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77 Cards in this Set

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Servicemen's Readjustment Act (1944): the "GI Bill"
• gave benefits to WWII veterans
• helped veterans adjust to civilian life
• provided GI’s with low interest govmt loans to start businesses and buy homes
• helped stimulate postwar economy/industry/suburbanization by giving GI’s money and livelihoods
• paid for veterans to go to college
• helped create a middle class
Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
• agreement between the allies
• created International Monetary Fund to stabilize exchange rates by valuing other currencies in relation to the US dollar
• established International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (world bank)
o helped rebuild the war battered Asia and Europe
• the US gets an advantage in international trade and finance
Employment Act of 1946
• committed the federal govmt to ensure economic growth and established the Council of Economic Advisers to formulate policies to maintain employment
• new deal policy that passed during Truman
Office of Price Administration (OPA)
• inflation becomes a post war problem
• demand is higher than supply
• OPA enforces price controls
• eventually Truman ended all price controls and the OPA→ afterwards food prices began to inflate dramatically
strikes of 1946
• more than 4.5 million workers go on strike in 1946 b/c of the increase in cost of living
• increase of cost of living provokes workers to strike and demand higher wages
the "Cold War"
• Stalin (Soviet union) invades eastern European countries and makes them communist to create a buffer zone between Soviet Union and the rest of Europe
• sought to demilitarize and deindustrialize Germany
• tried to create a soviet sphere of influence in east germany
• Stalin establishes soviet union communist puppet govmts in eastern European countries- Bulgaria Romania Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary
• Truman sees Stalin’s communist takeovers as a violation of democracy
o also communism hurts US’s free trade with those countries- hurts free trade
• SU and US enter an arms race (each have nuclear bombs) and threaten to shoot each other but really don’t
• Korean War, communist takeover in China, East/West Germany
George F. Keenan
• American diplomat and leader of Russian affairs
• said US policy towards soviet aggression should be strong and sustained
• the US should contain soviet expansion
• presented containment policy
containment policy
• doctrine of military economic and diplomatic strategies to prevent communism from spreading and to enhance America’s security and influence
• becomes US policy during cold war
Chuchill's "Iron Curtain" speech (March 1946)
• Churchill says Stalin had “drawn an iron curtain” across eastern Europe (spread communism and took over eastern Europe)
• said in order to defeat soviet aggression America and Britain needed to ally themselves
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
• established in 1946 to develop nuclear energy and nuclear weaponry
• created atomic weapons for the US
• US and SU enter an arms race
Truman Doctrine
• Truman asks for 400 million in military assistance to protect Greece and Turkey from soviet aggression
• stated that the US must protect other countries from communism
• the US has taken an active role in containing and fighting communism
National Security Act of 1947
• created National Security Council to advise the president on strategic matters
o issued NSC-68 report
• established central intelligence agency (CIA) to gather info and ensure nation’s security
o transformed the old war and navy departments into a new Department of Defense and combined the leadership of the army/navy/air force under the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Marshall Plan (European Recovery Plan)
• poor countries are vulnerable to communism (b/c communism appeals to poor people)
• the US would give money to European countries in aid to prevent them from falling to communism
• helped Europe economically also boosted the sale of American goods and promoted prosperity at home
• raised industry production in western Europe and western Europe becomes a center for American trade and investment
Berlin Airlift (1948)
• Stalin builds a wall around west berlin
• tries to starve west berlin into submitting to communism
• stalin tries to get west berlin and west germany to submit to communism
• Americans send aircrafts from west germany into west berlin and dropped food and supplies to west berliners to keep them alive since stalin blockaded everything going in
• SU didn’t shoot the planes down b/c they were B29’s and B29’s have the atomic bomb
Potsdam Agreement (1945) and East/West Germany
• divided Germany into 4 spheres (for France Britain US and SU)
• split Berlin into 4 spheres (for France Britain US and SU)
• as cold war starts the western powers (France Britain and US) join together to form West Germany and West Berlin (Democratic)
• SU forms East Germany and East Berlin (communist)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
• alliance between 10 nations in western Europe, US, Canada
• all the countries under NATO vowed to protect each other from communism and fight communism
• end to US isolationism
Chinese Civil War
• Truman administration tries to aid Chiang Kei Shek against Mao Zedong
• Mao leads a communist revolution and overthrows Chiang Kai Shek’s nationalist govmt and the nationalist govmt flees to Taiwan
• Mao establishes the People’s Republic of China (communism)
• Truman freaks out b/c the US trades with China! China is a market for American exports—also b/c they became communist and that’s scary too
• Truman administration refuses to recognize PRC, blocks PRC from United Nations, and proclaimed Chiang’s nationalist govmt in Taiwan as legitimate
hydrogen bomb
• Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb b/c people blamed him for being “soft on communism”
• 1952→ US explodes its first hydrogen bomb
• later on the SU created their own hydrogen bomb
NSC-68 report
• issued by National Security Council→ about what the US should do about communism
• is a NSC top secret report
• urged a militarized anti communist offensive→ actually fight communism not just merely contain it (containment policy)
• increase America’s nuclear arsenal
• quadruple the defense budget
• NSC 68 report becomes official US policy
Korean War (1950- 53)
• Korea had been divided after WWII between US and SU
• before Japan controlled Korea
• America had south korea (democracy)→ SU had north korea (communist)
• both North and South claimed they owned each other
• North Korea attacks South Korea (SU indirectly attacks US)
• North and south korea fight each other
• eventually they reached peace and they left korea divided into north and south
• Korean war sped up the implementation of NSC 68 and increased defense spending and increased US atomic arsenal
• was the only “hot” part of the “cold” war

United Nations and General MacArthur fight for South
Mao Zedong's troops fight for North
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
• in charge of UN “police action” to restore south korea’s border
• appointed by Truman
• led south Korean and American troops
38th parallel
• border between north and south korea
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
• republicans in congress under Truman were like an Anti New deal congress
o Truman himself was pro new deal
• Taft Hartley act barred the closed shop
• outlawed secondary boycotts
• required union officials to sign loyalty oaths
• permitted the president to call a cooling off period to delay any strike that might endanger national safety/health
• made unions less of a social justice group and more of a special interest group
• Truman vetoed it (b/c he wanted labor support in the upcoming election) but congress overrode it
President's Committee on Civil Rights
• Truman realizes that American racism towards blacks looks bad to the rest of the world
o the SU could use American racism to criticize the US and call the US hypocrites
• promoted civil rights and racial equality
• emphasized the moral economic and international reasons the govmt should enact federal legislation to outlaw lynching and poll taxes and desegregation
• southerners get mad at Truman for “stabbing the south in the back”
Dixiecrats (States' Rights Democratic Party)
• formed in response to President’s Committee on Civil Rights
• southerners were mad that Truman was siding with the blacks
• wanted to preserve “segregationist southern way of life” and prevent Truman from winning reelection
• separated from the Democrats (Truman is a democrat)
• nominated Senator Strom Thurmond for president
Election of 1948
• Democrats split
o Dixiecrats→ Thurmond
o Progressive party (communists and left wing democrats)→ Henry A Wallace
o Democrats→ Truman (won….even though he wasn’t popular)→ he campaigned a lot
• Republicans→ Thomas E Dewey
• Democrats and Truman remain in control
Executive Order 9981
• Truman
• asserted equality of treatment and opportunity for all members of the armed services without regard to race/color etc.
Morgan v. Virginia (1946)
• declared segregation in interstate bus transportation unconstitutional
• truman
Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)
• outlawed restrictive housing covenants that forbade the sale or rental of property to minorities
the "Fair Deal"
• Truman
• civil rights (rejected by congress)
• national health care legislation (rejected by congress)
• federal aid to education (rejected by congress)
• based on the belief in continual economic growth (unlike New Deal which was short term)
• Congress responds by…
o raised minimum wage
o increased social security benefits
o slum clearance
o more federal housing
o Displaced person’s act→ allowed holocaust survivors to enter the US
Second Red Scare
• Cold war worsens red scare
• McCarthyism
• alleged communists are suspect to interrogations security searches and loyalty oaths
• people are scared communists have infiltrated the US
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
• investigates the govmt for communists
• investigates the country for communists→ holds hearings and interrogations
• if you were found communist you could lose your job/livelihood or go to jail
• Truman requires govmt officials to take an oath against communism
Federal Employee Loyalty Program (1947)
• Truman
• barred members of the communist party from federal employment
• alleged communists can’t be employed by the govmt
• lots of people lost their jobs b/c they were accused of communism
Hollywood blacklist
• conducted under HUAC
• lots of Hollywood writers and actors are accused of being communist (b/c movies are like propoganda so people are really paranoid about it)
• Walt Disney went on trial for communism
• did it to gain publicity for itself
• Hollywood blacklisted actors and didn’t hire suspected communists
Dennis v. United States (1951)
• Truman’s justice department affirmed the prosecution of 11 leaders of the American Communist Party under the Smith Act
• dennis v US affirms the conviction and jailing of these leaders despite the fact that they didn’t do anything wrong
• said congress could ignore freedom of speech if national security required so
Alger Hiss and Whitaker Chambers
• HUAC questions Whittaker Chambers
• Chambers identifies Hiss as a communist
• Hiss was a govmt official
• Hiss denies being communist→ Chambers continues to insist that he’s communist
• Chambers accuses Hiss of espionage (being a spy)
• jury convicts Hiss of lying
• Hiss was sentenced to five years in prison
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
• Ethel and Julius Rosenberg get accused of being co conspirators in a WWII spy network
• rosenbergs claim that they’re victims of anti-Semitism
• Jury finds them guilty of espionage and they were sentenced to death
• first American civilians to lose their lives to espionage
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (Rep., WI)
• republican who accused democrats of being soft on communism
• claimed to have a list of people in the majorly democratic govmt who are communists
o the senate found his claim a hoax
• Republicans encourage McCarthy to make more accusations
• maliciously attacked democrats in the fed govmt of being communist
• personal attacks on individuals by means of indiscriminate allegations
• maliciously attacking someone for being communist for no real reason
• like McCarthy
McCarran Internal Security Act (1950)
• truman
• required organizations deemed communist to register with the Department of Justice
• authorized the arrest and detention during a national emergency of any person who might be engaged in sabotage or espionage
election of 1952
• Truman and the democrats are SO unpopular between the Korean war and communism
• Democrats→ Adlai Stevenson
• Republican→ Eisenhower (war hero) and Nixon as VP
Army- McCarthy hearings (April - June 1954)
• McCarthy gets mad b/c one of his aides did not get a draft deferment
• McCarthy accuses the army of harboring communist spies
• Army charges McCarthy with using his influence to gain preferential treatment for the aide who had been drafted
• was a nationally televised senate investigation
• McCarthy gets a bad reputation
• Eisenhower and senate censures McCarthy for his behavior
John Birch Society and "new conservatives"
• denounced Eisenhower as being involved in a communist conspiracy
• claimed that domestic communism was a major threat
Chief Justice Earl Warren
• supreme court chief justice during 1950’s
• Jencks v US
• Yates v US
• Brown v Board of Education
Chief Justice Earl Warren
• supreme court chief justice during 1950’s
• Jencks v US
• Yates v US
• Brown v Board of Education
Jencks v. United States (1957)
• person was accused of communist beliefs
• court case said that a person has the right to inspect government files used by the prosecution
Yates v. United States (1957)
• outlawed the convictions of the Communist party (which happened under the Smith Act)
• said there’s a difference between unlawful acts and just teaching “revolutionary ideology”
• basically the 11 communist members didn’t do anything wrong to get arrested
John Foster Dulles (Sect of State)
• Eisenhower’s secretary of state
• talked of a holy war against “atheistic communism” and “liberating” eastern Europe from communism
• threatened to unleash nuclear warfare against Soviet aggression
• negotiated mutual defense pacts with 43 countries who would join the US and oppose communism (“pactomania”)
• Eisenhower chooses Dulles in order to appease conservative republicans
• Eisenhower actually preferred conciliation not warfare
Central Intelligence Agency
• commanded by Allen Dulles
o brother of John Foster Dulles
• conducted foreign intelligence gathering
• involved in secret operations to topple communist regimes
• produced anti communist propoganda
• set up puppet govmts in Iran Philippines South Korea Iran and Guatemala to ensure America has democratic allies to counter soviet communist influence
Warsaw Pact
• SU sets up the “Warsaw pact” which is a nickname for the group of eastern European countries the SU took over to serve as a buffer zone for communism
• Warsaw pact set up to rival the western democracies
CIA coup in Iran (1953)
• US is scared the prime minister of Iran will open up Iran’s oil resources to the SU
• US needs to create a democratic ally to rival the soviet communists
• CIA overthrows the Iranian govmt in 1953 and replaces it with a pro American govmt (Shah Reza Pahlavi)
• US gains a democratic ally on the soviet border
• US prospers from Iranian oil
Guatemala (1954): United Fruit Company
• CIA helps rebels overthrow Guatemala’s govmt which was strongly influenced by the Guatemalan communist party
• the communist govmt had nationalized and redistributed tracts of land owned by the United Fruit Company
• the US overthrows the communist govmt and resotres the lands to the United Fruit Company
domino theory
• Eisenhower will not permit south vietnam to fall to communism
• if Vietnam falls to communists then the rest of Indochina will fall to communism also
• since China had fallen to communism the US see Indochina as a key battleground against communism
• French initially had control of Indochina but then they surrendered to the Vietnamese and gave up trying to re colonize it b/c there was so much resistance
• after the French gave up an international conference at Geneva divided Vietnam into north and south Vietnam (north for communism south for democracy) and set a date for elections to reunify Vietnam
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
• Eisenhower creates SEATO which is a group that vowed to fight communism in Vietnam (like NATO)
Ngo Dinh Diem
• CIA puts Diem in power of South Vietnam
• anti communist catholic
• US hopes that Vietnam will elect Diem (when the election to reunify Vietnam comes) and Diem will prevent the spread of communism into south Vietnam
• Diem oppressed Buddhists so people didn’t like him
• lots of opposition against Diem
Ho Ch Minh
• Nationalist (but really communist) leader of North Vietnam
Suez canal crisis, Egypt (1956)
• Gamal Abdel Nasser (leader of Egypt)
• US offers to finance a dam in Egypt to help modernize it
• Nasser purchases arms from Czechoslovakia (under SU influence) and recognized the People’s Republic of China→ Dulles cancels the offer to build a dam
• Nasser takes over the British owned Suez Canal in response
• Britain France Israel (all america’s allies) coordinate an attack on the suez canal to try to take it back- without consulting Eisenhower
• Eisenhower freaks out→ aggression towards the Arab egyptians could cause them to side with the SU and give them their oil resources
• Eisenhower forces them to not attack Egypt and the seuz canal
• crisis increases anti western sentiment in the third world
Eisenhower Doctrine (1957)
• in response to Suez Canal crisis Eisenhower tries to keep Arab oil supplies flowing to the west NOT the SU!!
• tried to keep the arab countries supporting the US
• proclamation that the US would send military aid and troops to any middle eastern nation threatened by “communist aggression”
• Eisenhower sent troops into countries to stop communists from taking power
o this angered the countries and increased anti western sentiment
Cuban Revolution (1959)
• Fidel Castro leads a rebellion and overthrows Cuba’s dictator
US Spy plane incident
• Soviets shot down a US spy plane
• Nikita Khrushchev (SU leader) displayed to the world the captured CIA pilot and the photos he took of the soviet missile sites
• Eisenhower refuses to apologize to the SU for spying
Sputnik (1957)
• 1957→ SU launches the first artificial satellite (Sputnik)
• SU demonstrates their technological superiority
• Sputnik II carried a dog to the moon
• US freaks out b/c the SU are technologically advanced
New industrial society
• electronics become the fifth largest American industry
• fertilizers and pesticides
• chemical and electronic industries expand
• oil replaces coal as main energy resource
• cars become 3rd largest industry
o IBM creates the Mark I (a giant calculator)
o US army creates the ENIAC (first electronic computer)
o manufactures use computers to monitor production lines and track inventory
o govmt use computers to compute the census
• big businesses literally control everything
o 3 TV networks, 3 car companies, 3 aluminum companies
• white collared workers outnumber blue collar workers for the first time
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962)
• 1962→ talked about how harmful fertilizers and pesticides are to the environment
• dramatized the problems cause by DDT
• led many states to ban DDT’s use
AFL-CIO merger (1955)
• AFL and CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) merge together to form AFL CIO
• united 85% of union members into a single federation
• worked for aggressive unionism
• demanded usual union demands
• 1950’s had fewer strikes than the 1930s
suburban life
• suburban middle class families buy so much stuff (refrigerators lawn mowers washing machines etc.) – also bought stuff on credit
• 85% of US homes built in 1950’s were in the suburbs
• many americans consider a house in the suburbs the american dream
• 1950’s→ spread of suburbanization
• suburban population doubles
• suburban families are the symbol of affluent society
• GI bill and new technologies like air conditioning make living in the sun belt (lower ¼ of the US) bearable
• more people migrate to the sun belt
• wheras before people were leaving the sun belt due to the dust bowl and bad farming conditions
• increased population of the sun belt increases republican popularity
• Americans idealize young couples who marry young and have babies
• 1950’s people got married at an early age and had babies sooner
• baby boon begins where birth rate skyrockets
• new medicine lowers infant mortality rate to protect children against things like polio
• Baby boom affects the rest of the century as the baby boom generation grows up
• 1950’s→ school construction boomed
• 1960’s→ college enrollment boomed
• 1970’s→ home construction peaks
• 1980’s 1990’s→ surge in retirement investments which sends stock market soaring
Elvis Presley and Rock-n-Roll
• 1950’s→ age of rock and roll
• extremely popular with teenagers and rock and roll lovers
Brown versus Board of Education

• outlawed segregation
• segregation is wrong
• separate but equal is wrong in itself
• before people said segregation was okay as long as its equal→ this case says separate is always wrong
Sweatt v. Painter (1950)
said segregation is okay but it has to be EQUAL
• later on brown v board of education outlawed segregation completely
Southern Manifesto (1956)
• 1956→ more than 100 segregationists in congress sign the southern manifesto
• denounced Brown decisino as “a clear abuse of judicial power”
• opposed desegregation
• segregationists resort to violent means to keep blacks from integration
Little Rock, Arkansas (1957)
• Little rock public schools receive a federal order to desegregate its schools
• Arkansas Governor Orval E Faubus mobilizes the state’s national guard to bar the 9 black students who were going to enter the white school
• another court order orders Faubus to withdraw the state troops
• angry mob of whites prevent black students from entering
• Eisenhower realizes American racism makes America look bad and gives the SU something to badmouth us about
• Eisenhower works to rid racism-→ dispatches federal troops to lead the blacks into the white school
• Faubus shuts down Little Rock public schools in protest
Civil Rights Act of 1957
• Eisenhower
• Established a permanent commission to investigate civil rights and ensure black rights and equality
• didn’t do a lot to guarantee black suffrage
• wasn’t very effective in ensuring black suffrage
Rosa Parks, Montgomery, Alabama (1955)
• Rosa parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a white man
• gets arrested
• example of civil disobedience
Montgomery bus boycott
• MLK leads a boycott on the busses
• for a year blacks didn’t ride the busses
• eventually the buses were desegregated in response to the protests
Martin Luther King, Jr.
• civil disobedience
• inspired by ghandi
• black rights
• Christian minister
• formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to organize nonviolent crusades for black rights