeast
flu vaccine adverse
rare risk for Guillian Barre syndrome manifested by ascending paralysis beginning with weakness of

contraindications: LAIV administered as nasal spray: contraindicated in adults over 50 years, children under 2 years, and adults and children under 2 years
adults and children who are immunocompromised, have a chronic disease or are receiving certain antiviral vaccines
pregnant women should not receive the live vaccine
history of Guillian Barre syndrome
MCV4 adverse
mild local reaction
risk of allergic response

contraindications: Guillian Barre syndrome
HPV2 or HPV4 vaccine
mild local reaction and fever
fainting shortly after receiving vaccine
rare risk for Guillian Barre syndrome

contraindications: pregnancy
allergy to baker's yeast
Herpes zoster adverse
mild local reaction at injection site

contraindications: clients who are immunocompromised