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35 Cards in this Set

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How does the skin regulate body temperature?

By producing sweat and maintaining the amount of blood flow near the body surface

Which glands secrete oil, or sebum, for hair and skin?

Sebaceous glands

Hair growth requires epidermal, tubelike structures called...

Hair follicles

A condition that involves inflammation of the serous membranes lining the chest cavity and covering the lungs is called...


A condition in which the serous membranes, which line the abdominal cavity and abdominal organs, are inflamed


What kind of glands are classified as sudoriferous, found primarily in armpit and genital regions, and secrete a thick milky substance that has a strong odor associated with it?


True or false: melanin is found in the dermis of the skin


The layer of tissue underneath the skin is called...

Subcutaneous tissue (adipose)

Cutaneous, serous, and mucous are which type of membranes?


What kind of membrane is the skin?


What are the two layers of tissue that compose a serous membrane?

An epithelial layer of simple squamous epithelium, and a connective tissue layer that forms a very thin, glue-like basement membrane that holds and supports the epithelial cells

What is the serous membrane that lines the walls of a body cavity called?


What type of serous membrane covers the surface of organs within a body cavity?


What is the serous membrane around each lung called?

The pleura

What is the serous membrane covering most of the organs in the abdominal cavity called?

The peritoneum

You don't have a pair of toes in this area

What is the serous membrane around the heart called?

The pericardium

And you don't have a pair of cards on this area

What kind of membranes line body surfaces opening directly to the exterior of the body?

Mucous membranes

What two layers are mucous membranes composed of?

An epithelial layer and a fibrous connective tissue layer

What is the fibrous connective tissue underlying the epithelium in mucus membranes called?

The lamina propria

What is the cell composition usually found in a mucous membrane?

Either stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelia

What is the transitional area that serves as a point of fusion where the skin and mucous membranes meet?

Mucocutaneous Junction

What are synovial membranes that line The Joint capsules classified as?

Connective tissue membranes

What small cushionlike sacs found between many moving body parts do synovial membranes line?


What does synovial fluid do?

It reduces friction between the opposing surfaces of bones in movable joints

What is subcutaneous tissue also called?

The hypodermis, or superficial fascia

Hair follicle

What two groups can sudoriferous glands be classified into?

Eccrine and apocrine

What is a blackhead also called?

A comedo

What are the functions of the skin?

Protection, temperature regulation, sense organ activity, excretion, synthesis of vitamin D


What are some waste products that the body secretes through sweat?

Uric acid, Ammonia, excess vitamins, drugs, hormones, and urea

What are the three most common types of skin cancer?

Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma

What does it mean for a carcinoma to metastasize?

To spread

What kind of skin cancer is the least likely to metastasize?

Basal cell carcinoma

What is the ABCDE rule for malignant melanoma?

Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving