This can cause issues with keeping information about oneself private and may even lead to certain, critical information being leaked out onto the internet. As Dr. Robert Howell put it in an online article, “Providing the third party access to the detailed customer data would, again, be a violation of privacy rights. This area is very tricky, as individual customers provide, and lose control of, their individual data, and it only takes an individual or small group to use such data inappropriately” ( So, it's possible then for a person to do an untold amount of cyber-stalking, using personal data gathered off the internet to find exactly where people have been and where they go the most, what route they took to get there, or even phone numbers of relatives, friends, and coworkers. There is an ample amount of information that can be found on the internet and there is no good way of knowing who wants it and is going to use it maliciously. Somebody could have the location of you work, where your kids go to school, and even where you live. Thus, repealing net neutrality will lead down a dark road, where the solicitation of private data becomes the norm. Soliciting private needs to be stopped before it gets too out of …show more content…
They will have the ability to block, censor, and restrict access to websites of all kinds, throttle the speed of various sites and networks, effectively killing competition between businesses, and lastly, they can take data collected from customers selling said data to companies for a quick profit. This is the beginning of an era where the ability to have freedom over what people can say or do is slowly stripped away, with many organizations, groups, and individuals putting blocks over the nation's right to free speech. Many of these restrictions could have been avoided had the nation come together as whole, and tried putting an effort in to stopping it. How is it that over 50% of the nation wanted to keep a neutral and open internet, yet the nation lost it? What it seems to be is that not enough of the majority is fighting for what they believe in, and this will only lead to the loss of more things that people wish to