Motivation as defined by Lamberton and Minor (2014), refers to the willingness to work toward accomplishing a particular goal or task. It is further defined as the ability to do whatever it takes to achieve a goal or purpose. I chose to further discuss this topic because I believe it is in essence the most important aspect of being in an organization as it is directly tied to the quality of output that the organization will achieve. If people are not motivated, work will suffer and that means the loss of profits for a company. Most people are motivated by a need for something and this leads them to push themselves at work and achieve a goal of success. Our text discussed various theories and how they relate to …show more content…
He argues that people have certain needs to motivate them in life and in their work and that includes power needs, affiliation needs and achievement needs. Power needs include for individuals who want to control and influence others and this can be in the form of being a CEO or a project manager who can control and influence subordinates. People with affiliation needs are those that want to be liked and accepted in their work place. This includes people who may turn down a promotion in the fear that it will make them unpopular and thus people will not like them or accept them. These tend to be people who have not exhibited self-disclosure and are completely dependent on the opinions of others to get through life. People that are motivated by achievement needs are those that are highly goal oriented and are able to be highly motivated because they can see an end goal in sight. I feel that I tend to be more achievement needs oriented because I like to set a goal and work towards it. I have no real power needs and would rather someone else assume the leadership role. I cannot discount my thoughts on affiliation needs because I also feel that it is important for me to be well liked at work and …show more content…
Hygienes are factors that make working at a particular company better and an example of this from my job would be a good health plan, free parking and good management. These factors are meant to make you comfortable in your job, but they alone are not able to sustain the motivation you have for your work. Motivators are intrinsic factors that are able to sustain the motivation at a job and in my practice this would be the sense of accomplishment that comes with performing successful CPR and saving a life, or working with a challenging septic patient who is on multiple medications to keep them alive. Motivators are factors that lead to advancement in your job and growth and I have noticed that this rings true for me in terms of advancing to care for increasingly complex patients and growing in my confidence as a