Usually it is categorized into three groups. Re-experiencing is reliving the events either by flashbacks, nightmares, or frightening thoughts. These types of symptoms may cause problems to their everyday routine. Sometimes they start from a person’s thoughts or actions but words or objects can trigger the experience yet again. Avoidance is staying away from places and such that reminds of the event. They can feel mentally and physically numb. A way a person can tell that if someone is suffering from PTSD is having one of these common symptoms such as, angry outburst or aggressive behavior, always being on guard for danger, self destructive behavior like drinking or taking drugs to escape the pain. These group of symptoms can drastically change their routine, they might change their life to avoid the thing that reminds them of their traumatic experience. Then there is hyperarousal, they are usually constant throughout their day. They can make a person feel tensed, stressed or even angry. Not everyone does experience these symptoms, since every person is different someone might feel an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame from the event or they are angry from it, even then the patient might not feel
Usually it is categorized into three groups. Re-experiencing is reliving the events either by flashbacks, nightmares, or frightening thoughts. These types of symptoms may cause problems to their everyday routine. Sometimes they start from a person’s thoughts or actions but words or objects can trigger the experience yet again. Avoidance is staying away from places and such that reminds of the event. They can feel mentally and physically numb. A way a person can tell that if someone is suffering from PTSD is having one of these common symptoms such as, angry outburst or aggressive behavior, always being on guard for danger, self destructive behavior like drinking or taking drugs to escape the pain. These group of symptoms can drastically change their routine, they might change their life to avoid the thing that reminds them of their traumatic experience. Then there is hyperarousal, they are usually constant throughout their day. They can make a person feel tensed, stressed or even angry. Not everyone does experience these symptoms, since every person is different someone might feel an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame from the event or they are angry from it, even then the patient might not feel